Logging on thanksgiving?



  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I will pre log, here goes - 10,000 calories. Think I'm being too conservative? I can only hope that I can get that much in me. It's a Holiday for Heaven's sake. Enjoy and feast! You may gain 3-5 lbs of food weight but probably less than a lb of fat weight. 3 days from now, you will be back where you were (unless you keep feasting) IMHO.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Josh_LoL wrote: »
    I don't see why you wouldn't log it.

    Because some people feel spending time with family is more important than tracking calories that day.

    I'm going to log. Christmas week will be a diet break for me, though.

    How much time does it actually take a person to log their food? I assume most people are logging from a smart phone. I log every day and will continue to log 365 days a year because I want my log to be acurate, since I look at weekly net and not day to day calories. I had a house full of guests today and managed to log after dinner and just now tweeked my log for dessert.
    It's no book report.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    My Thanksgiving is just about over (I have pre-logged my desserts), and I ended up staying below maintenance. I consumed around 1450 calories for the day, with about 630 allocated to dinner. I'm disappointed in myself -I used to be able to eat 2,700 calories in one meal, and I was starting to feel satisfied after maybe 150-200 calories of food (I probably had close to 3.5-4 cups of different cooked vegetables).

    What I don't understand was my grandmother telling me "don't stuff myself." Woman, I just took insulin for all the food on my plate, and I have a ton of banked calories from my basal testing (fasting) days this week. Did I eat past my fullness signals? Yup (I was starting to feel satisfied 6-7 bites in, but I was locked into eating the food because of my insulin). Do I feel bloated and stuffed? Nope.

    On the bright side, I have a big container of leftover turkey breast calling my name for the next few days.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm right at five thousand calories and that is on low side
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I ate about all I could stand and hit about 3000 calories which is right about maintenance for me at my current weight. Now I want a lower weight but today isn't a big deal. Tomorrow is what I need to focus on to avoid any gain.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    I will pre log, here goes - 10,000 calories. Think I'm being too conservative? I can only hope that I can get that much in me. It's a Holiday for Heaven's sake. Enjoy and feast! You may gain 3-5 lbs of food weight but probably less than a lb of fat weight. 3 days from now, you will be back where you were (unless you keep feasting) IMHO.

    I'm upset, my shrunk stomach has probably only gotten in 3k cals today, I cant eat much more.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    we don't have thanksgiving here . But I shall attempt to pre-log on Christmas day. I'm not sure why though, as I will be so far off the mark that logging would be pretty pointless! At least it'll keep my streak going.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    For giggles I just looked up the entry "Thanksgiving Dinner - 1 Plate" and put 12 of those as my day's entry.
    I'll be back to logging as accurately as I ever do tomorrow and probably having a little extra deficit for a few days. At the worst, I can't imagine having more than 3 pounds above maintenance today. I've been overweight for at least 27 of my 33 years on this planet, I can live with a few weeks more without being at my goal weight.
  • lyndefisher
    lyndefisher Posts: 54 Member
    I log faithfully everyday and don't plan on stopping because of a holiday. I do not plan on back sliding. If II know I am going to be over on the holiday, I would like a rough ideas of how bad. I actually am pretty proud of myself today. Went a little over but not overboard and even factored in dessert!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I log faithfully everyday and don't plan on stopping because of a holiday. I do not plan on back sliding. If II know I am going to be over on the holiday, I would like a rough ideas of how bad. I actually am pretty proud of myself today. Went a little over but not overboard and even factored in dessert!!

    one day is not going to lead to backsliding..the other 364 days are what one should focus on ...
  • healthy_hermione
    healthy_hermione Posts: 64 Member
    i'm not logging because it's so hard to guesstimate how much i ate lol. so i just logged my breakfast and am just going to assume that i went over my calorie limit for the day.
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    I logged thanksgiving. I know that a lot of people reason not logging by saying that it's one day a year and that it's the other 365 that make you gain weight, but I look at it like this: Yes, thanksgiving is "only one day". But so is Christmas. And Halloween. And New Year's. And your birthday. And the neighbor's cookout. All those "just one day"s add up to a lot of days.

    Besides, it's pretty easy for me to log in holidays anyway. I can't eat wheat or milk (unless it's lactose-free), so that eliminates most potluck dishes for me. I just ate a baked sweet potato and some raw veggies at dinner with my extended family, which was easy enough to log, and are a better meal when I got home.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I logged thanksgiving. I know that a lot of people reason not logging by saying that it's one day a year and that it's the other 365 that make you gain weight, but I look at it like this: Yes, thanksgiving is "only one day". But so is Christmas. And Halloween. And New Year's. And your birthday. And the neighbor's cookout. All those "just one day"s add up to a lot of days.

    Besides, it's pretty easy for me to log in holidays anyway. I can't eat wheat or milk (unless it's lactose-free), so that eliminates most potluck dishes for me. I just ate a baked sweet potato and some raw veggies at dinner with my extended family, which was easy enough to log, and are a better meal when I got home.

    Easy for me to log, too. Just copied and edited last year's Thanksgiving. The only difference for the main meal was the type of wine and the rolls, which I made using a different recipe from last year, and I had already entered the recipe while the dough was rising. For the apps this year I only had one that is always on our Thanksgiving menu (turkey liver "pate" -- actually more like chopped liver), so I deleted the others from last year. I did have to swap out last year's apple pie for this year's cherry hand pie.

    Admittedly, lots of estimating involved. Came out to about 1500 for the main meal, and about 2900 for the day, which still leaves me on course for a small deficit for the week.
  • wrenak
    wrenak Posts: 144 Member
    I feel like a failure. I got my food last so I didn't hold anyone up, but I weighed (they had the scale set out for me knowing that I would). I put everything on my plate that I wanted, in the quantities that looked good to me, and logged their weights. I ate everything on my plate. I was comfortably satisfied, but not stuffed. I'm not even at my minimum for the day! I used to be able to pack it away like a champ. *sigh*
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    I wasn't planning to eat more than my calories today, as we don't even celebrate Thanksgiving. When I heard my mom was making chicken, baked mac n cheese, potato salad and possibly dressing, i wasn't certain of the calories in the mac n cheese or chicken and decided at first I'd just look up the recipe mom was using for dressing and try to choose between a portion of mac and 800 something calories of dressing, my fave foods. In the end, i just had a portion of all three dishes (mom didn't have cornmeal for dressing :( ) plus desserts and probably went over. A little annoyed with myself, but just hope i do gr8 tomorrow.
  • ZeXea
    ZeXea Posts: 168 Member
    I actually decided to log it, for fun, see how much i ate how fat ill get. Welp, my meal came to like, 1700 calories? LOL
    Really not bad at all. I thought I would honestly hit 3000 for the day.
    Pretty pleased with myself, I enjoyed that meal immensely! :)
    Happy thanksgiving everyone!

  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    It's actually pretty funny now that I think about it. I can't eat (regular) bread or rolls, but I love making it, and I'm really good at it. My family always has me make them since everyone loves them, and I'm more than happy to comply, but I can't enjoy them myself. :D Oh well, more calories for me, I guess!
  • mdoljansky
    mdoljansky Posts: 35 Member
    Logging on had literally stopped me from over eating.. Although not over drinking
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    blambo61 wrote: »
    I will pre log, here goes - 10,000 calories. Think I'm being too conservative? I can only hope that I can get that much in me. It's a Holiday for Heaven's sake. Enjoy and feast! You may gain 3-5 lbs of food weight but probably less than a lb of fat weight. 3 days from now, you will be back where you were (unless you keep feasting) IMHO.

    I'm upset, my shrunk stomach has probably only gotten in 3k cals today, I cant eat much more.

    Mon before thanksgiving 220 lbs. Sunday after thanksgiving 223lbs. Two days later 220lbs.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    I will pre log, here goes - 10,000 calories. Think I'm being too conservative? I can only hope that I can get that much in me. It's a Holiday for Heaven's sake. Enjoy and feast! You may gain 3-5 lbs of food weight but probably less than a lb of fat weight. 3 days from now, you will be back where you were (unless you keep feasting) IMHO.

    Went up 3 from mon before Thanksgiving to Sunday after and back down where I started today.