How many lbs did you lose before unknowing people started as



  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    ♥ After I lost my 1st 20!! What A feeling that was!!!! LUV IT!!!! Now Everybody at work calls me the THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN!!!

    I've lost as of today 49 pounds.. EVERYONE NOTICES NOW!!!! What a Motivator =)
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    4lbs. I hadn't lost a much weight but had been doing cardio and strength training for almost three weeks and I had three people ask me if I had slimmed down. Guess it pays off to be tall and carry my weight differently. Those types of comments are encouraging because they assure you people notice.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nearly 40lb and I just had my first comment by a co-worker. He was very nice about it and said "You look like you've been working out(?) You're looking good" I thought it was very delicately put and I wasn't insulted at all.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    The only person who noticed is my mother and my husband. Not one person at work has said a word to me.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I started MFP at 5'7" and 175 pounds with a goal of 145.

    10 pounds down my family noticed. Between 10 and 15 pounds down a few coworkers noticed. Nothing beats the first time someone notices your weight loss!
  • annieinna
    annieinna Posts: 4
    I started MFP when I was 140 lbs. Before MFP, I was 160 lbs. Family members notice when I lost 10 lbs! Now, I'm on 131 lbs and everyone I know noticed it.
  • andyj1984
    andyj1984 Posts: 76
    I've lost 30lbs and no one has commented or said anything yet... By the time I'm finished it should be pretty obvious though!
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    My mom started to notice around 10 lbs and others (like maybe 5) noticed around 15lbs. I have a big meeting in a week and I've lost the 15 since they last saw me -- I am wondering if anyone will say anything!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I think it was around 40-55 pounds. I'd get questions from people I used to work with, or that I took a class with my freshman year of college.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    ooh ooh!! someone noticed today!! she hasn't seen me since the summer and she had no idea i was dieting. =) yayyy!
  • swanfam4
    swanfam4 Posts: 41 Member
    I've lost 35 and only 1 person has asked/noticed so far....
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    6 pounds. But I lose first in the face and neck. I weighed 215 when I started. I have lost 8 lbs total and people are really starting to notice now. But I got comments about how much better I was looking at 6lbs.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Around 5 lbs when I got the first comment, and about 10 for the rest of them. It was probably more noticeable because I could wear my normal jeans again, which had been hidden in my drawer from the time I was about 5 months pregnant on. So that was probably a giveaway, haha.
  • BigNathan76
    BigNathan76 Posts: 16 Member
    I've lost 36lbs and nobody has noticed who didn't already know I was dieting/exercising. My roommates say they notice, but obviously, they know I'm on a fitness plan. My girlfriend says my thighs are smaller, which is nice. =). I know that there's a noticable difference in y face (take a look at my ticker), but others have failed to really notice. This is probably because I started at 375. I guess 375lb person standing next to a 339lb person might cause people to really study them to notice that one is lighter than the other by almost 40lbs. I honestly think I'll have take off another 20lbs before anyone really starts to take notice.

    Sad but true! I started at 425lbs about 4 months ago. It was 80lbs before anyone that didn't know I was trying said anything.
  • mad8588
    mad8588 Posts: 21 Member
    I started in January at 218lbs. People started saying something at around 200. About 190 people were asking what I was doing and comments about my clothes being too baggy. I'm at 181 now and people say something to me everyday about blowing away or how different I look. Some comments do kind of bother me like the blowing away one but generally people are nice and add on a you look good or mention how they want to do something to get better as well.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I had two people notice at around 10 lbs--my hairstylist, and my mom. When I hit about 15, a few more people that I've hit 29 lbs lost, I get comments constantly from coworkers, people at the gym, neighbors, acquaintances...I'm actually not at all offended. I was overweight before and now I look healthy and makes me feel good that people notice how hard I've worked to get fit...and I especially love when someone tells me I've inspired them to start running or eating healthier... I like sharing how excited I am about working out and getting fit!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I've only been working on this since last month, so about 3 weeks. Nobody has noticed so far. I can tell a bit in my belly and face but I am waiting for that "aha!" moment, yet!
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I don't think its because ppl don't notice when you have lost like 20 pnds or less it has more to do with whether or not they are sure they see a difference. Sometimes ppl look different and we aren't sure if its because they person got a new haircut, or got thier teeth whitened etc or if its weight loss. The more you lose the more obvious it becomes so you get more inquiry and ppl are more sure that that is the difference. And I think it depends on starting weight and how the person carries thier weight. NOW having said that, ppl in my circle noticed at the 15/20 pound area. But then they also new I was trying to lose weight and I post it everywhere! LOL So maybe they felt obligated to say something?
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    I don't remember when people actually started noticing -- i know it was before christmas 2009 but yea... but Christmas 2009... My aunt proudly told my other family members there that I had lost a lot of weight and I had lost abt 23 lbs at that time and they all said I looked great. (I started Feb 8th, 2009)... Now I'm down 30.6 lbs and people are definitely saying stuff :). My best friends told me that I looked great last time she saw me which was last friday (not yesterday), when she (and her son) and my other best friend came over to swim. It made me smile :)
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    About 10lbs lost, but I lost a fair bit off my face straight away
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