100 Day Low Carb Challange



  • Stardust620
    Stardust620 Posts: 250 Member
    How's everyone doing so far? I'm on day 4 and so far have lost 4 pounds. I know it's largely water weight, and loss won't continue to be that rapid, but it's a great start! I'm struggling with breakfasts though - does anyone have suggestions for grab and go breakfasts that are very low carb?
  • Brownilocks
    Brownilocks Posts: 30 Member
    I am doing pretty well so far too! I had a big burger with work collegues tonight... but am happy to have stayed away from the fries and beer. No binging or craving, and hardly any hunger today even though I skipped breakfast.

    I would recommend boiled eggs- they are packed wih protein amd super easy! Try also yoghurt with nuts and seeds if you need something a little more sweet :)
  • Stardust620
    Stardust620 Posts: 250 Member
    How did everyone's first week go? I have lost 4.4 pounds, and I'm feeling pretty good! I'll admit, I'd hoped for a few more in the first week, but I know I can't expect miracles, and I'm happy with what I've lost so far. Food prep has been challenging, mostly just because of the time it takes. It's been surprisingly easy, though, to resist temptations and I haven't really felt the urge to cheat. Unfortunately, my boyfriend has not experienced the same success, and I'm worried he'll lose motivation - any suggestions for him?
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    eating to a LCHF pattern is diuretic. That's why: you flush out a great deal of electrolytes. That's something your degree could have included.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Not everyone will need that much sodium but I start getting leg cramps on less than that.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    edited December 2015
    Did you have any sections on a (non- epilepsy) ketogenic diet? Did you study what happen's when people don't eat much in carbs?
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I'm trying to cut to competition weight (Brazilian Jui Jitsu) and decided to try going low carb to see if it helps me drop. I started yesterday. My main goal is to be under 50 grams of carbs, but I only count carbs from food that is considered carb dense so fruit and veg don't count, unless it is starchy veg. I'm going to try adjust that slightly to keeping that goal in mind as well as aiming for total carb from all foods around the 100g mark. My diet is generally clean with higher fat and protein so I an just being a but stricter on the carbs, which means my overall calories drop slightly. I don't know if I will keep this going for the rest of your 100 days, but it will be good to have support during my time. I need to drop 3 kgs to fit in the category I want, but I would feel safer if I drop 5. I know that I am putting on muscle while dropping fat, which is why my weight is not dropping at the moment, so I'm trying something different
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I guess I am then... I'm usually under 100. Its easy. But I rarely eat rice potatoes or goodies. I just don't want them. When I do go over I've gone out to eat or had beer and chips
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    How's everyone doing so far? I'm on day 4 and so far have lost 4 pounds. I know it's largely water weight, and loss won't continue to be that rapid, but it's a great start! I'm struggling with breakfasts though - does anyone have suggestions for grab and go breakfasts that are very low carb?
    How about hard boiled eggs? cheese and some sort of lean meat with it like lean ham or chicken/turkey?