What's your pets nickname



  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    My boy dog Muddle I call him Mud Pud... and my girl dog Flower I call her Flow. Sometimes I call Muddle Moodle when I'm being silly. Sir Quacks Alot my duck is going by Quackzi now and Quackzerella goes by Quacksamomma... even tho the poor baby didn't hatch :( The name caught on.

    I call my new bunny Smokey either Smokey or Smoke.. nothing interesting lol.
  • previn84
    previn84 Posts: 48
    I've got 2 cats, Hank & Ginger. Hank I'll call Hank-a-doodle-doo or just Hank-a-doo. Ginger is my sweet Gingie-bee.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I have 3 mutts Tashi, Daysi, Gir

    Tashi = Tash, Tashkins, Little McLittle, Little Dog, Littlest Dog in the Land
    Daysi = Daysi Dog, Big Fat Dog (kind of chubby), Chocolate Eyes, Polar Pig
    Gir = pronounced Grrr, Gir Monster, Mr. Gir, Hot Puppy (he's the baby), and other expletives when he won't stop barking!

    Someone in an earlier asked if we have voices for them, but of course! They all have their own individual song too, even though I completely sing off key, they don't mind. When I refer to Little McLittle I speak with an Irish accent. "Oh where's Little McLittle? She's the Littlest Dog in the Laaaand"...her tail wiggles.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Polar Pig :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I have an English Mastiff named Gentleman Jack but I usually call him shadow, lazy bones or old man, my son calls him big dog. He's 3 but from the day I brought him home he's acted like he's 90.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I have a Cocker Spaniel named Spunky that i call- Spudco, Spudman, Corndog, Corndad, Corndude.

    I have a Rottiweiler named Sassy that i call-Sassifras, Sas, or Homedog.

    I have a little mixed puppy named Maxx that i call-Maxxie, Homie, Cholo, Maxximum, Little man.

    I have a kitty named Chuckles that i call-Cuddles, Muffin, Chuck Chuck, Cluck Cluck or my favorite...lum lum!
  • lizhipwell
    lizhipwell Posts: 70
    I used to have a cat by the name of Tilly and I used to call her Tillerina or Tillerina Ballerina... Now, my room mate has a cat name Moe and his nicknames are Mr. Moe, Moester, Moeder, Schmoeder, Senor Gato, and Mr. Cat...
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Fluff Butt. Fluff N Stuff. Fluffanella, and Princess Penny Pickle Feathers.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Wow I read each and every one of these and enjoyed every name, there are some really funny ones on here! and of course I am sure every one on here has a different voice they use when pronouncing each nickname ,lol I know I do. Thanks for all your responses!
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Our weiner dog Hambone: HB, or Mister HB
    Our pug Pickles: You little *kitten*
    Our cat Chloe: Frikkin cat!

    Can you tell which pet is my favorite? :laugh:
  • brian2911
    brian2911 Posts: 48
    i have a yellow lab and on his left side he has a black birth mark looks like bat wings . soooooooooo his name is BATMAN =0)
  • My cat's name is Aramis.. like the 3 musketeers (nicknames: Ari, sugarbaby) ... my friends cant remember that and call him artemis or even worse Socrates lol
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    I know this is an old topic, but I just ran across it if anyone is still reading the posts. We have five pets.

    We have a Rottweiler named Maya. We call her "moose", Snuffleupagus, bronto head (she has a long neck and a big head. Once when walking in the weeds all we could see was her head, like a brontosaurus). We also call her a Baby Huey.

    We have a Blue Healer/Cattahoola cross named Brody. We call him "The Brod", The Brodster, handsome, Mr. Brod, reservation dog (he was rescued from the reservation).

    One of our oldest cats is Mia. We call her Meezle, Meezie, Miadora, and nutsy boltsy.

    Our big black cat is named Malcolm. (We couldn't think of a black panthers name so we went with Malcolm). We call him Mr. Malc, Bubba, Wild Cat and Blackhead.

    Finally our little butterscotch cat is name Jane. We also call her miss Jane Pittman, Janey, butterscotch, orange hussy.

    What a fun topic.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Artie is a Bulldog who also goes by: Fartface, titties, fartie, buttface, mushface, moomoo, podge.
    Stanley is an English Staffie who sometimes goes by: Brian (due to similarities in personality to Peter Griffin's pet), Igor, SITSTILL.

    Barnacle the kitten has also been referred to as: 'Nacle, Nacle Noo, Booger, Monster.
  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member

    He has a LOT of nicknames..

    Sexy Dexy
    Bugga Boo
    Love Bug
    Love Bugger
    .. my favorite .. Dexter the Sexter

  • Captain Fluffypants and Mr. Whiskerschnickens.
  • rdfhunter
    rdfhunter Posts: 95 Member
    I have a German shorthair pointer named hunter but the vet calls him garbage gut. He has eaten everything from socks to towels to a ice pack once. One time he ate my glove so we gave him salt to throw it up. Well up came a glove I wasn't looking for & then the right one. He even had to have surgery to remove a gallon of leaves. Still love him though.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    F*cking cat!
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    My dog's name is Gus and I don't know how it started, but I call him Boo or even Booby! And he responds when I call him by that.

    Funny thing though, i have to watch what I say cuz one time I was leaving a restaurant and I said to my brother, yay we get to go home and have Booby (Gus) in our face. This woman turned around and looked at me lol.
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    My dear little boy Squeaky (cat) is called:

    DJ Squizzizle
    Mr SQU
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