November 2015 Running Challenge



  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member

    @Kristinegift Super Day today for you and the ladies. New PR, placing and a team 3rd! BTW I knew you were young, but you look 12 in that picture! :wink:

    @skippygirlsmom Haha, yeah, I'm pretty fresh faced ;) But I swear I'm 24! AAAND! Congrats on your PR!! The PR gong is such a cool idea!
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    JuliannaEP wrote: »
    What do y'all like to run in?
    I don't have any favourite shoe or even brand - I just pick out shoes which "look good" to me (the shape and the price ;-) ) and try them out. Currently, my two main pairs are Brooks Pure Flow 3 and Saucony Guide 7, with some Icebug ENLIGHT-L RB9X lying in wait for snowy days.

    @Orphia What a beautiful photo - it looks really magical! And congratilations on your 5k - running one so shortly after you started to run is totally awesome.

    @9voice9 Congrats to you too, what a great running day.

    @Kristinegift The photos look like you have a really nice team, congrats on the super running you all did.

    @skippygirlsmom Wow, a PR-gong? That's so cool! Glad you got a chance to ring it :)

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    @Kristinegift Super Day today for you and the ladies. New PR, placing and a team 3rd! BTW I knew you were young, but you look 12 in that picture! :wink:

    @skippygirlsmom Haha, yeah, I'm pretty fresh faced ;) But I swear I'm 24! AAAND! Congrats on your PR!! The PR gong is such a cool idea!

    Thanks it is cool isn't it?! Skip is the same she is 15 and looks 12.
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    1/11 - Planned rest after HM
    2/11 - Travel day
    3/11 - Overslept
    4/11 - 4.7 miles
    5/11 - Migraine, no running
    6/11 - 6.3 miles
    7/11 - 3.3 miles
    8/11 - 15.06 miles
    9/11 - 3.23 miles
    10/11 - 5.49 miles
    11/11 - 5.82 miles
    12/11- 4.24 miles
    13/11 - Rest
    14/11 - 5.12 miles
    Total: 53.21 miles

    Target 125 miles
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Did my PB at parkrun (5k) this morning!

    40:30. Don't laugh, I only started running on Sept 22, and I'm 48.

    It was a lovely morning for a run, too!

    22968399386_2ddbe0fb59_c.jpgMisty Lake by Orphia Nay, on Flickr

    Hey, we are just proud of you - congratulations!!!! We'll never laugh! Beautiful peaceful photo!!
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    I'll post times for the month later.

    So I headed out for my run at 6 AM, and got in 6.45 miles in 1:08:48 (11:06/mile), which is a hair slow for me (yay, since I'm trying to re-train myself for slowness!). Then I headed over to the church for the 5K race, and was feeling really pretty good. Kept to about 10:12/mile for the first 3 miles, then walked so I could sprint the last 50 yards or so (mainly 'cause I saw that I was under 31 minutes!). Finished at 30:53 (10:40/mile), which is consistent with my last few races. Got 2nd in AG (cause it's a pretty small crowd) - so now I have another medal to send to We Finish Together.

    I know it's only 15K, and that's still shy of the HMs and such other folks do, but a few months ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of attempting 9.55 miles within 3 hours. So, I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm looking forward to where this addiction is going to take me....

    And we are proud of you!! Great job!
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Kristinegift: Congrats and great job to you and your team!

    Skippygirlsmom: Awesome job on the PR! You did great! I am jealous of the PR gong!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @dawniemate - Hang in there! One run a week is better than none! Hopefully your situation will change soon and you will be able to fit in more. In the meantime you can live vicariously through us :)
    @msf74 - I am sorry about your foot but even if it is PF there are treatments that will get you back running again.
    @moyer566 - I want to run your race with cinnamon buns at the end! Yum!!
    @Orphia - Congratulations on your 5k! That time is awesome! I love the picture of the lake with all the mist rising off of it - beautiful!
    @Virkati - I hope you got in a nice relaxing run today! Days like you had yesterday are when we really need a run!
    @JuliannaEP - I run in zero-drop shoes. Right now my faves are Skora Tempos. I have 2 pairs of Tempos plus a pair of Skora PhaseX that I rotate through. The PhaseX are very minmalist so I wear those only on paved surfaces.
    @Elise4270 - Look at you running 8+ miles! Is that your longest? Also I would recommend going slowly into minimalist shoes. They take some getting used too.
    9voice9 wrote: »
    I know it's only 15K, and that's still shy of the HMs and such other folks do, but a few months ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of attempting 9.55 miles within 3 hours. So, I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm looking forward to where this addiction is going to take me....
    @9voice9 - Fantastic job running your regular training run and then running a 5k back to back! Isn't it amazing to look back and see how far we have come - some over a short period and others over a longer period! For most of my life I truly hated running and would never ever have believed I would ever be a 'runner' HA!
    @kristinegift - Congratulations on an awesome race to you and your team! @skippygirlsmom is right though, you do look 12! :smiley:
    @skippygirlsmom - WhooHoo!! congratulations on your PR!! Fantastic race and great consistent splits!! Love your pictures!

    Got in a good 6 mile run this morning. I almost tripped over the pup twice. There were dogs playing down in the river and he really wanted to go join them. So glad I didn't fall - HM is only a week out and I don't need an injury to deal with at this point. I am thinking about a short run tomorrow if we don't go to the beach. It is supposed to rain in the morning and I would love to get in a rain run.

    11/02.......4.84...........4.84 - + Agility
    11/03.......5.20.........10.04 - + Strength Training
    11/05.......6.23.........16.27 - + Strength Training
    11/06.......0.00.........16.27 - unplanned rest
    11/08......0.00..........26.77 - Dog Beach
    11/09......5.30..........32.07 - + Agility
    11/10......6.44..........38.51 - + Strength Training
    11/12......4.48..........42.99 - + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    11/21/15 - USA Invitational Half, San Diego, CA
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/15 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/15 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber not my longest distance. I ran a half last month, which is my longest to date.

    I think I'll try some 4-6mm drop shoes before I go 0-2. I'm in 10 now.. I want to stick to neutral trail shoes. I'll hunt something in Dallas next week ;) love Brooks but it looks like I'll have to be open to other brands
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for November

    11/1 REST DAY
    11/2 10 miles - 10
    11/3 11 miles - 21
    11/4 4 miles - 25 << Recovery Day
    11/5 11 miles - 36 << Threshold Day
    11/6 6.2 miles - 42.2 << Recovery Day
    11/7 15 miles - 57.2 << Long Run (1 week till Huntsville Half)
    11/8 REST DAY
    11/9 REST DAY
    11/10 7 miles - 64.2 << Brueggers taper run (.5 w/u, 2.5 ~ghmp, 4 easy)
    11/11 4.1 miles 68.3 << Easy taper run in my neighborhood.
    11/12 5 miles 73.3 << PPounders taper run (all easy paced)
    11/13 REST DAY
    11/14 13.1 miles - 86.4 << Huntsville Half marathon (1:39:38)


    Pictures from my half today:



    And one with @skippygirlsmom.


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Stoshew71 Great pics! That looks like a lovely course. And really great time/AG place!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    11/14: 6.3 miles inlcuding 5k race and new PR! 22:16!

    Ran a 1 mile warm up with my team, then we ran the 5k and did a 2 mile cool down together. All in all, it was a good showing for the team! We had 6 ladies run, and 2 of them won their AGs and myself and two other team mates swept the 20-24 AG (I was 3rd). And one of my teammates bested her 5k PR by over a minute (from 23:50 to 22:45!). I'm super pumped with how well this race went for everyone! Plus, this counted as the USATF-NJ women's 5k championships and our team came in 3rd! :) All in all, excellent day!

    Here's a couple pics!!


    My with my 3rd place AG medal!


    The team after the finish plus our sick-but-here-to-cheer teammate in the middle. Great bunch of ladies, and super fast! 4 of us ran sub-20, and two of us ran in the 22 range.

    Awesome!!! Congratulations!!!
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    edited November 2015
    Today I ran 6.01 miles!!! NON-STOP! I've NEVER run that far. EVER! I had an avg pace of 4.5 until the last two miles and I kept repeating my mantra of the day...."Far, not fast. Distance, not speed." At the 5k mark I checked and my time was (for me) a respectable 13:25 mm. I am thrilled!

    At some point it felt like my legs weren't even there. They were simply a propulsion method and I felt a bit disconnected from them. Does that description make sense to anyone? Is that normal?

    And another question...I didn't stop because my body said I had to, I stopped because of how long I had been running (1 hr 22 min), it was getting dark, cooling off quickly and I still needed to take the time to cool down and walk back to my car. When I stopped running and started walking, a) my legs went jelly on me, b) I got really light-headed, and c) somehow convinced myself not to pass out. I literally talked myself thru it. So. The any or all of that normal?? And what do I do to minimize it happening again?

    And then there was this...sb2ae3dtwbid.jpg

    I'm single and I have been for a very long time. Seeing this, made me want to be like them. So I told them so. And I gave them the picture. Young love *sigh*
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    It continues to be a lazy week, and life gets in the way-I've been car shopping with my hubby (he crashed his car a couple of weeks ago so we're looking to replace it) and that takes up some evenings. I love him, but I think I hate shopping for anything with him. He takes way longer to make decisions than I do! We go shopping for shoes and he'll spend an hour trying on 3 different pairs, going back and forth, trying to figure out which ones he likes best-and two pairs will be the exact same pair just in different sizes, and he still can't decide which is better. It took him longer to pick out his wedding ring than it took me to pick out my engagement and wedding ring combined. And I think part of it is he just enjoys the car shopping, plus since we're buying a used car, you have to look around more at what's out there. I guess we'll end up with something when he finally figures it's too darn cold to ride the motorcycle to work!

    Anyway, back on topic:

    10/2 5 miles
    10/3 3.5 miles
    10/5 5.5 miles
    10/7 2 miles
    10/11 6 miles
    10/14 4 miles for a total of 26 miles out of a goal of 50.
    If I get in a few tomorrow, it won't be a completely lost week.

    I love hearing about everyone's races and personal bests!
  • runtrinny
    runtrinny Posts: 5 Member
    I wear Brooks ST Racer. I love them. Have completed 8 marathons after having 2 kids. Friend me if you want running and yoga support.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    01-Nov: 5.26 km – down week
    02-Nov: rest
    03-Nov: rest
    04-Nov: 5.18 km – down week
    05-Nov: 4.02 km – 70% humidity but felt much higher.
    06-Nov: rest
    07-Nov: 4.48 km – torn ankle ligament/avulsion fracture : 6 weeks no running!
    08-Nov: rest
    09-Nov: physiotherapy
    10-Nov: rest
    11-Nov: rest
    12-Nov: upper body strength training
    13-Nov: rest
    14-Nov: rest - 5 weeks of recovery to go
    15-Nov: walked around markets (not really exercise but glad to get out and move around)

    Virkati wrote: »
    Today I ran 6.01 miles!!! NON-STOP! I've NEVER run that far. EVER! I had an avg pace of 4.5 until the last two miles and I kept repeating my mantra of the day...."Far, not fast. Distance, not speed." At the 5k mark I checked and my time was (for me) a respectable 13:25 mm. I am thrilled!

    At some point it felt like my legs weren't even there. They were simply a propulsion method and I felt a bit disconnected from them. Does that description make sense to anyone? Is that normal?

    And another question...I didn't stop because my body said I had to, I stopped because of how long I had been running (1 hr 22 min), it was getting dark, cooling off quickly and I still needed to take the time to cool down and walk back to my car. When I stopped running and started walking, a) my legs went jelly on me, b) I got really light-headed, and c) somehow convinced myself not to pass out. I literally talked myself thru it. So. The any or all of that normal?? And what do I do to minimize it happening again?

    Woohooo!!!! :smiley: So happy for you! :smile: This is exactly what I was talking about the other day! How awesome is it to run 10k!!!!!! (I think 6miles = 10km roughly?) lol So so happy for you! Awesome milestone and you should be very happy!

    I find there are moments when it doesn't even feel like you are running.. I think it's just our bodies adjust after a while and it's second nature. I find if there are hills or slight slopes, I use my arms to propel me up and if I feel a little sluggish, I check my form and remind myself that my arms are like a lever system and to use them to help me push through.. Might sound a little weird but it always works.

    The legs going jelly (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm pretty sure is from lactic acid and I think it gets better as your body gets more used to longer distances? I get it on any runs that I do over 5 or 6k too.. It's really common though from what I understand.. It's like the body catching up with you once you stop running - Feels like your legs don't really want to stop running they are so used to doing it.

    Just make sure you are not dehydrated with the light-headed feeling.. Otherwise it might just be your head adjusting to stopping too. I have had it happen once or twice but I think it was because I was dehydrated on the day.

    So happy for you though... Again, awesome milestone and you should be super proud!!! :smiley:
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member

    Ran a 1 mile warm up with my team, then we ran the 5k and did a 2 mile cool down together. All in all, it was a good showing for the team! We had 6 ladies run, and 2 of them won their AGs and myself and two other team mates swept the 20-24 AG (I was 3rd). And one of my teammates bested her 5k PR by over a minute (from 23:50 to 22:45!). I'm super pumped with how well this race went for everyone! Plus, this counted as the USATF-NJ women's 5k championships and our team came in 3rd! :) All in all, excellent day!

    You all smashed it!! Great race!!!! :smiley:
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Haven't run for a couple days .....but walked a boatload in Vegas.
    @ohhim...will be at the kid Rock concert on far left side...sporting a Toyota red sponge victory passed out at the expo!tthw4g92wjf7.jpg

    Bad news is, I found a great pair of mizunos at the expo,bent over to try them on....and have been in back pain ever since! 13.1 seems unattainable right now!...but they sure are snazzy!

    congrats to all who ran....and banged gongs this weekend. Advil,wine and sleep are on my menu for tonite.
    Tomorrow, I make a crepe and bacon breakfast for the whole famdamily who have come to watch me and sons fil run tomorrow.
  • ewrook
    ewrook Posts: 90 Member

    Just about over cold, it's been four weeks since it started. Sure has slowed me down for this month. If I can't reach my full goal, I am still aiming to return to 10-12 miles per week.
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    Managed 7km in an hour this morning- not as fast as I would like, far too much walking in between to get any sort of pace (more mental boredom on the treadmill than physical) but it is also about double what I would have done if I hadn't committed to a distance on here. It is amazing what difference sharing a goal with folk can make. 1/2 way there at 1/2 way through the month. Thanks.
