protein shakes...



  • And in the meantime, if anyone has studies contradicting what I've said, please post them.
  • Here are a couple of studies. Again, I am not saying that protein shakes should be avoided or are not helpful in reaching your daily protein goals, I'm simply stating that the timing of ingestion is irrelevant. Daily nutrition is what is important. Here is a post from Alan Aragon summing up what I'm trying to say.

    Post workout:

    For protein PRE workout:
  • Soooo...

    If it doesn't matter when you drink protein shakes (based on a couple of studies versus dozens that say otherwise), then it won't hurt one bit to drink one an hour before a workout and another immediately after a workout. Regardless of which argument is correct, you're still receiving a benefit from the protein shakes.

    Simple enough.
  • It is interesting to note that the abstract for the last study to which you linked states:

    "Ingestion of an essential amino acid-carbohydrate (EAA + CHO) solution following resistance exercise enhances muscle protein synthesis during postexercise recovery. It is unclear whether EAA + CHO ingestion before resistance exercise can improve direct measures of postexercise muscle protein synthesis"

    This study acknowledges that, at the very least, POST-workout ingestion of a protein shake does work to enhance protein synthesis. So your argument is inconsistent, at best, and even if true that "it doesn't matter" when you drink the shakes, it certainly can't hurt to drink one before and after a workout.
  • Soooo...

    If it doesn't matter when you drink protein shakes (based on a couple of studies versus dozens that say otherwise), then it won't hurt one bit to drink one an hour before a workout and another immediately after a workout. Regardless of which argument is correct, you're still receiving a benefit from the protein shakes.

    Simple enough.

    Again, like I said a number of times above, my point is not that the protein shakes are not helpful in reaching a certain DAILY protein goal, I am simply stating that the TIMING is irrelevant.


    1. Protein shakes can be helpful in reaching a daily amount of protein.
    2. The timing by which you ingest those shakes< daily macronutrient ingestion.

  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Is it a myth that protein intake the first hour of waking up is beneficial?
  • "when should I drink them, before or after a workout?"

    That is the OP. I was simply responding to the question.

    If the question was "is drinking a protein shake helpful in reaching my protein goals"?

    I would've repsonded, "yes, if you find it hard to reach your goals from whole food sources."

    Simple enough.
  • Soooo...

    If it doesn't matter when you drink protein shakes (based on a couple of studies versus dozens that say otherwise), then it won't hurt one bit to drink one an hour before a workout and another immediately after a workout. Regardless of which argument is correct, you're still receiving a benefit from the protein shakes.

    Simple enough.

    Could you please post one of the dozens of studies looking directly at the timing of ingesting protein shakes offering benefits vs. daily protein intake?
  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    OK. What ever any one claims a "proof" or not, when I drink a protein shake within an hour post work out I feel better. I have also noticed that one in the morning also really helps when I a little sore or stiff the next day.
    SO I say experiment a little and listen to YOUR BODY. Both my husband and I have noticed a difference with muscle fatigue when taking it AFTER our work out.

    Good luck!
  • Having a citation war with you is not what I really want to spend time doing (especially when I'm not even disagreeing with you), but since you asked:

    And that was just the first two pages from a simple Google search. An actual search of various physiology journal archives would turn up many more.

    Please remember that I don't necessarily disagree with you that timing is less important than what many people may believe. Therefore, there is no harm done if people continue to take protein shakes before or after workouts. But there is a large amount of literature that suggests timing is important. I would at least acknowledge that there is debate among the scientific community and leave it at that.

    If it doesn't matter when you drink protein shakes (based on a couple of studies versus dozens that say otherwise), then it won't hurt one bit to drink one an hour before a workout and another immediately after a workout. Regardless of which argument is correct, you're still receiving a benefit from the protein shakes.

    Simple enough.

    Could you please post one of the dozens of studies looking directly at the timing of ingesting protein shakes offering benefits vs. daily protein intake?
  • I can absolutely agree that there is no harm in ingesting protein shakes can be nothing but beneficial.

    I understand we are on the same page that the timing is largely irrelevant, and total daily macronutrient consumption is what should be focused on.
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