2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    For those of you who have posted and not had anyone message you; you might want to read through the discussion and reach out to a few folks; even though we are asking people to reach out to the mentors, lots of folks have posted in here looking for mentors. Thanks much for volunteering! @michaela_g09 @eoin21
  • SarahPeluso92
    SarahPeluso92 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello. I am Sarah and a single mother of an almost 2 year old.

    I weigh 2x what I did before pregnancy and would like to get back to my prepregnancy weight. My excess weight is starting to cause me heath problems (diabetes, hypoactive thyroid) and is starting to effect my relationship with my daughter (due to having NO energy).

    I am not very active due to always being to tired to do anything. After my daily tasks are done I do not have the energy (and motivation) to do anything extra and I really need help with that.

    I soley take care of my almost 2 year old so I do not get any alone time. That also effects what I can do.

    I also suffer from extreme depression. Some of which is weight related. I'm at a loss. I have tried this before and given up because I have seen no improvement. This is my last hope.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've been away so long that I feel like a noob.
  • kgscas
    kgscas Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. If there's someone out there still looking to encourage and motivate a noob on MyFitnessPal I'd be interested. I am a 54 year old working mom, wife, community activist and I'd like to lose about 25-30 pounds. We eat relatively well, I just eat too much and don't exercise enough (hardly at all recently due to a few minor injuries)... I'd benefit from a buddy, a mentor and sometimes a good kick in the butt! Message me if you're interested in being my mentor please.
  • dorrisann
    dorrisann Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all :) My name is Dorris and I just joined MFP yesterday after I took a test with an online app called test your heart age. The test showed that my heart age is 72 years of age. I almost had a heart attack reading that number. Once I got over the shock I decided then and there that I am doing something about my health. I am raising a 14 year old Autistic granddaughter. I need to be here and healthy for her not just myself. I am 52 turning 53 this November. I am as rock bottom as one can be physically. I have been disabled since 2002 due to several failed back surgeries. I am at 253 pounds. I have numerous health issues such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, moderate depression, high cholesterol, severe pain and I just feel plain awful and tired. Although I am limited to what exercises I can do I know that I can walk. Maybe not a marathon walk at first but who knows what's in the future. But I am here to focus on the here and now. I have already cut back on calories, sugar and fat and so on. I am committed to doing this and being completely honest with myself and my mentor if someone wants the task. I should mention that from time to time I use a cane but that is something I hope to eliminate as time goes on. Thank you in advance for reading my post and for considering me as someone worthy to be mentored.
  • Jenaonfire
    Jenaonfire Posts: 17 Member
    Hello peoples.

    I am a 40 year old full time student, full time homeschooling mom, full time housekeeper and part time library volunteer. I am a hermit as much as my schedule allows me to be. I desperately need a workout buddy/mentor. I am looking for someone who will encourage me and not just tell me (as some here have done) "You just have to do it". Yeah, I get that, but that doesn't *encourage me* to do anything. I don't have a specific plan I follow. I have Kayla Itsines' workouts, a Y membership and a few pieces of home equipment. I love group exercise but am so socially awkward, it's hard to join a new group.

    I come off "bed rest" from a surgery tomorrow and hope to get in gear first thing Monday morning. I have a FitBit Zip that I just bought and will eventually upgrade if I see I am utilizing the Zip.

    I don't have a specific goal - just getting fit. In my profile, I put 160lbs because that seems doable and I know I look fairly good at that weight. But like I said, I'm looking for fitness, not a number on a scale.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Is this thread still active? If so I need help. I am currently 56 plus pounds heavier than I was 2 years ago. I can not seem to break away from eating bad and being lazy. I have good intentions but if I falter for a day I just kind of give up and give in. My clothing does not fit, even the stuff I have bought when I put on the weight, and I DO NOT want to have to buy larger clothes. I am a 35 year old male with 2 small kids, I have a gym membership and I am a chef. I just need some guidance. Thank you Mike
  • Ian8567
    Ian8567 Posts: 11 Member
    19yo, 6'1 286lbs with a goal of 220. I need someone to help keep me on track at least for the first little bit. Please PM me.
  • BetrGetThin
    BetrGetThin Posts: 3 Member
    Is this still happening? These post are from 2014. Thanks!
  • abismom2111
    abismom2111 Posts: 4 Member
    I could really use some help on this journey trying to lose weight and be healthy not only for myself but for my children as well I'm very new to this site. Take me under your wing? :)
  • stu441982
    stu441982 Posts: 2 Member
    Is this program still running? Would anyone be happy to Mentor me? Could do with any tips and encouragement as have a long road ahead :-(
  • Matto4372
    Matto4372 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Matthew and I am 24years old, looking for a mentor that doesn't mind a challenge. I have been overweight for most of my adult life however my weight sky rocketed last year when my mom began losing her fight with cancer. When she passed it just seemed like I couldn't gain weight fast enough. Last week I weighed myself and was shocked to see that I now weigh a staggering 430 pounds. I have dieted before and taken diet pills but those were always temporary fixes and I am now looking for a life changing weight loss because I know now that if I continue on with this weight gain I doubt I'll live to see 40. So please if there are any mentors willing to help get me started on the right path I would greatly appreciate it. I find myself lost and facing this huge number I need to lose to consider myself healthy with no idea where to begin.
  • Tsoggo
    Tsoggo Posts: 114 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi i am a noob. I am a full time student. I am currently 105kg. I am 18 years old guy 5feet 10 inches tall. I lost 25 kg for about 3 months(summer vacation). But now classes started i need some guidance on home exercises with no gym equipments. I have no time going to gym. A mentor sounds good
  • irishdancer214
    irishdancer214 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello!!! I think this is a great idea :)

    My name is Geneva, I'm 20, from PA, United States. I love keeping busy...I work, go to school, attend church, and I do competitive Irish dancing.

    Back in middle school/early high school I decided to lose weight...which went well until my dad lost his job and I lived with Anorexia for 2-3 years. I made some wonderful friends who "pulled me out of the darkness" (for lack of better terms)...but I did gain about 40+ pounds during my recovery. MFP has been a life-changer... It has allowed me to lose weight and become healthier without obsessing over calories and losing my life...I finally have a healthy relationship with food (not perfect, but I feel normal again)! I'm pretty sure I've lost more like 25 pounds (I've been getting TONS of compliments and people asking if I've lost weight), rather than the 13 I have tracked on here, but I refuse to define myself by a number. When my size 9/10 jeans got too big, I bought new ones, simple as that.

    I'm happy to mentor one or two people, any age, male or female (although female might be better)...and if you've struggled with an eating disorder or anything in the past, I'm happy to support you!
  • mariamwhatandwhy
    mariamwhatandwhy Posts: 59 Member
    Hello, I'm mariam.
    I'm looking for a mentor, and I don't mind him/her giving me hard work/ extreme diet.
    As I am currently having a gap year, so I'm all free.
    Will someone adopt this hard-working noob? <<<< o:)
  • LizzySkitty
    LizzySkitty Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a noob. :) I'm Elizabeth and I'm 17 and trying to get in shape, loose weight and eat healthier. I'm looking for a mentor. I like art and singing and I'm currently going to Cosmetology school to become a hair dresser. Do you want to adopt me?!:)
  • TRoseHarvest
    TRoseHarvest Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm a noob looking for as many friends as possible to keep me motivated. I'm a 22 year old female that's looking to lose about 23 pounds.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    I don't know if this thing is still going (it's a great idea, but seems a lot of these posts are over a year old), but for anybody who has posted recently, if you're looking for support and encouragement, please feel free to join the group I started yesterday. (You can find it under the group section, & it's titled Slim By Summer) There are 15 of us so far and we're not following a specific plan or anything; the point of it is to find people to walk this often-difficult path with and to cheer each other on along the way. Please feel free to join if you're looking for friends to share with! :)
  • hsejar
    hsejar Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone, hope you all are well. Am new to this and looking for a mentor to help me stick to my goals. I am male, 83 kg and 5ft 8 and trying to lose a bit of weight. I have been yoyoing for many years and trying to look for lifestyle changes. I can never seem to get to a weight and shape I am happy with. I work out quite a lot and my real problem is the food I eat. My main issue is portion size, eating too many calories, and always wanting to eat something. I even eat healthy foods most of the time, but am constantly wanting to eat something or snack. I don't crave sugary foods, savoury snacks etc but when I do eat them I lack will power. If I eat a biscuit I will eat the whole packet. I struggle if i know there are biscuits, crisps etc in the house and struggle not to eat them. Am looking to develop an eat in moderation approach and to have better will power and discipline. I tried the cheat day thing which ends up being a cheat weekend usually. Is any one free to help and mentor?
  • tiptoestu
    tiptoestu Posts: 4 Member
    I am looking for folks to stay motivated with. I just changed gyms and I feel like I've lost all motivation. I went from Lifetime Fitness to LA fitness... sucks.
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