November 2015 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1-2.65 treadmill walk
    2- rehab/ travel
    7- migraine
    8- 8.09


    Realized today that Monday starts my 18 week HM training plan *excited! I chose one that was a bit more aggressive in the miles and includes speed work.
    I'm hoping this also helps me get serious again about my diet (after I eat the last piece of pie).

    Upcoming races:
    11/26/15 Turkey trot ft worth 10k
    3/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    3/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    4/24/16 OKC Memorial
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Orphia congratulations on the run! No one is laughing at the time here, we all started somewhere. I think my first was 46ish. Now I am close to a 30 minute 5 k, and thats still on the slow side. But its the journey not the destination. Beautiful picture! Happy running!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Orphia congratulations on the run! No one is laughing at the time here, we all started somewhere. I think my first was 46ish. Now I am close to a 30 minute 5 k, and thats still on the slow side. But its the journey not the destination. Beautiful picture! Happy running!

    Thanks, @Elise4270 :)

    I'm loving the journey! You're doing well!
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    I'm irritated! Today was an unplanned, unwelcome, unnecessary "rest" day. Grrrrrr. We went on lockdown at my job for the ENTIRE DAY! That means no one in, no one out. So my lunch walk didn't happen. No biggie right? Just do a walk tonight. Yup, had to get a flat tire on the way home. On THE busiest street of my route home. Now I'm exhausted, have a headache and waiting for dinner to finish cooking.

    On the plus side...yeah, I'm like that lol...I had planned on doing a slow, relaxed, long run tomorrow. I should be able to do that with no problem because I simply didn't have the chance to overdo it today!!
  • JuliannaEP
    JuliannaEP Posts: 53 Member
    edited November 2015
    Need to get new shoes ASAP! My right knee is twinging a bit. I know what shoes I like to wear, love the New Balance Minimus Trail and Brooks Pure Connect; I flip flop between them. What do y'all like to run in?


  • ameliasdanial213
    ameliasdanial213 Posts: 16 Member

    Nov 1: rest
    Nov 2: 5.85
    Nov 3: 6.13
    Nov 4: 7.02
    Nov 5: 7.15
    Nov 6: 9.03
    Nov 7: rest
    Nov 8: rest
    Nov 9: 9.33
    Nov 10: rest
    Nov 11: 10.8
    Nov 12: 9.84
    Nov 13: 11.02
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Did my PB at parkrun (5k) this morning!

    40:30. Don't laugh, I only started running on Sept 22, and I'm 48.
    We don't laugh at times. We're proud of everyone who gets out and does it. I was 45 for my first 5K, 70# overweight, and wound up running with (and getting beat by!) a lady who was 6 months pregnant. We all start where we're at.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    edited November 2015
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Did my PB at parkrun (5k) this morning!

    40:30. Don't laugh, I only started running on Sept 22, and I'm 48.
    We don't laugh at times. We're proud of everyone who gets out and does it. I was 45 for my first 5K, 70# overweight, and wound up running with (and getting beat by!) a lady who was 6 months pregnant. We all start where we're at.

    @Orphia AND your improvement can't be compared to anyone else. Your body is unique and it's ability to adapt to your new activity may or may not be slow (and possibly a little painful). I started in May. My time has improved significantly but other improvements are off the charts better than when I started. My body likes to teach me things through pain, cuz it lubs me like that. I have had to learn the difference between "nope, not yet" and "yes you can, but imma complain about it when we're done".

    This is a great place. I'm glad you found it. I promise everyone cheers everyone else matter where they are.
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    edited November 2015
    Thanks to those who gave advice and encouragement. I am going to try and be patient (though it does not come naturally)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2015
    JuliannaEP wrote: »
    Need to get new shoes ASAP! My right knee is twinging a bit. I know what shoes I like to wear, love the New Balance Minimus Trail and Brooks Pure Connect; I flip flop between them. What do y'all like to run in?


    OH, no runner can resist shoes! I'm in the Brooks Cadence, a neutral trail shoe. They have been great, but I think my gait has changed and i'm either in a break in period (in old shoes) or the shoes are no longer a good choice for me. I have to stay with 8-6 mm drop which is a bit more than your shoes. I am considering a minimal shoe for the treadmill and eventually running in one. Now may be the time for that with the changes in my gait. whoo hoo! Shoe Hunt ( like easter to runners)!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    JuliannaEP wrote: »
    What do y'all like to run in?

    I have 2 pairs of Muzuno Wave 18 shoes, and just started in on a pair of BCG Evade ($20 shoes!!). The Evade have been working quite well for me so far....
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    I'll post times for the month later.

    So I headed out for my run at 6 AM, and got in 6.45 miles in 1:08:48 (11:06/mile), which is a hair slow for me (yay, since I'm trying to re-train myself for slowness!). Then I headed over to the church for the 5K race, and was feeling really pretty good. Kept to about 10:12/mile for the first 3 miles, then walked so I could sprint the last 50 yards or so (mainly 'cause I saw that I was under 31 minutes!). Finished at 30:53 (10:40/mile), which is consistent with my last few races. Got 2nd in AG (cause it's a pretty small crowd) - so now I have another medal to send to We Finish Together.

    I know it's only 15K, and that's still shy of the HMs and such other folks do, but a few months ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of attempting 9.55 miles within 3 hours. So, I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm looking forward to where this addiction is going to take me....
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-0 miles
    2-3.72 miles
    3-4.86 miles-I think. Phone restarted during my run
    4-rest day
    5-sick day. was supposed to do another 4.5 but I have a hacking cough that makes breathing hard. Head colds I can run with; chest colds, not so much
    6-rest day.
    9-3.2 miles, still sick but couldn't stand it any more
    10-5.28 miles. a little slow but I'm still sick. so slow is fine
    11-yoga day
    12-5.22 fastest day yet
    13-yoga day
    14-9.56 awesome miles

    upcoming race: 8k turkey trot with cinnamon buns at the end


  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    11/3--5.28 miles
    11/4--5.03 miles
    11/5--strength training and elliptical
    11/6--3 miles
    11/7--13.03 (woo hoo)
    11/8--rest day
    11/9--5.32 miles
    11/10-Strong Curves workout A
    11/11-5.2 miles
    11/12-Strong Curves workout B
    11/13-3.02 miles
    11/14-13.36 miles

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I’ve been SO crappy about exercise/running for awhile so this is the reset month. I’m setting
    the bar a bit lower..want to get in 2 miles a day so I’ll go for 60 but I really want to exceed that.
    11/01: No run
    11/02: Didn’t do any yesterday but I got in a respectable 3.2 today.
    11/03: No run
    11/04: No run
    11/05: Not a lot of time this morning but I did get in 2.9.
    11/06: No run
    11/07: No run
    11/08: No run
    11/09: No run
    11/10: No run
    11/11: No run
    11/12: No run
    11/13: No run
    11/14: 3.2 miles this morning. The start of getting consistent with this again I hope

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    I'll post times for the month later.

    So I headed out for my run at 6 AM, and got in 6.45 miles in 1:08:48 (11:06/mile), which is a hair slow for me (yay, since I'm trying to re-train myself for slowness!). Then I headed over to the church for the 5K race, and was feeling really pretty good. Kept to about 10:12/mile for the first 3 miles, then walked so I could sprint the last 50 yards or so (mainly 'cause I saw that I was under 31 minutes!). Finished at 30:53 (10:40/mile), which is consistent with my last few races. Got 2nd in AG (cause it's a pretty small crowd) - so now I have another medal to send to We Finish Together.

    I know it's only 15K, and that's still shy of the HMs and such other folks do, but a few months ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of attempting 9.55 miles within 3 hours. So, I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm looking forward to where this addiction is going to take me....

    Congrats..I still have yet to place in my age group but it's a goal

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    11/1: 22 miles LR
    11/2: 5 miles recovery style
    11/3: XT: 15 miles indoor bike
    11/4: 10 miles
    11/5: 7 miles tempo run (am), 7.2 with the Thursday crew (pm)
    11/6: Rest day
    11/7: 6 miles
    11/8: 15 miles - partly with group, partly solo
    11/9: 5 miles
    11/10: XT: 30 mins yoga
    11/ 11: 6 miles
    11/12: 4 miles (am), 3 miles with the Thursday crew (pm)
    11/13: Rest day
    11/14: 6.3 miles inlcuding 5k race and new PR! 22:16!

    Ran a 1 mile warm up with my team, then we ran the 5k and did a 2 mile cool down together. All in all, it was a good showing for the team! We had 6 ladies run, and 2 of them won their AGs and myself and two other team mates swept the 20-24 AG (I was 3rd). And one of my teammates bested her 5k PR by over a minute (from 23:50 to 22:45!). I'm super pumped with how well this race went for everyone! Plus, this counted as the USATF-NJ women's 5k championships and our team came in 3rd! :) All in all, excellent day!

    Here's a couple pics!!


    My with my 3rd place AG medal!


    The team after the finish plus our sick-but-here-to-cheer teammate in the middle. Great bunch of ladies, and super fast! 4 of us ran sub-20, and two of us ran in the 22 range.



    Upcoming races:
    11/22: Philadelphia Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @kristinegift nince running! Congrats to all the ladies!

    1-2.65 treadmill walk
    2- rehab/ travel
    7- migraine
    8- 8.09
    14-8.20 on tired legs... Was perturbed. Ladies showed up same time I did for a run and they were not back by time I was done so I ran another 2.5 miles. They still weren't back.... Lol! Little jealous!


    Upcoming races:
    11/26/15 Turkey trot ft worth 10k
    3/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    3/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    4/24/16 OKC Memorial
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited November 2015
    11/1 - 10 miles
    11/2 - rest day - sore shins
    11/3 - 5 miles
    11/4 - 5 miles
    11/5 - rest day cross country meet with Skip.
    11/6 - 7 miles
    11/7 - life day off - XC pancake breakfast which turned into still cleaning up until lunch LOL
    11/8 - 6 miles tried something new and ran 9:58 pace :tongue:
    11/9 - 5 miles nice slow pace since my HM is Saturday
    11/10 - rest day
    11/11 - 4 miles - Happy Veterans Day!
    11/12 - rest day
    11/13 - rest day
    11/14 - 13.22 miles HM PR :smile: 2:11.37 so excited!

    55.2 out of 110 miles

    So happy with my race today, perfect weather. You can see where on the way back I hit the low and LONG upgrade, it was like 3 miles ha ha!

    9:57 pace. Ran with 2 great guys for the first half of the race. My miles were 9:27, 9:22, 9:37, 9:47, 9:47, 9:47, 10:01, 9:59, 10:11, 10:06; 10:14, 10:42, 10:21 and 2:17

    Waiting for final results and AG posting but I was 414 when I checked.

    @orphia great job on the PB!!! I love the picture.
    @virkati You definitely had a Friday the 13th, glad it had a bright side.
    @juliannaep I'm a Brooks Glycerin 12 girl.
    @9voice9 Fantastic Day! Congrats on the AG place (I love small races). Always be proud of your accomplishments!
    @GBrady43068 welcome back
    @Kristinegift Super Day today for you and the ladies. New PR, placing and a team 3rd! BTW I knew you were young, but you look 12 in that picture! :wink:

    Got to hit the PR gong!


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Thanks for your support, guys! :) You also inspire me!