Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    So, what's everyone up to?
    What do you do during the week? Ya know, when you aren't working out, cooking healthy meals and getting plenty of rest.
    I work for a mortgage company slash bank. Bank holidays are the bomb dot com.
    Anyone rereading DH2 before the movie? I did last year but may pick it up before the midnight showing and browse through the fun parts.

    Okay, I hope everyone is having an inspirational day. Keep up the good work and let's kick some butt come Sunday.
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    I am definitely going to reread before the movie. I usually try to reread the entire series but I dont think I have time now. Maybe I will cheat and listen to the audiobooks. Jim Dale really does an excellent job of narrating.
    During the week when I am not cooking, eating or working out, I am a financial analyst for the university of mn specialuzing in energy and utilities. Prob seems like a big yawn to everyone else, but i love it.
    Have a great week all! I am working hard so hopefully will see some pounds lost. I am at a point where there isnt all that much left to lose so it is slow going.
  • laurabeerotten
    I re-read the entire series over my Christmas break from school. No way I will have time before DH2 to do it again. As far as my "awesome" life, I am a full-time student. Part-time substitute teacher. Applying for pharmacy school as we speak. Doing four shadowships and working a temp job at present, studying for the PCAT and taking two summer courses... busy but boring, I know. ;) Just had first exam of my hard course today. Wow. I'm wiped.

    DH2 comes out on my birthday, so I do plan on taking a break to watch it as a birthday present to myself.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    In my real life I am unemployed so I make that up by trying to save my family as much as I possibly can in groceries each week. I am also into researching and I am the best advocate I can be for my son, who has autism. right now I am looking into the best program for me as far as getting to become an advocate in real life for people with special needs.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Intros is a nice idea!

    I have not long re-read all the HP series, I really enjoyed reading all the way through from the start.

    In real life I am a mental health advisor working for the NHS (UK). I also run training courses on topics like assertiveness, depression and anxiety. I spend my free non-exercise based time reading (of course), singing and attempting to learn to play the saxophone. I also go to burlesque class which is part exercise but more for fun.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I am definitely going to reread before the movie. I usually try to reread the entire series but I dont think I have time now. Maybe I will cheat and listen to the audiobooks. Jim Dale really does an excellent job of narrating.
    During the week when I am not cooking, eating or working out, I am a financial analyst for the university of mn specialuzing in energy and utilities. Prob seems like a big yawn to everyone else, but i love it.
    Have a great week all! I am working hard so hopefully will see some pounds lost. I am at a point where there isnt all that much left to lose so it is slow going.

    hey hey what do you know....I'm also a financial analyst ;0)
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning, guys! I changed my weigh-in day to Saturday, so I'm going to update the spreadsheet a little early.

    As for my non-exercise based life, I'm a college student double majoring in forensic chemistry and computer forensics. My ultimate goal is to work in a crime lab, for a county or state somewhere not too terribly far away from my hometown so that I can still see my family every now and again. Currently, I'm unemployed - I'm about to move back into my parents house for a while so they can transition back into being sole caregivers for my grandmother (I've been taking care of her for the past two years now).
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post last week after a week from recovering from the hospital I'm still not quite right v.v and haven't been my usual self but these past two weeks despite set backs in mood and effort I managed to lose 5 lbs this week alone. So my total now is 24 down! I hope everyone else is doing well!

    As for rereading the series... I AM! Lol I just moved though so I lost thee first 2 books until a couple days ago... SO I read the last book and now am reading Lord of the Rings trilogy, as soon as I finish that I will start HP from the begining. How do I have so much time you ask? Well I am a guard at UPS and of my 8 hour shift I spend 6 of it reading lol. I can probably get books 1, 2 and 3 done each in one day of reading (3 days total) lol but I'm going to dress up for the final movie so I need to start making my costume, so I'm probably going to do that at work as well ^_^ going fully decked out slytherin style! And AND I got my fiancee to agree to dress up tooooooo!!! OMG its gonna be, shall we say it?, MAGICAL!!!!! ^_^
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I lost 2 pounds and I updated the spreadsheet on Friday because I am out of town until later today.
  • laurabeerotten
    Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post last week after a week from recovering from the hospital I'm still not quite right v.v and haven't been my usual self but these past two weeks despite set backs in mood and effort I managed to lose 5 lbs this week alone. So my total now is 24 down! I hope everyone else is doing well!

    Glad you're doing a bit better!
    I lost 2 pounds and I updated the spreadsheet on Friday because I am out of town until later today.

    Thanks for updating early!
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    As of yesterday I'm down 2.5 LBS this week! I think not eating after supper helped to get my weight moving again. That and not eating back all my exercise calories. I know there has been a lot of debate over exercise calories, but everyone's different and for me my weigh loss was slowing right down by eating them all back. So now I try to limit eating them back to half or less.

    I hope everyone had a great week!
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    On a super happy AWESOME note...My DH stopped Friday and bought our IMAX 3D tickets for the July 15th release of Deathly Hallows Part-2 w00t w00t!!!! I'm so excited!

  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Three pounds down this week. Yay! Nika, are you like Abby from ncis? So cool
  • Melk967
    Melk967 Posts: 55 Member
    Sorry I missed last week.....I actually ate pretty crappy the past few weeks and haven't exercised because I've been focusing on changing jobs...I gained 1.2 lbs. Sorry guys :( Planning to get back on track soon......
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Three pounds down this week. Yay! Nika, are you like Abby from ncis? So cool

    I like to think I'm like Abby, but with more color in my wardrobe. I absolutely adore Abby, though. She and DiNozzo are my favorite NCIS characters.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    OK, so I am down 1.5 this week. I was hoping for more and I am still not sure I am over the plateau...still plugging away though.

    My life gets kind of hectic in the summer...single mom of 4 (3 still at home) and I travel a lot for work...it will be a challenge to stay on track with all the stuff I have coming up!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    This week I am back up. I think I have figured out that I retain fluid in the middle of the month- which is highly frustrating. Not to mention that I am a teacher and this past week has been crazy since we are wrapping up the school year. I did weigh myself this morning and will update but I am planning on weighing again tomorrow to see if has dropped again. I need to stop giving into temptation. Exercise has been good this week.
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Weight is 212. One more pound. I guess I'm the turtle. Little bit at a time. I almost didn't lose any.
    My daughter's 13 bday party was friday and I have been cleaning and decluttering my house before the sleepover. So busy I didn't have time to eat or exercise. I didn't really went over but didn't eat normal.
    I also had to do this shortening cookies for a school project that are killing me. They are a family recipe and I just can't resist them. I have only eaten like 4 a day but they are full of fat, and sugar. 150 calories of pure bad stuff. I love them! They are my childhood special cookies. I finally told my daughter to take them to her room and tomorrow I'm taking half of them to my coworkers (They will eat anything, specially cookies). As long as they are out of my vision I'm not tempted but if I see them, sorry, they are hard to make, so it is a special treat when I do them. I still have Bday cake also but that one doesn't tempt me, I haven't had any.
    Hubby also sprang on me going to Texas Roadhouse yesterday afternoon to spend our anniversary gift from my MIL. No time to plan or anything. I didn't go over by a lot because I was still careful but I also wasn't as careful as I could have been. I want this to be a lifestyle thing so I figure that eventually I want to be able to eat out and enjoy. So I was just careful with portions. Not too bad overall.
    I had gain 2 pounds during all this but it came down this AM. Hopefully after a couple of "normal" days I will lose that other pound that was gone before all this busyness started.

    Please, can someone add it to the spreadsheet? My computer doesn't want to open that site. I guess it is not upgraded enough. Thank you to whoever does it.
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Weight is 212. One more pound. I guess I'm the turtle. Little bit at a time. I almost didn't lose any.
    My daughter's 13 bday party was friday and I have been cleaning and decluttering my house before the sleepover. So busy I didn't have time to eat or exercise. I didn't really went over but didn't eat normal.
    I also had to do this shortening cookies for a school project that are killing me. They are a family recipe and I just can't resist them. I have only eaten like 4 a day but they are full of fat, and sugar. 150 calories of pure bad stuff. I love them! They are my childhood special cookies. I finally told my daughter to take them to her room and tomorrow I'm taking half of them to my coworkers (They will eat anything, specially cookies). As long as they are out of my vision I'm not tempted but if I see them, sorry, they are hard to make, so it is a special treat when I do them. I still have Bday cake also but that one doesn't tempt me, I haven't had any.
    Hubby also sprang on me going to Texas Roadhouse yesterday afternoon to spend our anniversary gift from my MIL. No time to plan or anything. I didn't go over by a lot because I was still careful but I also wasn't as careful as I could have been. I want this to be a lifestyle thing so I figure that eventually I want to be able to eat out and enjoy. So I was just careful with portions. Not too bad overall.
    I had gain 2 pounds during all this but it came down this AM. Hopefully after a couple of "normal" days I will lose that other pound that was gone before all this busyness started.

    Please, can someone add it to the spreadsheet? My computer doesn't want to open that site. I guess it is not upgraded enough. Thank you to whoever does it.

    I added it for you. =D
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Maintained. Grr arrgh.