All the Amazing People click here & Introduce themselves.



  • Hi Ed, Love this thread.

    Name: MiLinda
    Status: Married with two kids
    Job: Stay at home mom (was laid off in April)
    Why I chose my screen name: Iamacraftymama - I crochet, bead, papercraft and do lots of other crafts,
    Music: I love whatever moves me. From Elvis gospel to Eminem to Andrea Bocelli and back to 80's music.
    Books: I LOVE Game of Thrones. My guilty pleasure is the Twilight Trilogy. Plus I love to read cookbooks.
    Starting Weight: 190 pds
    Height: 5'6
    Hair: Brown curly mess of hair.
    Nationality: Canadian, EH!
    Favorite TV Show: I like watching the Food Network and Say Yes to the Dress, Oh and Cake Boss.
    Hobbies: Gardening and crafting. Oh and I love a good lipgloss.
    Goals/Dreams: To travel the world. To have a home on a big piece of property where I can grow my own veggies. My garden is really small and I would love to grow and sell my own stuff.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Name: Paulissa
    Ht: 5’9” A tall drink of water

    Hair: Short brown. Eyes: Green
    Starting weight: 247 Current Weight: 197

    Status: Married, no kids but have a terrific furkitty named Zinger
    Job: Research Analyst, part time law student, gang interventionist
    Why I chose my screen name: I can’t stand it when people beat around the bush and I don’t either. Get on with it already and just say it!
    My style: Elegant. I like wearing dresses, suits and such but weekends will find me in jeans, a t-shirt and boots
    Hobbies/How I spend my time: Gardening, reading, crocheting, hiking, playing the djembe, harp or piano or dancing, writing (want to publish a book) and photography
    Fave Music: Blues, classic soul, opera, zydeco, pretty much anything but bluegrass, rap and hip hop
    Fave Books: Classics, history, fiction, fairy tales and fables
    Fave TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy.
    Fave Movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (original version)

    How would people describe your personality: Strong, compassionate, passionate, kind, goofy and generally upbeat. Singer, drummer, mental magician, righter of wrongs, voice for those who need defending and woman of worth. Too honest to be politically correct.
    Goals/Dreams: I hope t publish a few books of my writing and photography, finish college and make a difference in the lives of others
    For more on my story you can go here It’s not a pretty story but it has helped me to be the person I am
  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    Wow same starting weight and same current weight! ...way cool!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Very cool thread!!

    Name: Cris Anderson

    Ht: 5'7

    Starting Weight: 215

    Current Weight: 183

    Status: Single

    Hair: Dark brown

    Eyes: Kind of a dark hazel...they usually look brown though, till you get close.

    Job: Ha! Part time mechanic for now (don't laugh!)...I make more money bladesmithing though.

    Why I chose my screen name: Its my name and my favorite number...and 27 is also my birth date

    My Style: What you see is what you get...from dirty work clothes to relaxed shorts or jeans and a t-shirt. I can dress up, but mostly I like comfortable clothes of nice quality.

    Hobbies: Bladesmithing, fast (and I mean 9-10 second 1/4 mile) daily drivable Mustangs, reading, writing, art (graphic and pen/pencil)...lots of stuff I guess.

    Music: Love rock music (modern, metal, some pop, 80's/90's/classic), everything from Breaking Benjamin and Seether to Drain STH and Disturbed to Matchbox 20 and (gasp!) even Britney Spears (hey! I said pop too!). I used to love country but it's gotten REALLY lame over the years.

    Books: Mostly fantasy. George RR Martin, Robert Jordan, Steven Brust, I've got a pretty extensive library...and have read them all at least 10x.

    TV Shows: Haha...I don't watch much modern netflix plays Buffy and/or Ghost Whisperer almost exclusively =D. The kids LOVE them both lol.

    Movie: Too many to name...Mr. and Mrs. Smith usually comes to mind first...though it's not necessarily my favorite.

    How would people describe your personality? This is a tough one...I know how I'D describe my personality...and it's probably the opposite of how others describe me. Most people tend to think I'm very the point of biting lol. *shrug*...dunno here.

    Goals/Dreams: Finally get my prereq's finished so I can get into and finish Pharmacy school. Well, that or win the lottery lol.

  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    Name: Stacy

    Ht: 5’6"

    Hair: Strawberry Blonde (actually short but I wear extensions most of the time)

    Eyes: Blue

    Starting weight: 190 Current Weight: 158

    Status: Terribly complicated...married 19 years but separated and heading for divorce (I will always love him, he doesn't love me like a husband should love a wife). Mother of 2 boys, 18 & 23.

    Job: Critical Care Resource Nurse & love it

    Why I chose my screen name: I want to be fun and live to my "max"imum potential

    My style: I like wearing form fitting clothes (now that I have lost some weight). It feels good to be thinner and attractive again. I love a comfy pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

    Hobbies/How I spend my time: I work too much. The most important thing I do for me is working out regularly. I love visiting National Parks (I hope to take a travel assignment maybe next year and get closer to some of them). I enjoy traveling and seeing new places. I am a photographer at heart. I love taking pictures of all the wonderful places I have had an opportunity to visit. I even received an Honorable Mention in the National Parks Photo Contest last year (with a picture of a moose drinking water).

    Fave Music: I like all kinds of, rock, christian, hip/hop, dance

    Fave Books; I am not a big reader

    Fave TV Show: Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones

    Fave Movie: Whatever is on in front of me at the time

    How would people describe your personality: I think I would be described as fun, outgoing, and smart. I am confident & sometimes a little cocky (but not in an ugly way). I believe in happily ever after romance (I am looking forward to the day that I find it). I love to laugh & smile. I am pretty direct, you will know how I feel most of the time. I can be quiet and reserved but given the right circumstances I can be completely wild and free.

    Goals/Dreams: I want to find the man of my dreams and share the rest of my life with him. I want to retire from nursing around 55 and travel. While traveling I will be an amateur photographer. My dream includes being a passenger on the back of a Harley with the man of my dreams. I am looking forward to tomorrow...whatever it may bring.

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