Anyone tried Carb blockers?



  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    Nope its not, its called Carb Blocker on, its white kidney bean extract.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sinead1819 wrote: »
    They're intended to inhibit amylase, the enzymes that break down starch, which makes it less digestible and passes through the digestive system without being absorbed, thus cutting back a couple of calories. Thats the theory behind it anyway. Its not miracle pill or a get slim fast but I only want to lose 4/5lbs in total anyway.

    Didn't quite expect to be jumped on so harshly though from the majority of you, I was asking for anyone's experiences not looking for a miracle pill or trying to flog you all juice plus or shityourpants-teatox.

    People are trying to save you money. No one is "flogging" you. We have ALL been there.

    You don't have to step in a pile of crap to know it smells.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I've had another thought. If all you've got is 4-5 pounds, upping your exercise while keeping your diet the change might do it. And exercise is sustainable.
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    No I was jokingly trying to say, dont jump on me I'm not a juiceplus advocate (there's been an upsurge lately) xD
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I've had another thought. If all you've got is 4-5 pounds, upping your exercise while keeping your diet the change might do it. And exercise is sustainable.

    I'm not really looking at the scales to be honest, thats more of a rough estimate! I'm going by visible change (its a belly thing that I don't like) I've upped my exercise, tried dropping my calories to 1330 but even on the scales nothings shifted at all. Visibly nothing either in 4 weeks. Hence why I was looking at supplements, starting to feel a bit disheartened! I still feel fat and blobby and insecure constantly ><
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    But whats a good way to up natural fibres?
  • TheopolisAmbroiseIII
    Sinead1819 wrote: »
    They're intended to inhibit amylase, the enzymes that break down starch, which makes it less digestible and passes through the digestive system without being absorbed, thus cutting back a couple of calories. Thats the theory behind it anyway. Its not miracle pill or a get slim fast but I only want to lose 4/5lbs in total anyway.

    Didn't quite expect to be jumped on so harshly though from the majority of you, I was asking for anyone's experiences not looking for a miracle pill or trying to flog you all juice plus or shityourpants-teatox.

    If you think you bloat badly from digesting carbs, you don't even want to see what will happen when the carbs make it to the tail end of your digestive tract intact and the gut flora have their way with them.

    The reason beans and broccoli and the like cause some people to have the winds is because they have super long chain carbohydrates which make it all the way to the lower GI before gut flora breaks many of them down. I can't imagine wanting to bring on gas and the potential discomfort and pain attendant to, on purpose.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Seriously, these don't work. None of them worked. If they did, you wouldn't have to come ask. It would be so splattered all over the world that there's finally a weight loss pill that works that you couldn't escape knowing everything about it. Maybe that wouldn't apply 20 years ago or even 10, but these days when you know a Kardashian is knocked up before the toilet finishes flushing? You'd know. They don't work.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    OP...with only 9lbs left to lose...

    I get that you want to look your best for this birthday spa trip but a carb buster pill isn't the answer.

    If you want to eliminate the bloat before your trip just try lowering your carb consumption the week before. I don't know what your percentage of carbs is but maybe lower it by 50mg. Also during that week before avoid high sodium foods that cause water retention. Drink plenty of water.

    This should help with the bloating that you experience. are 18y/o...go enjoy the experience and don't work yourself up over a little bloating.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Don't do it. Most of these "supplements" are not FDA regulated and probably don't go through the same quality assurance process. There was recent news article about how several thousand people end up in the ER from taking supplements that were not prescribed to them.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    This might be a body image thing. I'm of an age where I can safely let go of any idea of a perfect belly. But I can be lovely and happy anyways.

    Natural fiber can be found in.....beans. And all your fruits and veggies. And bran muffins, and grape nuts cereal.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Why have I not ever heard of any of these miracle potions???

    I am out of the loop I suppose...

    What do they claim to do and how do you think that they work?

    There was a "fat blocker" pill (maybe still it...I don't know) that seemed to work by making you poop you pants. I stayed way clear of that.

    There was a thread on here ( it has been removed because of the words anal leakage being used. It was before we had the filter )
    Anyway, the dude took his magic pills hoping to lose weight and look tight and firm. Well instead he ended up crapping on his girlfriend in his sleep. She was sleeping next to him and he crapped himself while sleeping!! So yeah, magic pills and woo are not the way to go.
    Most of these pills just make people go to the bathroom and dehydrate them .( but someone who doesn't know any better would weigh themselves and think yay its working! I've lost 2 pounds! Without understanding that it will come back and in reality they haven't really lost weight )

    Really??? I am not sure what shocks me most...the bed incident or the thread being removed because of the above high-lighted words!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Natural carb blockers (or carb slowers) include fiber and acids like vinegar. Yes, fiber and vinegary foods have slowed my absorption of carbs.

    @Sinead1819 you can lose 4-5 pounds in water weight in a week or two. There will be no way to know if it was the pill or a diet change.

  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    My carb blocker is my magic hand, do not pick up carbs too often, do not eat too many
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    Right got it, don't work xD

    Anyone got any tips that help them? (thanks for those above ^ :) )
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    Sinead1819 wrote: »
    Right got it, don't work xD

    Anyone got any tips that help them? (thanks for those above ^ :) )

    Yes go join the low carb group and go low carb.
  • vibrantval83
    vibrantval83 Posts: 19 Member
    I know how u feel, even fruit bloats me. So I've recently lowered my carb intake. No pasta, rice, potatoes or bread.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Carbs, especially grains and pastas, bloat the heck outta me. I cut them out. If you know they give you bloat and you don't like the bloat, then stop doing what makes you bloat. It really is that simple. It's not easy, but it's simple.

    Get off the bloat-causing foods between now and the spa weekend. That's probably all you'll need to do. Save that money for the spa!
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    what does everyone eat instead? Probably wont be able to cut out entirely because financially they are some of the cheapest meals for our family but breakfast/lunch time might be able to cut out :)