A real eye opener for me.



  • Jake3844
    Jake3844 Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2015
    Four to five pounds of that is probably water weight. If not, at least a couple are. So let's say you gained 7 pounds, you'll lose that in no time. Losing 9 pounds in a month isn't bad at all. You're not doing too bad, I wouldn't let it get to you. Just keep moving forward and don't give up.
  • christyg74
    christyg74 Posts: 87 Member
    I have had the same thing happen everytime I have been in the hospital and got IV fluids. It will come off quickly. Relax ~
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    Thank you for all of your wonderful support and advice! It has really helped me have a much more positive and realistic outlook.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    I'm gonna 100th what others are saying. It's water, EASILY.

    you know they put drains in after surgery for a reason right!
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited November 2015
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Don't worry, if you just had surgery your body is likely retaining a good bit of water, it is part of the trauma and healing process. You will loose most of it while you recover unless you have been really overdoing it with your diet.

    ETA: Don't start eating 1300 unless you have your doctor's approval, you need to heal.

    This...post surgery there is going to be fluid retention for sure. Breath.

    This again... because you know, for the vast majority of surgeries that require even the slightest bit of cutting, they actually pump a metric **** ton of saline into you to control your blood pressure. Last time someone did that to me (cancer free 8 years minus one month!) I looked like the michelin man for 3 weeks, and that was back when I was thin... So yes, do please give it some time before you go hard on yourself:)
  • BettyBoles
    BettyBoles Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, you should consult your doctor about your food and before reducing your calorie intake. Do some exercise as much as possible.
  • malioumba
    malioumba Posts: 132 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    So you honestly think you're eating 4500 calories a day? Is someone bringing in all your food from Sonic & the Cheesecake Factory. Really, it's probably just water weight.

    Lol, I can easily eat 4,000 calories a day if I don't watch it. xD
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    hamelle2 wrote: »
    I had a major surgery 11 days ago. Finally got on the scale today and I have gained 9 lbs. It took me a month to lose those 9 #!!!
    My sedentary tdee is 1844. So to gain those 9# I must be averaging 4500 calories per day. The sad part is I bet I don't lose those 9 # in 11 days. Some weight may be water but my stomach and thighs have definitely expanded. I'm going to start eating 1300 calories again and see what the next 11 days brings. So sad. : (
    over the past 18 months I've had three lots of surgery, stomach twice and shoulder. Do not cut calories too quickly, believe me it does hinder your recovery. Be patient you will definitely lose the weight again, sometimes we don't look at the long term issues caused by not recovering before we restrict our calories.

    Best wishes to full recovery. .....patience :)

    That doesn't mean live on cream cakes lol!!!