Mom's and Dad's looking for support



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I'm a mother with a 1 year old and a full time job. I'm trying to get myself back into shape and get some time to focus on me. I joined the gym again, finally and slowly working on getting back into exercising like I used to before I had my child. Lol. Plus, I want to feel better about myself. Now, I just have to get my eating in check again.

    Thanks for joining us. Nutrition is the biggest piece of the puzzle. You get that dialed in, everything else is easy ;)
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Today was leg day. Boy did I need a little pick me up to get going. Good thing for pre-workout supplements. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten it done. Long busy weekend combined with not sleeping well 2 nights in a row. How was your weekend?
  • beccalynn1977
    beccalynn1977 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a mother of 2girls age 10 and 13. I work in a very busy and odd hour healthcare office and manage to run my kids here and there for practice and run here and there for my job. Sometimes I wish there were an extra 5-15 hours in a day. But I manage to make it in the 24 hours I've been given. I fell off the wagon during my super busy summer. But I'm back and on a mission. I will take any help and advice I can get.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I'm a mother of 2girls age 10 and 13. I work in a very busy and odd hour healthcare office and manage to run my kids here and there for practice and run here and there for my job. Sometimes I wish there were an extra 5-15 hours in a day. But I manage to make it in the 24 hours I've been given. I fell off the wagon during my super busy summer. But I'm back and on a mission. I will take any help and advice I can get.

    Welcome to the group! :smile:
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Hey everyone, as you know I have had a lot of success with the various workouts I have done over the past couple of years. This has changed my life dramatically for the better and I want others to share in this experience as well. I wanted to let you know that I am hosting a 21 Day fitness challenge, focusing on the program called the 21 Day Fix, as well as the 21 Day Fix Extreme, starting November 30th. I am looking to get as many people as I can to participate. This will take us right up until the week before Christmas. A perfect way to prep for before all those holiday goodies. If you are interested, please let me know, and we can discuss further to see if this would be the right step for you towards achieving your goals!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member

    Well, I received my bloodwork results the other day, and to be honest, I couldn't be happier. My cholesterol was lower than last time, by HDL cholesterol was slightly high, which is what it is supposed to be, blood sugar was normal, and blood pressure was normal. Always great news!
    I became serious with my health and fitness journey about 3 years ago, knowing that if I didn't change my ways, I would be more susceptible to diabetes, which has plagued a portion of my family for years. To know that I continue to keep myself healthy, so that I may be around for my family as long as possible, overwhelms me with joy.
    My only other help others feel this same joy!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Hey Everyone, in case I am not on here tomorrow, I hope you all have a pleasant and wonderful Thanksgiving.
  • MoragLang
    MoragLang Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all

    I am also a mum to 3 boys aged 11, 14 and 16. I have a history of getting started with weight loss, doing quite well, then a family catastrophe erupts, usually medical, and out comes the chocolate and "I don't care how fat I am" attitude. Hoping this time that I will stay motivated and stick to it as I know I can do it. Fitting in exercise and careful food planning is not easy with kids, work and family commitments so I am hopeful I will get some useful tips from this group!
  • hannahwilder23
    hannahwilder23 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a new mummy of a beautiful baby girl who is four months old x
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    MoragLang wrote: »
    Hi all

    I am also a mum to 3 boys aged 11, 14 and 16. I have a history of getting started with weight loss, doing quite well, then a family catastrophe erupts, usually medical, and out comes the chocolate and "I don't care how fat I am" attitude. Hoping this time that I will stay motivated and stick to it as I know I can do it. Fitting in exercise and careful food planning is not easy with kids, work and family commitments so I am hopeful I will get some useful tips from this group!

    Welcome. Glad you could join us!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Good morning my fit pal friends. Alright, one big holiday down, one to go! I actually did really well this year, probably because I had to work, so there wasn't an overabundance of food lying around. But now, time to get back at it.
    My 21 day fix/fix extreme accountability group kicked off today, so that will keep myself and others on point right up until Christmas, and then for after, starting up the new Hammer and chisel program. I have so been looking forward to that one. We're trying to get a big accountability test group set up for that one.
    I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and you are back at it hard. Let'd do this!
  • lizmoore64
    lizmoore64 Posts: 2 Member
    I had lost 30 or so pounds before, and then I got married and had a baby. I put back on the 30 pounds and then some! We have an 11 year old and 9 month old in the house. Where I was able to easily get rid of the bad foods and was able to stick to it extremely easy, now I have 100 times more temptation. I find it difficult! Trying to get on track now and crack down. Its the hardest thing I've ever done.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    lizmoore64 wrote: »
    I had lost 30 or so pounds before, and then I got married and had a baby. I put back on the 30 pounds and then some! We have an 11 year old and 9 month old in the house. Where I was able to easily get rid of the bad foods and was able to stick to it extremely easy, now I have 100 times more temptation. I find it difficult! Trying to get on track now and crack down. Its the hardest thing I've ever done.

    One day at a time. That's the best approach. Before you know it, you will be back to where you want to be. Just keep that exercising regular, continue to eat well, and accept support from those around you! Thanks for sharing.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Good morning MFP friends. So, I wanted to throw this out there. I know this time of year can be rough for some. A lot going on, a lot of memories. Some great, others not so much. I want you to know that if you ever need someone to chat with, I'm here for you. Message me, email me, or if need be, I can give you a call. Sometimes a different ear to speak into is all you need. Have a great day everyone and I will chat with you soon!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Morning everyone. I hope you have had a great week and are ready for the weekend. If any of you are on facebook and looking for a little kickstart to get you through until Christmas, I am hosting a FREE 12 days of FITMAS accountability group on there. Some simple exercise and simple nutrition tips to set the foundation and keep you going with all the progress you have made so far. If you woul dlike to join in, Click here
  • biggmomma81
    biggmomma81 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a mom of 4 kids, three boys one girl my oldest is almost 21 and my little girl is 2. I am a single parent and a full time student. I need to lose 150lb and have little faith that i can make that goal. My doctor started me on a weight loss medicine to help get things going. Hope it works.
  • sheepgoesbeep
    sheepgoesbeep Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 80 pounds with MFP a few years ago. My big kids are 10& 7 and now we have a 3 month old as well, and I find myself 51 pounds from my ideal. I have a fear that I will end up at 80 pounds over again so I am trying to be proactive and start on it now. I have started with some exercise again but I am having a hard time with the food. Grabbing what is quick and easy has been my main goal, I am slowly changing things out for healthier options, mini cucumber and carrot sticks have been my go-to snack for a few days. One of my kids has special dietary needs so more often than not we are focused on the kid trying to gain weight instead of the mom trying to lose. It will all work out I'm sure, but the hill seems high when you're just starting to climb....
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I am a mom of 4 kids, three boys one girl my oldest is almost 21 and my little girl is 2. I am a single parent and a full time student. I need to lose 150lb and have little faith that i can make that goal. My doctor started me on a weight loss medicine to help get things going. Hope it works.

    You have to believe in yourself that you can do it, and you will. Just remember, take it one day at a time. Good clean nutrition is the key. Follow that up with regular exercise and support and you will achieve your goals.
    I lost 80 pounds with MFP a few years ago. My big kids are 10& 7 and now we have a 3 month old as well, and I find myself 51 pounds from my ideal. I have a fear that I will end up at 80 pounds over again so I am trying to be proactive and start on it now. I have started with some exercise again but I am having a hard time with the food. Grabbing what is quick and easy has been my main goal, I am slowly changing things out for healthier options, mini cucumber and carrot sticks have been my go-to snack for a few days. One of my kids has special dietary needs so more often than not we are focused on the kid trying to gain weight instead of the mom trying to lose. It will all work out I'm sure, but the hill seems high when you're just starting to climb....

    The hill may be high, but just keep telling yourself you're going to the top. Remember, health and fitness is a journey, and for some, it may take a little longer than others. But it's the journey that is the fun part. I have been on my journey for 3 years now, and no where near the end. A new chapter opens up every day and I love it.

    Thank you both for sharing and welcome to the group.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Ok, for anyone that is interested, I decided to host my 12 days of FitMas Challenge on here as well. Hopefully it will go well and you will like it if you participate. It is a private group, so only those that ask to join or those I directly invite may participate. I look forward to seeing you on there.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Happy Wednesday. I want to share something with you. This is the hardest time of the year to reach your health and fitness goals. With the home cooked meals, traveling, treats, and for some, hard and sad times, it is hard to stay focused on yourself and do what it takes to ensure that YOU are taken care of. Talking with one of my friends earlier, I asked her to focus on her WHY. Why did she decide to make the decision to be healthier. Many of you I asked that a while back or you saw my other post "What is your Why". Sometimes you have to look back at that to see if your WHY still applies, or if it has changed. Then, use reasoning to fuel yourself to push through the wall and get back on track.

    So I challenge you. If you are struggling right now, ask yourself Why do I want to be healthier? Really think about this and if youare comfortable enough, share with us please. Have a great day everyone!
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