November 2015 MOVE Challenge



  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I'm in goal 200 miles

    11/1 - 10.11 miles, road bike, got 4 days of good warm weather coming this week,43.26 minutes,517 calories
    11/2 - 12.99 miles, road bike, 11.94 ave. rode first 7.6 miles with the wife, 65.19 minutes, 761 caloreies.
    11/4 - 17.76 miles, road bike, 14.75 ave., 72.14 minutes, 1007 calories.
    11/6 - 14.31 miles, road bike, one of those fall days every direction I turned was against the wind.
    11/7 - 25.61 miles, road bike, another windy one!
    11/8 - 8.49 miles, road bike, getting my year goal done 1200 miles.
    11/11 - 10.19 miles, road bike, windy as a big storm front coming thru.

    MTD - Miles- 99.46,: Calories- 5416,: Minutes- 443.14 , Year- 1218.36
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    nice going @SteveCro - do you have a revised year end target in mind?

    re: the tandem - have you ever tried one? On a mad weekend in Bruges a few years ago (you've seen the film In Bruges? It was like that, without the blood) we hired a tandem and rode around the city. I couldn't get on with it AT ALL. It massively changes your centre of gravity, making the person at front struggle to balance the thing just so the person behind can get on. Plus I didn't like being at the back because it felt odd not having any responsive steering.

    certainly give it a go if you can before purchasing!!
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    11/09: Attempted yoga with my daughter but she didn't take to it so we left after only half an hour.
    Rigorous house cleaning.
    11/10; Day 13 of cycling app. 1 minute intervals at 85% effort. I nearly died. Haha.
    11/11: Rest day though I logged 10min for mopping floors to motivate me to do it. I hate mopping floors.

    Goals for this week.
    - Cycling app week 5.
    - One or more sessions of either swimming or yoga.
    - Sitting less during the day.
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    @ Machka9- thanks alot of good info there! We get along pretty well and are about the same size. I think we could make it work!!
  • HappyHarish
    HappyHarish Posts: 2 Member
    welcome to the site.Diets are the important part of weight management and body weights are the main key factor for inviting a diease.To know more about the relation between diets and body weights you should visit following link.
    nutrition information web site
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    @ girlinahat- thanks! found out a guy at work has one, said come on over and take it a ride. It's a nice one Cannondale road bike very light weight.

    just in my mind- would like to get to 1500. cold weather and short nights effect my riding now. Getting to 30's *f at night and mid 50's *F daytime. dark at 6 pm.

    Didn't get started to mid May riding this year with losing our daughter in April. So lost at least a month or month and a half riding. I figure if I take that into account and if I get to 1500 I would be in my target range of 2000 tor the year.

    My bike in my happy place to get away and let my mind rest and my body gets it's workout. lol
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 323 Member
    Goal 13,000 steps per day

    11/1/15 10,058 steps 4.19 miles
    11/2/15 12,045 steps 4.89 miles
    11/3/15 12,382 steps 4.94 miles
    11/4/15 12,353 steps 4.95 miles
    11/5/15 14,904 steps 6.06 miles
    11/6/15 14,500 steps 5.90 miles
    11/7/15 13,184 steps 5.29 miles
    11/8/15 13,281 steps 5.39 miles
    11/9/15 15,565 steps 6.34 miles
    11/10/15 14,687 steps 6.09 miles
    11/11/15 16,821 steps 6.87 miles kickboxing :) Whooped my bootay :#
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Hard to believe that November is almost half over! Goodness, you guys are all doing so great! :) If I don't get my rear in gear, I'm not going to make goal. Grrr.... Third Day concert tonight! No growling allowed. lol

    8.06 miles
    37.80 total miles
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,120 Member
    SteveCro wrote: »
    @ Machka9- thanks alot of good info there! We get along pretty well and are about the same size. I think we could make it work!!
    SteveCro wrote: »
    @ girlinahat- thanks! found out a guy at work has one, said come on over and take it a ride. It's a nice one Cannondale road bike very light weight.

    Yes ... take advantage of that offer!

    As for getting on the tandem, there are two ways to do it. Most people I talk to use the first method, but we just could not do that, so we use the second method ...

    1) The captain (person in the front, usually a larger person), straddles the tandem, holding it steady. The stoker (person in the back, usually a smaller person), gets settled on the saddle, both feet on pedals, ready to go. The captain, then starts the bicycle as though he/she were riding a single bicycle (push pedal, raise self up into saddle, etc.).

    I hate feeling wobbly and not in control, and this method left me feeling very much that way. But it works well for a lot of people.

    2) We both clip in our left feet. We both sit on the saddle and balance the bicycle with our right feet. My husband calls, "Up" and we raise our left feet into position for the first pedal stroke. My husband calls "Go", and we push off. If I'm lucky, I can get the correct side of my right pedal, and if I do, I call "Got my pedal", if I don't I call "Missed my pedal". I wait a couple pedal strokes until he clips in, then we coast and I sort out my pedal if I've missed it. And we're off.

    And once moving, he calls out bumps, turns, and most importantly, any time we need to coast. If either of us coasts without warning the other, that can hurt the other person ... it nearly throws me out of the saddle.

    And calling out the turns ensures that we're both leaning the correct direction. If I'm sitting bolt upright on a turn, it is a fight to get the bicycle around the corner ... and if the corner is particularly sharp, we've both got to be leaning quite a bit. It is, apparently, like handling a motorcycle.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,120 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Review ...
    March: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min

    October was much better but I'm hoping there will be even more distance in November.
    Nov 1 - 98.5 km (316 min) cycling

    The ride report:
    Nov Cycling Outside: 98.5 km (316 min)
    Nov Cycling Inside: 0 min
    Nov Walking: 0 km (0 min)
    Nov Stairs: 0 flights (0 min)
    Nov Time Total: 316 = 5 hours 16 min
    Nov Distance Total: 98.5 km = 61.2 miles
    Nov 2 - 2.6 km (30 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (18 min)
    Nov 3 - 3.4 km (40 min) walking + 40 flights of stairs (30 min)

    Nov Cycling Outside: 98.5 km (316 min)
    Nov Cycling Inside: 0 min
    Nov Walking: 6 km (70 min)
    Nov Stairs: 65 flights (48 min)
    Nov Time Total: 434 = 7 hours 14 min
    Nov Distance Total: 104.5 km = 64.9 miles
    Nov 4 - 8.6 km (105 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (18 min)
    Nov 5 - 7 km (85 min) walking + 35 flights of stairs (26 min)
    Nov 6 - 4.8 km (60 min) walking + 45 flights of stairs (34 min)
    Nov 7 - 50.97 km (160 min) cycling + 2.6 km (30 min) walking
    Nov 8 - 40 km (125 min) cycling + 4.4 km (55 min) walking
    Nov Cycling Outside: 189.47 km (601 min)
    Nov Cycling Inside: 0 min
    Nov Walking: 33.4 km (405 min)
    Nov Stairs: 170 flights (126 min)
    Nov Time Total: 1132= 18 hours 52 min
    Nov Distance Total: 222.87 km = 138.5 miles

    Nov 9 - 7 km (85 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (18 min)

    Nov 10 - 2.3 km (25 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (18 min) + 21.6 km (65 min) cycling
    Nov Cycling Outside: 211.07 km (666 min)
    Nov Cycling Inside: 0 min
    Nov Walking: 42.7 km (515 min)
    Nov Stairs: 220 flights (162 min)
    Nov Time Total: 1343 = 22 hours 23 min
    Nov Distance Total: 253.77 km = 157.6 miles

    BTW - the Nov 7th ride above was on our tandem. That's the first time we've ridden the tandem in about 6 months and it felt better than the last time we rode it. :)

    Nov 11 - 4.6 km (55 min) walking + 30 flights of stairs (22 min)

    Nov 12 - 1.3 km (15 min) walking + 25 flights of stairs (18 min) + 45 min cycling indoors on the trainer + weights!

    Nov Cycling Outside: 211.07 km (666 min)
    Nov Cycling Inside: 45 min
    Nov Walking: 48.6 km (585 min)
    Nov Stairs: 275 flights (202 min)
    Nov Time Total: 1498 = 24 hours 58 min
    Nov Distance Total: 259.67 km = 161.4 miles

  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    I'm in. My goals for November: ride recumbent bike 450 miles, 30 hours minimum. 2 days a week AB and upper body strength training.

    11/1: 20.6 miles in 75 minutes
    11/2: 20.3 miles in 75 minutes
    11/3: 7.7 miles in 30 minutes + 20 minutes turbo jam
    11/4: 19.9 miles in 75 minutes
    11/5: rest
    11/6: 24 miles in 90 minutes
    11/7: 23.7 miles in 90 minutes
    11/8: 20 miles in 75 minutes
    11/9: rest
    11/10: 18.7 miles in 75 minutes
    11/11: 19.6 miles in 75 minutes
    11/12: 8.1 miles in 30 minutes
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    I'm in. My goals for November: ride recumbent bike 450 miles, 30 hours minimum. 2 days a week AB and upper body strength training.

    11/1: 20.6 miles in 75 minutes
    11/2: 20.3 miles in 75 minutes
    11/3: 7.7 miles in 30 minutes + 20 minutes turbo jam
    11/4: 19.9 miles in 75 minutes
    11/5: rest
    11/6: 24 miles in 90 minutes
    11/7: 23.7 miles in 90 minutes
    11/8: 20 miles in 75 minutes
    11/9: rest
    11/10: 18.7 miles in 75 minutes
    11/11: 19.6 miles in 75 minutes
    11/12: 8.1 miles in 30 minutes
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Oh. My. what have I done?

    pushing myself to the limits - a swim on Wednesday, then yesterday I somehow thought it a good idea to go to a roller derby session for two hours followed by a shag class for two hours.

    My derriere is bruised, my calves ache from rubbing from the skates, and I am all round pretty exhausted.

    But smiling - I LOVE that feeling of physical tiredness from having DONE stuff. It makes me feel full of energy, even if my body can't actually move anywhere!! Day off tomorrow, shopping for a fancy dress costume.

    Walking/slightly faster walking what some might call running miles: 27.5/50
    swim laps:64/100
    Lindy/Shag dance hours:2.5/10

    Total mileage:27.5/90
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    11/09: Attempted yoga with my daughter but she didn't take to it so we left after only half an hour.
    Rigorous house cleaning.
    11/10; Day 13 of cycling app. 1 minute intervals at 85% effort. I nearly died. Haha.
    11/11: Rest day though I logged 10min for mopping floors to motivate me to do it. I hate mopping floors.
    11/12: cycled Day 14 of app.

    Goals for this week.
    - Cycling app week 5.
    - One or more sessions of either swimming or yoga.
    - Sitting less during the day.

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 323 Member
    Goal 13,000 steps per day

    11/1/15 10,058 steps 4.19 miles
    11/2/15 12,045 steps 4.89 miles
    11/3/15 12,382 steps 4.94 miles
    11/4/15 12,353 steps 4.95 miles
    11/5/15 14,904 steps 6.06 miles
    11/6/15 14,500 steps 5.90 miles
    11/7/15 13,184 steps 5.29 miles
    11/8/15 13,281 steps 5.39 miles
    11/9/15 15,565 steps 6.34 miles
    11/10/15 14,687 steps 6.09 miles
    11/11/15 16,821 steps 6.87 miles kickboxing :) Whooped my bootay :#
    11/12/15 15,838 steps 6.60 miles
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    DrewsAnna wrote: »
    Goal 13,000 steps per day

    11/1/15 10,058 steps 4.19 miles
    11/2/15 12,045 steps 4.89 miles
    11/3/15 12,382 steps 4.94 miles
    11/4/15 12,353 steps 4.95 miles
    11/5/15 14,904 steps 6.06 miles
    11/6/15 14,500 steps 5.90 miles
    11/7/15 13,184 steps 5.29 miles
    11/8/15 13,281 steps 5.39 miles
    11/9/15 15,565 steps 6.34 miles
    11/10/15 14,687 steps 6.09 miles
    11/11/15 16,821 steps 6.87 miles kickboxing :) Whooped my bootay :#
    11/12/15 15,838 steps 6.60 miles

    Geez you been killing the new goal. Good job!
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    11/09: Attempted yoga with my daughter but she didn't take to it so we left after only half an hour.
    Rigorous house cleaning.
    11/10; Day 13 of cycling app. 1 minute intervals at 85% effort. I nearly died. Haha.
    11/11: Rest day though I logged 10min for mopping floors to motivate me to do it. I hate mopping floors.
    11/12: cycled Day 14 of app.
    11/13: Swam 400 yards

    Goals for this week.
    - Cycling app week 5.
    - One or more sessions of either swimming or yoga.
    - Sitting less during the day.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Happy Anniversary to me!! 22 years ago today my guy and I made it official. <3

    4.1 miles
    41.9 total miles
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 323 Member
    Goal 13,000 steps per day

    11/1/15 10,058 steps 4.19 miles
    11/2/15 12,045 steps 4.89 miles
    11/3/15 12,382 steps 4.94 miles
    11/4/15 12,353 steps 4.95 miles
    11/5/15 14,904 steps 6.06 miles
    11/6/15 14,500 steps 5.90 miles
    11/7/15 13,184 steps 5.29 miles
    11/8/15 13,281 steps 5.39 miles
    11/9/15 15,565 steps 6.34 miles
    11/10/15 14,687 steps 6.09 miles
    11/11/15 16,821 steps 6.87 miles kickboxing :) Whooped my bootay :#
    11/12/15 15,838 steps 6.60 miles
    11/13/15 14,287 steps 5.75 miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,682 Member
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY jesiann!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,682 Member
    Wednesday Nov 11th....2.5 Walking Miles (child sitting day)
    Thursday Nov 12th.......4.0 Walking Miles
    Friday Nov 13th............4.5 Walking Miles
    Saturday Nov 14th.........2.0 Walking Miles (Child sitting day)

    TOTAL miles November 14th: 44.5 Walking Miles...