How do you forgive bad people?



  • Luke_I_am_your_spotter
    You don't. I can forgive a good person who does a bad thing but I cant forgive a bad person. Eff em.
  • Straza66
    Straza66 Posts: 45 Member
    I generally decide that they don't deserve to rent space in my head and focus my energy elsewhere. I'm big on letting ish go, but not forgetting who has burned me in the past.

    What she said, it's just easier to forget about it than to sit on something that's hurt you and let it affect you as much as it is. Eff em, basically. Your time's more important than that.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I prefer the Jewish concepts of repentance and forgiveness, which doesn't come with an automatic "get out of Sheol free" card.

    There cannot be forgiveness if there hasn't been repentance and an attempt at restitution.

    So my short answer I guess is, "avoid bad people". Cross the street.

    What she said ^^ There are people who have done some pretty horrible things to me and never apologized or repented. It does not weigh on my heart or blacken my soul not to have forgiven them. If they asked sincerely for it, I might grant forgiveness, but they never will. Would I save them if they were drowning? Yes. Can I be at peace without forgiving them? Yes. Would I cross the street to avoid them? Yes.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »

    I don't think it's part of human nature, generally speaking, to forgive - especially unprovoked, severe and life ruining transgressions.

    Well stated.
  • Luke_I_am_your_spotter
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I prefer the Jewish concepts of repentance and forgiveness, which doesn't come with an automatic "get out of Sheol free" card.

    There cannot be forgiveness if there hasn't been repentance and an attempt at restitution.

    So my short answer I guess is, "avoid bad people". Cross the street.

    What she said ^^ There are people who have done some pretty horrible things to me and never apologized or repented. It does not weigh on my heart or blacken my soul not to have forgiven them. If they asked sincerely for it, I might grant forgiveness, but they never will. Would I save them if they were drowning? Yes. Can I be at peace without forgiving them? Yes. Would I cross the street to avoid them? Yes.

    I think its kinda funny that Santa concurs with the jewish philosophy. ;)
  • OliverMol
    OliverMol Posts: 46 Member
    People will always be territorial. Use a whip. Or buy secret mini bottle of skunk spray and give them a vemgefull innocent hug. Spray in Hair. Vengeance is only sweet when undiscovered. Bc they cant retaliate as easily.
    Ok. This is just a random question. How do you forgive some people who are mean to you? What can you do to let it go and not be bother by it?

  • OliverMol
    OliverMol Posts: 46 Member
    Edit: Lol.