Same size after 20 pound weight loss



  • joshuakcaron
    joshuakcaron Posts: 343 Member
    scorpio505 wrote: »
    Most of you girls are saying it takes 10 pounds on average to drop a pant size.. And I'm over here still wearing the same size and I lost 20 pounds :(

    Maybe you lost weight elsewhere?

    I do measurements arms, thighs, hips and waist. I lost most of my inches off my waist and hips and dropped from 38s to 34s (26lbs lost total) - I only lost 1 inch off my thighs, none off my arms.
  • newyorkcitymom
    newyorkcitymom Posts: 48 Member
    Another variation of this is that I've lost about 16 pounds and just waking around you can't really see it. No one has noticed that I'm losing weight. It can be really frustrating to be honest. I can see it when I'm naked because it all seems to be in my tummy which definitely is shrinking. But that's a part of my body I just shoved over the tops of my jeans before and so its not very noticeable and hadn't resulted in fitting into a smaller size-butt and thighs are still huge. Paradoxically, as I start to lose weight but a still so large Im really coming to terms with exactly how much weight I had gained. I think I was in denial. It's also just a reality that I didn't see this huge difference going from 200 to 225 so it makes sense I wouldn't see a huge difference going the other way. So I try to remind myself that I was this big, and gaining, for the last year and a bit and I can manage being this big a little longer. My life didn't fall apart going up, the world didn't come to an end because I gained weight gradually and I was perfectly happy with my life even if I had a growing dissatisfaction with my body that finally reached a tipping point. I'm losing slower than I thought (closer to 1-1.5/week than the 2/week I initiallu aimed for). I'm not thrilled with that but it also allows weight loss not to take over my life, which means the frustration is much less than if I felt like I was working SO HARD and no one noticed. I imagine I'll hit a tipping point where it becomes more dramatically noticeable - probably another 20 pounds (3 months) away. for now, I just plug away and try not to worry about my outside appearance any more than I did on the way up. Fitness goals help in this process.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    Just remember the weight didnt all drop from your waist/legs! Your arms, chest, insides, face, etc all lost some too.
  • dianaiku
    dianaiku Posts: 96 Member
    edited November 2015
    Same here, I just lost 25 lbs and I am still wearing the same size 12 clothes I wore in the beginning of summer. However I had to send a couple of dresses to the tailor because they were looser. I am sure it is normal.
    I know I will have to lose another 25 pounds before I am size 10.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    t25 is still cardio....start lifting weights, you will see the difference asap....
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I feel your pain. I've lost 30 pounds and my tight jeans now only fit better.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I am really surprised, given your stats, that your size didn't change a couple of times. I'm a couple pounds heavier and an inch taller...back when I was in the 200s it took a LOT (30 lb or so) to go down even one size, but right now the difference is really major when I lose even 5 lb (looser size 10s) or go up by 8-10 water retention lb (back to the 12s in my closet).
  • Stefie_G
    Stefie_G Posts: 69 Member
    I'm down 35lbs with no change in size. My 34 jeans fit better, but I still can't make it into 32s.
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    This is why I never use how my clothes fit as a gauge. I could easily go 20-30# and still be in the same size.
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    It took me about 20 pounds to get down a pant size. But, I came to the realization that I was jamming myself into a too small size when I I probably technically dropped a pant size earlier and fit into the ones I was wearing.
  • insearchofcheese
    insearchofcheese Posts: 45 Member
    Depends where you started I think. It took me a little over 20 to lose my first size, but that was in the Plus sizes. After that, I went down a size every 10 lbs. However, I started lifting heavy 2 months ago and haven't dropped a size since, even though I'm also down 15 lbs since then. My body shape has changed and I have inches lost, so I'm not worried.