Get a scale people!



  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    I first started using it today. I had chicken cutlets for lunch, and my eyeballing had me eating less than what I was allowed. Hallelujah! So, I will be using it until I can eyeball with much less error, in case I get out to a restaurant that doesn't have a scale at my Back in my Weight Watchers time, we used to call the miscellaneous items that we put in our mouth but not in our diary the BLTs (bites, licks and tastes). Corralling those in was huge for those who had stalled or plateaued and saw the loss almost immediately. It seems the scale will do that as well.
  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    So, question. I don't use a food scale, and I do estimate some things (meat mostly). I've been losing at exactly the rate that MFP predicts I will, with no issues. Does this just mean that I'm really good at estimating, or is it still worth it to get a digital scale?

    I'd wait until a 4-6 week stall before changing up my logging. So, i'd suggest you keep doing what you're doing now until it stops working, and only then, look at ways to improve your accuracy
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    So, question. I don't use a food scale, and I do estimate some things (meat mostly). I've been losing at exactly the rate that MFP predicts I will, with no issues. Does this just mean that I'm really good at estimating, or is it still worth it to get a digital scale?

    That's how I judge how I'm doing, too. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    So, question. I don't use a food scale, and I do estimate some things (meat mostly). I've been losing at exactly the rate that MFP predicts I will, with no issues. Does this just mean that I'm really good at estimating, or is it still worth it to get a digital scale?
    If what you're doing is working, no need to bother weighing all the food. It's a pain in the butt, especially for those who cook by tossing stuff in and not by following recipes. Major pain!!!

    If you find that you're not losing, you can drop the calories or start weighing things on a scale, either way.

    Many people find that they learn a lot when using a scale. I know I did! It will help you to get the best possible estimate on how many calories you're swallowing. Food scales are a huge plus for many people!

    But they aren't necessary to lose weight, as you've already learned. And, again, can be a pain in the butt.

    If your current plan is working, don't fix it. :)
  • sweetsriracha23
    sweetsriracha23 Posts: 14 Member
    This this this. Buying a scale is my #1 recommendation to anyone who's tracking but not losing. I think mine cost less than $10 at Walmart!
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Yeah so important... I've been eating half or a whole Lenny and Larry's cookie every day now for like two weeks. The package says the cookie weighs 112g, but the smallest cookie I've had I think was 120g and one was a whooping 137g. So they are all 30-120 calories more than they should be. Being in maintenance, that would lead to weight gain if I trusted the label
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    I weigh everything I can. I even have a travel scale I keep in my bag. The other day I was hungry and bought a bag of pumpkin seeds for a snack. I'm in my car weighing out a portion of pumpkin seeds wondering what a cop would think if he/she walked by the car at that particular moment. :smiley:
  • sobiakhatoon
    sobiakhatoon Posts: 128 Member
    What scale did you buy? Please mention size, type, price and stord. Thanks!
    I just started using a food scale and I am just amazed at how much food I was eating vs how much I "thought" I was eating. If you are seriously wanting to lose some weight then this is the way to go. Eyeballing it is so way off. I was one of those people who thought weighing every little thing was ridiculous and would take up too much of my time. Boy are my eyes opened now to how essential this simple and lost cost piece of equipment is to weight loss. You're welcome:)

  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    What scale did you buy? Please mention size, type, price and stord. Thanks!

    I just ordered this as a second scale. $11.49 on Amazon. Free delivery if you have Prime.

    AmazonBasics Digital Kitchen Scale with LCD Display
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    I love my scale. I think it's fun! And I think logging is fun too. I'm one of those weird people who likes to fill out paperwork at the DMV though, it's not for everyone. I just love putting one letter per box in the little boxes, it's satisfying the same way checking to-do lists off is satisfying. I could happily use a scale and calorie monitor forever. I really enjoy it. I would say the only time a scale is "required" for weight loss is if you're not very good at portion guesstimation (like me) and it's causing you to go over so much you're not experiencing any progress.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited November 2015

    This is the one I got. It's pricier than most but it's SUPER accurate (I'm in colorado, and yes I borrowed a set of scaled weights from a friend who smokes pot.......legally now) and I love the glass topper. Really easy for seeing the weight beneath, and even easier to clean. I picked it because I didn't wanna wait for shipping (impatient me) and because the first review on it was this dude who bought it, said "I'll try it" and then came back and re-reviewed it 3 years later and it was still working great! Can't beat it for longevity apparently:)

    ETA: I don't smoke pot and never have. But I was grateful for the calibration weights:)