Is anyone being told they lost to much weight?



  • kbeaman206
    kbeaman206 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 70 yrs young ! 6 yrs ago my family did a biggest loser challenge...I lost a much needed-to-lose 60 lbs !
    Since then I slowly gained back 30 lbs....this year with the help/support of my younger family, we began a quest to get back in shape and lose those unwanted lbs...I began walking,doing floor exercises, and dumbells for an overall fitness routine...I am within 2 lbs of my weight loss of 2009. My POINT that time, I was tired of exercising...I lost 60 lbs in a year...I had a great routine...but by the time it was over I was DONE ! I took 6 months off and began gaining it back! I began my new routine about 7 months ago. I dropped 10 July I got serious when the 'kids' said lets do a challenge ! I signed up with FitnessPal, another tracking app all coupled with my bracelt ! Keeping myself accountable each day is my key to weightloss and maintenance...I know some folks weigh weekly...I weigh is part of my routine when I rise in the morning. It drives me nuts when I plateau and do not lose ... or gain a lb ... during a week....but I continue my routine. What will I do when I lose the final 5 lbs? I dont know...It depends on whether or not those size 12's, which have been laying on the shelf of my closet for a few yrs, fit me. I do not want to go back to where I was ! I read on another blog...DO NOT EAT THE CALORIES YOU EXERCISED! that makes sense. I pay attention to my food consumption via FitnessPal, my weight and exercise time. At this time I walk an hour+ at least 5 days a week, plus the extra's.
    FIND A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WHICH WORKS FOR YOU AND STICK TO IT ! Don't experience the pain of gaining back those lbs you worked so hard to lose !
  • KT_3009
    KT_3009 Posts: 1,042 Member
    When I lost a lot of weight row years ago my grandma was "worried" I was starving myself and over-exercising.. This was said while we were eating McDonald's and at that stage I was only doing 3 crossfit sessions a week haha
  • cdcllcga01
    cdcllcga01 Posts: 71 Member
    Hhhhmmm. My situation is a little different. My sweet Mom is 79 and her filter is fading as fast as her memory. We live in different cities, so we connect via phone most of the time. Here's part of our conversation from Monday:

    MOM: Are you still on that diet?
    ME: Yes Mom. I've lost 51 lbs so far!
    MOM: WOW, How much do you weigh now?
    ME: I weigh 196 (said proudly).
    MOM: Ohhh (dramatic pause), well you've got some more to do then don't you.
    ME: Yes Mom. I've got 16 more lbs to lose, my target weight is 180 (said less proudly).
    MOM: Are you sure that's enough?
    ME: Mom, I'm 53 years old and 6' tall and I've been lifting weights for 9 months - 180 will be awesome. I haven't weighed 180 since I got married.
    MOM: Well, I'll let you know when we see each other at Thanksgiving.

    I just smiled to myself and shook my head. She cracks me up. Can't wait to see her and give her a big hug. This would make a great SNL skit - I can just imagine being a bystander and watching this conversation unfold.
  • Shereewhitney88
    Shereewhitney88 Posts: 87 Member
    cdcllcga01 wrote: »
    Hhhhmmm. My situation is a little different. My sweet Mom is 79 and her filter is fading as fast as her memory. We live in different cities, so we connect via phone most of the time. Here's part of our conversation from Monday:

    MOM: Are you still on that diet?
    ME: Yes Mom. I've lost 51 lbs so far!
    MOM: WOW, How much do you weigh now?
    ME: I weigh 196 (said proudly).
    MOM: Ohhh (dramatic pause), well you've got some more to do then don't you.
    ME: Yes Mom. I've got 16 more lbs to lose, my target weight is 180 (said less proudly).
    MOM: Are you sure that's enough?
    ME: Mom, I'm 53 years old and 6' tall and I've been lifting weights for 9 months - 180 will be awesome. I haven't weighed 180 since I got married.
    MOM: Well, I'll let you know when we see each other at Thanksgiving.

    I just smiled to myself and shook my head. She cracks me up. Can't wait to see her and give her a big hug. This would make a great SNL skit - I can just imagine being a bystander and watching this conversation unfold.

    I love this! lol reminds me of my Grandmother. When I lost weight she would talk so positively to me about it and congratulate me every time she seen me. Then 6-12 months later I started gaining some back. Like 15 pounds I guess and I visited her on Christmas last year and she hugged me and said "You're not pregnant again are you?" sooooo serious. I was like ... 'No Granny, just gaining a little weight back' she looked me over 2 times and said "Well you sure are aren't you." I LOL'd so hard.
  • cdcllcga01
    cdcllcga01 Posts: 71 Member
    cdcllcga01 wrote: »
    Hhhhmmm. My situation is a little different. My sweet Mom is 79 and her filter is fading as fast as her memory. We live in different cities, so we connect via phone most of the time. Here's part of our conversation from Monday:

    MOM: Are you still on that diet?
    ME: Yes Mom. I've lost 51 lbs so far!
    MOM: WOW, How much do you weigh now?
    ME: I weigh 196 (said proudly).
    MOM: Ohhh (dramatic pause), well you've got some more to do then don't you.
    ME: Yes Mom. I've got 16 more lbs to lose, my target weight is 180 (said less proudly).
    MOM: Are you sure that's enough?
    ME: Mom, I'm 53 years old and 6' tall and I've been lifting weights for 9 months - 180 will be awesome. I haven't weighed 180 since I got married.
    MOM: Well, I'll let you know when we see each other at Thanksgiving.

    I just smiled to myself and shook my head. She cracks me up. Can't wait to see her and give her a big hug. This would make a great SNL skit - I can just imagine being a bystander and watching this conversation unfold.

    I love this! lol reminds me of my Grandmother. When I lost weight she would talk so positively to me about it and congratulate me every time she seen me. Then 6-12 months later I started gaining some back. Like 15 pounds I guess and I visited her on Christmas last year and she hugged me and said "You're not pregnant again are you?" sooooo serious. I was like ... 'No Granny, just gaining a little weight back' she looked me over 2 times and said "Well you sure are aren't you." I LOL'd so hard.

    Nice! They both make great accountability buddies don't they? God love 'em!
  • lovematthewchristopher
    I have been told this a lot. SW was almost 300 pounds, so i had a lot of weight to lose, but people see me now and automatically assume that i weigh less than i do because i carry my weight well. So i have been told that my 208 pound body looks like i am 150 pounds, so it is time to stop now, because i am too thin. I laugh every time. When i tell them they have no idea what they are talking about, and how much i actually weigh, they dont believe me.!!I love being tall, it fools the eye!!! Besides, my husband , my opinion is the only opinion that matters, and i want to at least get out of the 200's, then i will be happy, and if they dont like what they see,.....dont look!!!
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    While people certainly develop negative images of themselves and sometimes can't see how good they look, people also tend to react badly to change and are used to a heavier you. Just remember they're just looking out for you =)
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    My mom told me she was worried when I wasn't losing weight in a healthy manner. If anything, I kinda wish more people would have said something about it sooner.
  • jimmy_jama
    jimmy_jama Posts: 6 Member
    I get it all the time. I carry weight on my stomach which seems to be the last place it's shifting from. I don't really care what people say though
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    MissJay75 wrote: »
    Is anyone else being told they lost to much weight, I struggle with this because I hold my weight in my stomach which I don't like, but I lose my butt when I lose the weight, I look healthy, but just have a small backside.

    I'm the opposite. All my jeans are snug in the backside with a huge gap at the waist.

    I've had people suggest to me I should stop losing weight. (This was 8 months into maintenance). I've had people tell me they think the best weight for my body is about 25 pounds more than I currently weigh. I've had people tell me I'm too skinny, and people tell me I look great. Fortunately the only person's opinion I care about is my husband's, and he has loved me at each and every weight I've ever been over the past 20 years.

    What about your own opinion?

    If my husband didn't like my weight it would literally mean nothing to me and he would be in the wrong.

    If one hinges a partner's approval with their own satisfaction, then they must also yoke that person's dissatisfaction with one's own.
    Dangerous games.

    It works for you in practise which is great. It isn't very good in principle because it lowers our estimation of our own worth to only as high as someone else's.

    To the OP: if you like your weight and feel healthy and strong, screw em all. Your weight and your body are no one's business but your own. Keep up the great work. :smile:

    I may have worded that poorly. I don't care what anyone thinks about my body, except me. Additionally I want a body that is pleasing to my husband because I love him and want to feel/be sexy for him. He has never been anything but supportive and encouraging because he finds me beautiful both in mind and in body, even when I'm 9 months pregnant.

    My decisions to lose weight and get healthy were because it was what I wanted for me. You are right that our own self worth shouldn't hinge on our partner's opinion. But I think most people here want their mate to find them attractive. That is all I meant when I said my husband's opinion mattered to me.
  • Iwilldothis4myself
    While in college in a Psychology class the professor said we all have a role in life. When that "role" changes people have difficulty adjusting. For some people in our lives our "role" was to be the fat person. When that changes they don't know what to do. It's not intentional but it makes them feel uncomfortable. That's why people that know you are watching what you are eating start offering you snacks and such. So as long as you know what you are doing is healthy and you are happy with your body that's all that matters. People will always have a good or bad opinion of you. And that's all it is... an opinion. They need to mind their own and let you be happy. You worked hard to get to where you are at. Rock on! I can't wait until people say I've lost to much. :-)
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Yes, many people have told me that I have lost too much weight. (I was 194lb, and lost 52 lb). People get used to seeing you a certain way.

    Also, I must be honest and say that I looked more approachable and kinder looking in the face when fat. Now, I look a bit like someone you would cross the street to avoid :) But, I am 52 so if I don't have a sweet face any more, that's the price I have paid for losing all the fat. It's not worth being fat for :)
  • motivccess
    motivccess Posts: 201 Member
    Life is too short to care what people think. B)
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I don't care what anyone thinks about my body, except me. Additionally I want a body that is pleasing to my husband because I love him and want to feel/be sexy for him. He has never been anything but supportive and encouraging because he finds me beautiful both in mind and in body

    This. I have been told that I need to stop losing weight but the only person's opinion I care about is mine and my husband's. A "friend" told me that if I lose any more, I'll be anorexic. That comment really got to me and told my husband that if he felt that I was getting too thin, he would tell me but as far as I'm concerned, his opinion is the only one I would take into consideration (or a doctor).

    I'm only 10 pounds under the high end weight for my height, (only 11 from the "overweight" category) so I am still trying to get rid of my annoying stomach fat.

  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    I think everyone's just used to what I used to look like and comparing. If they met me right after boot camp and then saw me now, they'd probably suggest I need to lose 20 lbs more...
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Is anyone else being told they lost to much weight, I struggle with this because I hold my weight in my stomach which I don't like, but I lose my butt when I lose the weight, I look healthy, but just have a small backside.

    Yes tell them to *kitten* off!! I did ... what's better is that when you put some back on (purposely in order to gain muscles) the same people make rude comments asking why you stopped working out ... what happened?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    While in college in a Psychology class the professor said we all have a role in life. When that "role" changes people have difficulty adjusting. For some people in our lives our "role" was to be the fat person. When that changes they don't know what to do. It's not intentional but it makes them feel uncomfortable. That's why people that know you are watching what you are eating start offering you snacks and such. So as long as you know what you are doing is healthy and you are happy with your body that's all that matters. People will always have a good or bad opinion of you. And that's all it is... an opinion. They need to mind their own and let you be happy. You worked hard to get to where you are at. Rock on! I can't wait until people say I've lost to much. :-)

    Well said! And Iwilldothis4myself, you'll get there!
  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    I guess I'm odd woman out all I got is people at work is you look fantastic or I almost didn't recognize you follow by how did you do it... Or my favorite when I finally get motivated I want you as my coach...
  • Kettle_Belle14
    Kettle_Belle14 Posts: 246 Member
    Haha, yes! All the time! I'm 5'5 and fluctuate between 128-130 so I'm in no way underweight. I just let it go in one ear and out the other. My husband even said he thought I should put on 10 lbs or so. Heck no! :D