Stop making comments!



  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    its very sacred to me, and I've done alone. Is it normal to feel so protective over my loss?
    It is how you feel. I notice that it also depends on the commenter and the comment-judgement that is being passed how it makes me feel and how I respond.
    Some commenters are able to packege the compliment in such a way that you feel that you were worthless to them when you weighed more. Those are the ones that sting. Others are siimply a compliment and I take them with grace.
  • richtodd1976
    richtodd1976 Posts: 9 Member
    2bfit_2016 wrote: »
    I've gone from 230 to 158 in the last 8 months and in the beginning didn't tell anyone anything until about losing 40 lbs then everyone started noticing and making comments and for the first month or two it wasn't much of a big deal but as soon as I hit about 50lbs lost, oh lord it's every time I see someone they comment about my weight,"you look great but you're getting too skinny" "you've lost enough don't lose anymore" " i think you looked better before you're turning into a stick figure now" on and on and on and if they were supportive and sweet comments maybe I wouldn't mind so much, but it's always a backhanded compliment. All of a sudden everyone has turned into a nutritionist and a doctor and they constantly tell me what's good and what isn't good to do or eat or how much to exercise, its just become insane. Recently though I figured the best way to get everyone off my back is To stop sharing any information about my weight and I've started avoiding topics of weight loss because It's the only way I get a sense of peace.

    Exactly..I've had people give ne advice too!
  • Formerly348
    Formerly348 Posts: 9 Member
    Diem78 wrote: »
    Don't get offended so easily. It just means they've noticed. You should be proud. Geesh. It's just like when a woman dyes her hair... Some women like the attention. Some women would rather pretend that it's their natural color and they aren't trying to color up gray hairs. Take it as a compliment. Don't be so sensitive.

    Now this I like!
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    So wait. You're saying that when someone compliments you on your weight loss you consider that "prying"? Yes you are too guarded. Unless they are asking you personal questions about how you lost the weight then I wouldn't say they are prying. Maybe you could go out and have a suit professionally made that makes you look exactly the same on the outside even though underneath you are losing weight.

    Try to be less sensitive, the world will chew you up.
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    I don't mind comments in general, but it does kind of piss me off to get the "you aren't going to lose any more are you?" or "you look too skinny" or "You've lost enough" comments. I am all for people being supportive, but unless I start looking dangerously underweight (I'm 5'9" and 175 lbs. I'm still slightly overweight, and I still have a bit of spare tire around the mid-section. I'm in absolutely no danger of being underweight at this point in time. Much less dangerously underweight.) those kinds of comments are neither warranted or appreciated.

    So, as has been said by others, depending on the kinds of comments the OP has been getting, I can understand the annoyance.
  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    I think its great how people who know nothing about you but a couple of numbers can determine you are doing something wrong or harmful when obviously if we're here we have all had a weight issues at one point. Every person. Is different if we weren't losing weight would be easy.... My doc has me on a lower cal diet with exercise...because I have medical issues that make 1500 calories a day even hard to lose weight...keep on keeping on! And yes people are going to notice....I either just say TY and smile or say...nope still the same weight....and make them wonder what's different :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    2bfit_2016 wrote: »
    Recently though I figured the best way to get everyone off my back is To stop sharing any information about my weight and I've started avoiding topics of weight loss because It's the only way I get a sense of peace.

    I don't bring up the topic of weight loss at all. But I've started telling the people who give me the whole, "you look great but you're getting too skinny" "you've lost enough don't lose anymore" "I think you looked better before you're turning into a stick figure now" thing that I've reached my goal weight and haven't lost a thing in a month. Not quite true as I am close to my goal weight and have lost a couple kg in the past month, but it seems to calm them down and they leave me alone.

    These sorts of comments usually come up at work morning teas at work when I'm standing there with a plate of fruit rather than all the cakes and things. Somehow that plate of fruit is a big red flag to a lot of people.

    Fortunately, there are 3 or 4 people at work who have been quite supportive, and I appreciate them and their comments. :)
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I feel for you and totally agree with your comments. I seem to be left alone until I get under 200 and then the comments start flying. I try to ignore them but some of them really bug me a lot. I have always been the big fat one and no matter what I am the over weight Mother of 5. I am an emotional eater and eat my way back to my heaviest. This time I am doing it for myself because I did it to myself so I am fixing the issue within me. I don't care how fast I lose it. As a matter of fact do what works for you and raise it slowly to maintain. If you were doing certain Doctor prescribed diets you would be eating far less than what you are eating.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Be proud of your accomplishment and own it!
  • MacHaloC
    MacHaloC Posts: 42 Member
    I think some people make snarky, backhanded comments because they have low self-esteem. Don't let them influence you! Others, may not realize that their comment may be insulting when percieved differently than they intended. Just keep your head up and and know you are doing for you. Congratulations on your progress so far!
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    It's never easy to know the right thing to do when you someone you know is losing weight. I've read posts on here from people complaining that nobody comments and there are posts complaining when people do. I understand how being asked if you're sick or someone telling you to stop as you're "skinny enough" but if someone just asks if you've lost weight or they congratulate you just take it at face value. They usually mean well.

    COMPLETELY agree.

    There's NO WAY to know that the thing that a lot of people hope to hear is offensive to you.

    Take a chill pill and take it as a compliment. Either that or never leave your house again.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I know that in general it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. If that's true they're probably right on time, I'm sure no one is meaning to be too in your business, they are just excited for you and curious as to how you've done so well so quickly (since it's taken them so long to notice, and you haven't talked about it.)
    Anyway, congrats on your loss, keep it up, and eventually people will let up about it!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    edited November 2015
    Well, I've lost nearly 80lbs and have had the opposite issue. People are, I'm guessing, not wanting to offend me. I'm not though. I am happy with my hard work and don't mind others acknowledging it.

    However, I do understand your feelings and personally, I don't comment on other people's weight loss, unless I know them well. I will tell them they look great though.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    Oh but I did have someone ask me if I was sick---THAT wasn't cool!!! :s
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