
This year !my family and I are not having traditional turkey and stuffing for thanksgiving we are having homemade pizza and I'm sort of panicking because pizza is my weakness .lol and I know pizza has major calories in just one Alice how to prepare my self the day before during and after?


  • healthy_hermione
    healthy_hermione Posts: 64 Member
    Even if you guys were having the traditional dinner, there's a lot of calories in that traditional dinner too. It's just one day, it shouldn't ruin all of your progress. Maybe drink a lot of water, get a workout done early in the day, etc
  • cheesyP
    cheesyP Posts: 56 Member
    Even if you guys were having the traditional dinner, there's a lot of calories in that traditional dinner too. It's just one day, it shouldn't ruin all of your progress. Maybe drink a lot of water, get a workout done early in the day, etc

    Great idea thank you!

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    If it is worrying you that much start to keep 50 calories a day back, eat at maintenance that day plus the extra from the 50 calories.
    Enjoy your pizza, log it and move on with happy memories of a nice time spent with your family :)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    that is great, I feel guilty about eating out but what the heck, do what makes you happy, that is what we are doing and family can join us or not,doing simple like K&W cafeteria so it is not very expensive and everyone can pay for their own. Someone is sick and doesn't show, and other excuses so this is a lot less complicated.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    It's Thanksgiving. Relax and enjoy the holiday.

    Resume with your calorie goal when it's over.