What do you think is the hardest part about losing weight?



  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    The everyday struggle of balancing my calorie limit. Sometimes I have good days, sometimes bad days. You can see a pattern of weight loss over time but trying to stay positive on the bad days and getting back on track is the hardest.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    It's forever, not just a diet. :D
  • MollyJE19
    MollyJE19 Posts: 67 Member
    Struggling to control cravings now that the weather is colder. I've gained and lost the same 3 pounds for the past 3 weeks, due to giving in to some of the high-fat, high-carb food cravings I have at the beginning of every winter.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    hmm where to start…
    I guess trying to find a way to do this and get it done for good -- without crazy restrictions and being food obsessed. Much of my life is geared around dining and social drinking.. so.. you can understand the struggle.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Not finding it again.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    edited November 2015
    What do you think is the hardest part about losing weight?

    Maintaining it.

    I had very little difficulty losing the weight ... but I'm not feeling so confident about being able to maintain the loss.

    I'm just about to go into the phase where I start adding calories. On the one hand I don't really want to eat much more than I'm currently eating ... generally speaking I like what I'm eating and how much of it I'm eating. But on the other hand, it might be nice to have a pastry at morning tea once a month. I'll need to sort out a balance.
  • ArmyGirl1314
    ArmyGirl1314 Posts: 9 Member
    peter56765 wrote: »
    The non-linearity of weight loss and plateaus. It's very demotivating to be so disciplined for weeks and then not see the scale budge, or worse, go up.

  • rustyquinn
    rustyquinn Posts: 41 Member
    I would have to say shift work is the top of my list. It's difficult to create a routine to stick with.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Resisting the urge to smack people who first note that I've lost weight from the last time they saw me and turn around and offer unsolicited advice on what I should be doing to lose weight. Clearly I have a handle on it since you noticed, why do you have to tell me to do anything different?

  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Resisting the urge to smack people who first note that I've lost weight from the last time they saw me and turn around and offer unsolicited advice on what I should be doing to lose weight. Clearly I have a handle on it since you noticed, why do you have to tell me to do anything different?

    That doesn't seem like the intent, to me. It seems that they're trying to enhance and/or provide variety.
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    Having patience. Not my strong point anyway.

    Also, as someone who is quite private, I dislike being a topic of discussion.

    Jealousy and unsolicited advice.

    BUT - it is all worth it. To put yourself first, to learn about your body, to tell yourself & others that you deserve to be healthy, to feel that sense of achievement, to inspire others and so much more. The rewards are great and I think this is what we should focus on!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    The sinking feeling when you realise you should have done it 10, 20, 30 years earlier.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    8-11 pm.
    Still a battle every night to not indulge with ice-cream, chips. Been two years, and I win the battle most nights, but I always have to remind myself that pigging out just wont get me where I want to be.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Surrendering that feeling of being really full and over-satiated has been the hardest thing for me. Like that need to loosen my belt and lean back and kick up my feet feeling... I wish my stomach would shrink.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hmm. That conscious choice I have to make many times a day, every day, for 1.5 years now, to stop eating after a certain point of intake, cuz goals.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    The weight loss has actually been pretty easy. The hardest part though was just not being able to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

    I'm only a few pounds from my goal weight now and it's been much harder since I got to this point. I feel like I'm good at losing weight and I'm good at gaining weight, but maintaining is going to be way harder for me.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Echoing the others, the hardest thing I'm finding is accepting how slow the process will be, along with the scales occasionally going up or not budging despite sticking to the diet. I very recently started to track my weight on weightgrapher to help build a more positive frame of mind, in that I can now see there is a downwards trend - but still, ugh. So Slow.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Keeping it off.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Getting my massively-sized head from how proud I am of myself through the door.