Can not loose weight!



  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    One of the lies I used to tell myself all the time, and I truly believed it, was that there's no way I could be eating that much. I absolutely knew my weight was not caused by the food I was eating, therefore something had to be wrong. After all, most days all I ate was a bowl of cereal. I went to the doctor, completely convinced there was something wrong but nope, nothing was wrong with me. All tests came back normal.

    Then I got a food scale, slapped myself in the face and really took stock of what I was actually eating. Sure, those days where I only ate a bowl of cereal, those bowls were sometimes 75 percent of the total calories I should have had all day. Even if I ate nothing else but that, and even if I did that 3-4 days a week, there were days where I ate a lot more and not only wiped out whatever deficit I may have had, but added a surplus for the week.

    Get a food scale. Get completely 100% honest with everything that goes in your mouth from the time you open your eyes until you go to bed, including condiments, oils, "bites" of this and that, and do it every, single day.

    This. I took myself off to the doctor too, absolutely convinced that it couldn't be my behaviour that was the problem. I ate pretty healthily. I exercised a bit in my busy schedule. My tests came back with perfect results. My doctor called me "fat-skinny" - his term for the opposite of what is a bigger problem for him with his patients - the people that are "skinny-fat" - they ones that look healthy on the outside but drop dead from heart attacks because they are fat on the inside.

    Weigh and measure every single thing that you consume. Give yourself the truth. How are you expecting to lose weight by "eating at a deficit" when you don't know what the starting point is?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    even eating healthy foods you can eat more than you think and gain weight. I didnt weigh my food and even when I thought I was eating proper portions I was gaining weight,no matter how much I worked out. I had no idea the difference a food scale made. now,I see that what I was really eating was sometimes 2-3 times the portion size which can result in more calories taken in. so yes,I was eating more than I thought too. you dont become overweight just from being pregnant(the baby didnt weight 100 lbs,so at least 85 of that was from over eating- not counting baby,placenta,etc). eating only 400 calories is not good either. you should still be losing weight(you will be losing muscle mass too though),but your body wont have to work as hard to burn those calories you have taken in so your metabolism will slow down. if you cannot eat more than 400 calories some days you need to see a Dr. that is not healthy and your body will start breaking down muscle which includes your heart.weight loss for most is a slow journey as there are no fast fixes.Diet pills are not the answer either. like everyone says weigh everything and log properly and go from there. it takes time but please at least 1200 calories.otherwise you are walking down a very dangerous path that may cost you your life if it persists.
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    It just doesn't add up for you to never eat over 1200 calories a day yet still be 100 pounds overweight. Somewhere, at some point, you must be consuming extra calories. You say you had a glass of tea, is that sweetened tea? How much sugar is in it? Do you typically drink several of those in a day?

    No just one 8oz glass and unsweetened tea

    My doc is going to order several tests because something isn't right

    guessing doc is going to do a thyroid test?? if not, you should really have him/her do so.

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Metabolism things are very rare. And I doubt you could have babies eating like that. This just doesn't compute.
  • mrw859
    mrw859 Posts: 3 Member
    I call BS
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    One of the lies I used to tell myself all the time, and I truly believed it, was that there's no way I could be eating that much. I absolutely knew my weight was not caused by the food I was eating, therefore something had to be wrong. After all, most days all I ate was a bowl of cereal. I went to the doctor, completely convinced there was something wrong but nope, nothing was wrong with me. All tests came back normal.

    Then I got a food scale, slapped myself in the face and really took stock of what I was actually eating. Sure, those days where I only ate a bowl of cereal, those bowls were sometimes 75 percent of the total calories I should have had all day. Even if I ate nothing else but that, and even if I did that 3-4 days a week, there were days where I ate a lot more and not only wiped out whatever deficit I may have had, but added a surplus for the week.

    Get a food scale. Get completely 100% honest with everything that goes in your mouth from the time you open your eyes until you go to bed, including condiments, oils, "bites" of this and that, and do it every, single day.

    There is absolutely only ONE reason why you cannot lose weight, and that is because you are eating more calories than your body is using. Medical issues can cause a slower metabolism, so its a good idea to get some tests done, but even with medical issues, calories rule all.

    I started at 170 pounds, 44 years old and 5'1" tall, and I could eat 1400+ calories a day and still lose.

    Second bit of advice, give it time. Once you start truly logging accurately, weighing and tracking everything you eat, be patient. Start with a reasonable loss rate so that you can eat more during the day and not deprive yourself or feel hungry all day.

    Oh, and your body doesn't store fat if it thinks you're not getting enough calories, so please ignore that advice. It's bunk.
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    natboosh69 wrote: »
    If you're 250lbs then you must eat more than you think, overeating makes you gain weight and nothing else. Enter your stats on here for 1-1.5lb loss a week, buy a food scale, weigh and log everything. Try this for 3-4 weeks and see if you lose then :)
  • DragoonKite
    DragoonKite Posts: 5 Member
    leahbowman wrote: »
    eating less than 1200 calories a day is where you are going wrong, you need to eat this amount of calories otherwise you are practically starving yourself and by doing that your body will store your fat.

    Please don't ever say that again. That's not how starvation mode works. First off, you have to eat a lot less than your bmr to enter starvation mode, 1200-1000kcal for most men and 1000-800kcal for most women. And this has to go on continuously for an extended period of time, such as weeks, not days. If you do that, then your body will first reduce the bmr to try and conserve what energy it has left, then it will start to eat away at the body's muscle to get the energy it needs. This is when people that are starving will die assuming dehydration doesn't get them first because it takes away all muscles, including vital organs such as the heart.
    Your body will not store energy as fat because if you are truly sarving then you need that energy right then and there just to survive.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Lots of great advice here, but I fear it'll all be for naught until the OP can admit that she may be eating more than she thinks, gets herself a food scale and starts logging honestly.

  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Troll, much? If not, seek mental therapy.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Some of these words sound harsh BUT yet....I can't argue with what is being stated. Is it even possible for someone to gain weight on 1200 cals a day? Is it possible to be that sedentary that one burns less than 1000 cals a day?

    How messed up can a metabolism be?

    Any doctors out there?
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    1) If your doctor has not screened you for medical reasons for the weight, then go find a new doctor. And I am not talking about doctor feel-good with diet pills; I'm talking about one that will test to make sure you do not have an underlying metabolic issue going on. If you have already had these tests with your current physician, then take your diet log and ask for a referral to a nutritionist if there is no underlying cause.
    2) Stop starving yourself. You have GOT to eat at least 1200 calories a day at your current weight or your body will conserve and you will not lose. You are shooting yourself in the foot with the crazy calorie reductions.
    3) Drink water. You do not have to drink it all at once. Sip throughout the day. You need at least 8 glasses of 8 oz. each.
    4) How much time are you spending on exercise? Are you exercising? "Busy" does not = "Active". Get out and walk for 30 minutes a morning or evening. That is just a start. Then you need to build on that as you get stronger.
    5) Weigh naked in the morning before you eat and after you pee. Every Day. Without fail. and LOG IT. No cheating. Total honesty with yourself.
    6) Do these steps every day for two weeks and see where you are. I will bet you will be lighter, feel better, and be excited about the possibilities.

    I was 216 in April of 2015 and could not muster the energy to do anything. I followed the steps above. I read, I learned. I am now 162 with good muscle tone. I run. I could barely walk and now I run with a group, I ride my bike, I work out. I'm in a size 12 and still shrinking. You can do this... 6 months are going to pass one way or another. Are you going to be heavier at the end? The same? Or are you going to take charge and determine your own life? I vote take charge.
  • wanda601
    wanda601 Posts: 17 Member
    Eating the way you do has essentially shut down your body's metabolic furnace! It thinks it is starving and therefore won't let go of any weight. You're killing yourself by eating so little AND you HAVE to drink liquids! I started at 256# in June. I'm 61 years old. I have an underactive thyroid and am on medication for it. I had tried all kinds of eating plans to lose weight. Then I was diagnosed diabetic, so I started the diabetic eating plan. I eat between 1200 and 1600 calories a day, with a total of 160 grams of carbs. I've lost 40# so far and am no longer diabetic! The weight is coming off at about 2# per week -- a healthy rate. PLEASE! You HAVE to eat more calories to get your metabolism charged up again!
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    wanda601 wrote: »
    Eating the way you do has essentially shut down your body's metabolic furnace! It thinks it is starving and therefore won't let go of any weight. You're killing yourself by eating so little AND you HAVE to drink liquids! I started at 256# in June. I'm 61 years old. I have an underactive thyroid and am on medication for it. I had tried all kinds of eating plans to lose weight. Then I was diagnosed diabetic, so I started the diabetic eating plan. I eat between 1200 and 1600 calories a day, with a total of 160 grams of carbs. I've lost 40# so far and am no longer diabetic! The weight is coming off at about 2# per week -- a healthy rate. PLEASE! You HAVE to eat more calories to get your metabolism charged up again!

    Congrats on the weight loss, and the hard work.

    I do not think a metabolism shuts down that way. Long term eating at a severe caloric deficit will result in all kinds of health issues BUT weighing 250 lbs isn't the result of eating 800 cals a day because someone has a ruined metabolism. Decades have passed since that lie was spread throughout the fitness industry. It is not true.

    Thousands of MFP users will admit they thought their metabolisms were the problem, until they actually counted their calories accurately and realized that wasn't the problem. I would be one of them.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    It's not "starvation mode". The answer to the problem of "I'm not losing weight" is never "you need to eat more".

    The OP is eating more than she thinks. She won't open her diary so we can't see how she's logging or if she's even logging at all. She gives no indication in her posts that she's using a food scale.

    She's clinging to the fact that there's something special/different/wrong with her because she's "doing everything right" and still not losing. Been there, done that.

    OP, I hope you get the reality check you need and take a good hard look at exactly how much you're eating. Weigh and log everything. I guarantee it'll be an eye opener.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I haven't read the entire thread so forgive me if this has already been asked, but if you aren't losing then you may likely be eating more then you think. Weight loss comes down to cico . so are you using a food scale to weigh everything and are you logging accurate? Open up your diary so we can help pinpoint the possible issue
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm 33 weight 250 pounds. I eat under 1200 calories a day just simply because I'm not a big eater and never have been. I have done everything including diet pills. My doc don't believe me so he said log what you eat and don't go over 1200 calories. I just laughed and said no problem for me. He just looked ate like I was lie in or some kind of closest eater. I have struggled with this since I had my first child in which I gained 100 pound. So I was 17 with a newborn and 100 heavier. Nothing and I mean nothing has helped me... can anyone explain this to me???

    I'm sorry but you got 250 so you got can eat more than 1200.
    No i don't diet I eat pretty healthy. Don't eat junk. I only can Handel one small piece of chocolate when it's that time of the month. I don't drink anything . I'm never thirsty and when I try to force anything I feel nauseous but never ever get sick.

    There is no way you can say you eat 400 calories and eat healthy. That right there is an oxymoron.
    Eat more

    That's exactly...........the opposite of what she should be doing.
    leahbowman wrote: »
    eating less than 1200 calories a day is where you are going wrong, you need to eat this amount of calories otherwise you are practically starving yourself and by doing that your body will store your fat.

    Sorry that's not the way things work.
    Trust me I don't eat much .. i have been logging my food on here for 10 days and it won't give me a change because I'm not hitting the goal of 1250 calories . Some days I'm only at 400...

    I believe you when you say how much you eat. CICO (Calories in calories out) is not helpful in several ways. You have reduced your calorie intake (Which seems really low. I am a similar weight and eat around 1900 cal a day) and your body may be thinking it has to hold on to what it has, so it may be compensating by reducing energy expenditures.

    In theory, you should be losing weight, but it may take time. But if you maintain this low calorie level, you will more than likely lose muscle mass and lose energy before weight disappears.

    Do you know your macros? (carbs, fat, protein).
    I personally am carb sensitive and cannot lose weight with higher than 50g carbs a day, and I usually eat less than that because it raises my blood glucose, which raises insulin levels, and insulin is THE main hormone for storing fat. And it increases hunger.

    MFP can tell you what your calorie intake should be based on sex, height and weight and how much you want to lose per week. I would stay closer to that. Your current level is BELOW starvation levels and would make it hard for you to get enough energy and nutrients.

    Nope. Another false post. CICO is helpful because it's not a way of eating, it's the way things are. If you think CICO doesn't apply to you then you're a modern miracle.
