Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-June 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Andrea that really surprises me that it is that hot with that much humidity so far up North! That is about how bad it has been here, but I live in Missouri! Just try not to get too hot and drink lots of water!

    Amy yeah the couples workout isn't my style either. But I get really bored with the workouts that I do but it isn't so bad if I have my friend to workout with and slowly but surely she is able to get back into it.

    Welcome DCg8r! And congrats on the baby! I think you can start prenatal yoga at any point. I bought a dvd and it is a little too easy for me, but nice for stretching. As far as the classes go, I start my first Bradley Method class on July 9th and I will be 23 weeks pregnant. But it is a 10-12wk class. Some people just take the hospital class about a month before having the baby. Just check out what is available in your area and research what kind of birthing experience you want (I'm going to try going natural hence me choosing The Bradley Method).

    So last night I woke up at 244am to get up to relieve my bladder and laid back down and for the life of me could NOT fall back asleep! I laid there for a good 2+ hours tossing and turning. My brain would not shut off and then I got hungry! This never happens to me. I fall asleep very quickly and easily and usually get up in the middle of the night once or twice to go to the bathroom and fall right back asleep. I hope this is a one time thing and not a trend cause now I'm tired and it is only 10am! I need to workout and get cleaned up cause I am going to the city today to have lunch with a good friend of mine and then I have an appointment to get my hair done. I know it will be a good day, just wish I weren't so exhausted! Well I'm off to make an attempt at denting the calorie amount I will be indulging at lunch!

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful day!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Well, I just put my info on the old thread so I guess I'll bump over here.
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member

    I'm with you. I am set at 1600 and most days I do at least something to give me more calories which I rarely eat back, instead end up around 1500-1600. I have been aiming for 1200 for months now and I can't get over the mindset of not gaining a ton of weight so I'm kind of struggling. Plus, I used to have around 2000-3000 calories in alcohol a week probably (yeah....I love the wine)

    I had a really hard time eating those extra calories in the beginning. I too was staying around 1200, but that was to allow room for my wine. My doctor wanted to bump me up to 2000 right away. I stay around the 1800-2000 range and have gained about 8 pounds. I no longer have trouble finding calories to eat since my appetite is up :smile: Extra bread, pasta, potatoes, beans and peanut butter for me.
  • I'd love to join. My name is Maggie and I am 4 months pregnant with my first. I am 23 years old and I have always been fit, and want to make sure I stay on top of my diet while pregnant. I have heard too many horror stories of women thinking they can eat whatever they want because they're pregnant and end up gaining too much and not being able to lose it post pregnancy!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome Maggie! Jump right in!

    I am going to the lake this weekend and staying at a cabin with my family to celebrate my sister's 23rd birthday. It will be fun and a great way to pass the time waiting for another week to go by before my hubby comes home! YAY! He should be home on either Friday or Saturday next week so I'm super excited! I will be walking a lot this weekend, but besides that, no workouts for me. Back into my routine on Monday. I did awesome this week with my goal of only eating out once! I'm pretty proud of that.

    Well I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and make lots of healthy choices! :)
  • Hello! I'm new to the website and I'm thrilled there's a pregnancy thread! I'm setting my custom goals and wondering if anyone can help guide me on the percentage of carbs to protein to fat recommended for a healthy pregnancy weight gain? This is my first pregnancy, I'm very excited and my learning curve is super steep right now. I'm almost at 12 weeks. Thanks!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Good for you Heather! Congrats on sticking to your goal. Sounds like it's going to be a great week for you leading up to hubby's arrival home, too! I'm so happy for you.

    I'm working all weekend - Sad to be missing out on 'family fun time' my husband will be having with Colby. The only upside to work is I pack a healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks for my 12 hour shift so I always feel good when I walk out of there. No excess snacking - won't even hit up the vending machines when cravings call! My goal was to walk on my 1.5 hour break at work - but I find I'm so tired from waking up at 5:20 am each morning I have a nice nap instead! Oh well, I know that's important, too.

    Lately I've been thinking I really, really, REALLY can't wait to get back to hardcore non-pregnant exercise. I miss it lots. I have Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down I'm going to try this time. From there I'm assuming I'll go back to JM's 30 Day Shred. I loooove those workouts! Thinks to look forward to, but all in good stride.

    Have a great weekend, Ladies!

    Go Canucks Go!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hey girls. Just wanted to say I completed my 5km race last night in 29:02! So happy I made it under 30, I hope to get better by the end of summer ( or at least till I can't run anymore lol) . I love still being active when pregnant. You get to feel extra awesome about yourself, when you see so many people happy they finished, and you can say you finished too, but with an extra person tagging along lol. I find signing up for more races makes me keep being active, so if any of you are having trouble keeping motivated, maybe sign up for something you enjoy so you will want to keep going. Heres a pic from before the race !

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Great job Andrea! Keep it up. I'm 28 weeks and still running too. ;-) I'm much slower, but still feeling good.

    Hope you had a great weekend with your family Heather. Good job with meeting your goals. Final week countdown - whoo hoo!

    Amy, always good to hear from you. Glad to hear you are managing with being back at work, it's got to be tough with the 12 hour shifts. I too find being at work makes it really easy to stick with my nutritional goals. I pack a healthy lunch and snacks and that's all I get. No junk - yeah!

    Wishing everyone a great week ahead.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    stohlee welcome! I would just go with what MFP has for the percentages and set your calories to maintenance calories. Jump right in!

    Andrea, looking fabulous lady! Love the shirt. Congrats on the great time for your run! Very inspiring! Keep up the awesome work.

    Amy great job on setting yourself up for success with your meals/snacks, rest, and exercise! All key elements to staying healthy. I'm also missing intense workouts. I'm craving a great group workout with music blasting, people energy pumping me up, and an awesome burn and sweat! It has been way too long. You are doing awesome!

    I had a pretty good time at the lake with my family. I ate way too much and exercised..well...not at all. I'm back into my routine today though and have already worked out for an hour and just have 45 mins of spinning and then yoga. Saturday was my sister's 23rd birthday and her and I were sitting in the cabin watching some tv (roughing it huh?! lol) when the baby started really moving/kicking. I had my sister put her hand on my belly and the baby kicked her hand. She said that was the best birthday present she could have gotten. It was a great moment. My husband was bummed that he wasn't there not only for the weekend with the family, but feeling the baby too. Still waiting to see if he is coming home on Friday or Saturday. Lots of awesome things happening in the next week. A week from today we get to see our baby and find out if Jack or Charlee is in there! :)

    Well my awesome, fit, and fabulous ladies...I hope you have an awesome week and make lots of healthy choices!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Where are all my girls at?! Tell me your goals for the week! Mine are to workout at least 2 hours each day for 5-6 days this week and to not eat out at all until my hubby gets home next weekend!

    I've come to the conclusion that until this baby is born I can't eat my regular scrambled egg breakfast. I choked it down this morning and I feel "icky" now...I used to eat 2 free range organic scrambled eggs over sauteed spinach and sliced tomato EVERY single morning. Now the thought of that makes me wanna hurl! Oh well, guess I will have to get my 2 egg a day quota some other way. Protein in the morning has been a struggle. Hopefully the amount I have the rest of the day is sufficient enough. What are you ladies eating for breakfast??
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm here! I am going between oatmeal and maple syrup and Kashi cereal in the mornings. Also trying to eat a scramble about once a week. Good way to start th eday, then I am not starving by 10am!

    A little bummed here. Weighed in today after keeping my calories at 1500-1900 all week, and working out at least 30 minutes a day, and found I am still gaining weight! Up another 1/2lb. This seems way to early to be gaining still, I am thinking about lowering my new calories to the lower side of my range, 1500. However, I am now at 7 weeks, and my breasts are aching every day, I wonder if I am gaining weight there, They are looking and feeling bigger for sure. This is just so frustrarting! I really don't want to gain a ton of weight with this pregnancy! Anyone else gaining this early? Suggestions?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I forgot to weigh on Thursday; I was leaving for vacation. I logged some stuff and got some exercise in while I was away, so not sure if I'll be up this week or not. I am 8 weeks today and as of a week and a half ago only up one pound. We'll see on Thursday. And then I have my first appointment next Thursday. Yay!

    My goals for the week are to get some kind of activity in 5 days this week. I'd like to strength train 2-3 times this week. I went and ran and hiked some trails Sunday and plan on walking my dog this afternoon and also getting ready to walk to lunch.

    I'm feeling pretty good. As for breakfast - I vary from day to day. This moring I had Greek yogurt and a granola bar. A lot of mornings I have oatmeal with flax, walnuts and blueberries. Some mornings I eat totally random stuff. I have been hungry most mornings over the past few weeks which is not normal. And tired....but not really sick!

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    My weight keeps going up and down. I have been eating a lot of salty food lately and am probably retaining water. Tomorrow I have my 3rd midwife appt and she is going to want to make sure I gained weight, which I have been. This morning I weighed in at 149 (which will prob be back to 148 tomorrow lol), which means I will have gained 5lbs by the 5th month. I had my ultrasound friday and all the measurements and such are right on track, so I know the baby is not eating too little. I eat tons! I wish I had this metabolism when I wasn't pregnant lol.

    Goals this week are to rest up for my traithlon saturday. I have been doing small workouts each day but nothing too crazy, I really want to be top 3 this year so need to be on my game.
    Food wise goal is to stay away from the fast food/ take out and start eating veggies again! I felt nauseous today and yesterday probably from eating all this terrible junk for too long.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hmmm, can't help but to compare this pregnancy with my last... Curiosity got the the better of me and a photo ensued - but the file is too wide and not displaying properly in this forum. Got frustrated and gave up!

    Almost a year and a half later - 26 weeks in pregnancy #1 and #2 - I weigh the exact same. The belly may be bigger though! Scary thought considering I put on 54 pounds total with #1 (2 weeks overdue).

    My goals you ask? Stay active!!!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    I'm kind of boring for breakfast ideas - I eat Kashi cereal with yogurt for breakfast on the mornings I work. My job makes it tough to snack, so I have to make sure I have something with good fiber and protein to keep me going. This has been my standard breakfast for years. On the three days a week I don't work I quite often have cottage cheese, oatmeal and fruit. Not all mixed together! I usually have hard-boiled eggs a couple times a week for part of my lunch.

    otm25 (Autumn, I think?) - I swear the five pounds I gained first trimester was all in my breasts! I've never been a small chested girl, but I have to say it's pretty ridiculous with how large I am now. The pain definitely goes away, but they still keep growing....I cannot believe people pay money to get them this big....I just want my D back!

    Heather - glad your sister got to feel the baby move, what a cool birthday gift. There will be plenty more opportunities for your husband to feel all those movements too, he'll love it! It's amazing how all the moving increases as you get farther along.

    My goals this week are to continue with the activity and to eat healthy. I have graduated to doctor's appointments every two weeks now, so I will go again next week. So far the weight gain has been within goal and I am trying to maintain that.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow. Also wanted to share Cindy's new Fit Preggo video
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    I think it's natural to put on a few pounds early on with your growing ta tas and retaining fluids. I gained 2 in the beginning and then lost 3 before I started gaining again.

    Goal this week...fill up on healthy snacks instead of junk. Doing a pretty good job so far, stocked up on lots of fresh fruit. These past few weeks I've become soooo hungry! Last week I found myself going for my husbands ice cream and chips.

    Probably won't get in too much activity. I'm restricted from working out, but I can take slow walks. The other night I decided to push my twins (together weighing 80 lbs) in their stroller up to the library and back. That ended up being a lot more than I should have done, so will need to take it easy the rest of the week. I cannot wait until I can get back to working out! Just walking up to the 4th floor in the mornings has become a task :-(

    The past few weeks I've put on more weight than I wanted. I think I'm up 10 lbs total. it's hard to tell because the scale bounces around a little. I guess with the increased appetite I shouldn't be surprised. I also take the 17P shots weekly, which I've heard could cause additional weight gain.

    Hope everyone's feeling great!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Hump Day all!

    I gained more weight then I wanted to in my 1st Trimester too. I just felt crappy and all my body wanted was carbs. Plus I used to workout an hour 5-6 days a week and that went to maybe one day a week if I was lucky. Now that I am feeling better I've actually lost 2 pounds just by being more active and being able to eat healthier.

    Today I had an awesome Zumba class. I wish I could always go to morning classes especially now that I am pregnant and by the end of the work day I just want to chill. It's awesome that work lets me take my lunch early and longer on Wednesday's so I can go.

    My goals this week is to get back into doing something active every day. So far I've walked my dog for 20-30 minutes every night. I went to Zumba today. I may do Zumba tomorrow night and Aqua Zumba on Saturday. We also plan to go hiking on Sunday. I want to get in a good hike before it gets too hot and I get too big. I am also working on eating more fruits and veggies and drinking more water.

    dmcohee: 10lbs at 21 weeks is great especially with activity restrictions.

    Heather: That is so awesome about feeling your baby kick. I can't wait to feel that for the first time.

    Well I better get some work done:0) Have a great day all!
  • chels0
    chels0 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm so glad I found other pregnant ladies!!

    Hi there,

    I am 27 and in my 5th month of baby number 3. I joined my fitness pal 2 years ago to lose a few vanity pounds and kept up with it just to be conscious of what I was eating and motivate myself. Now, I want to use the same approach to have a healthy pregnancy and not over gain. I was told yesterday I have to stop going to the gym :(. I have been put on light duty and am trying not to let it get me down.
