What do you think is the hardest part about losing weight?



  • threadmad
    threadmad Posts: 190 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    Livgetfit wrote: »
    I just want to say I dislike this thread. Guys, we don't need to be focusing on what is hard.

    Everything that is worthwhile in live takes work. Overcoming the things that are difficult about weightloss and lifestyle change requires positivity, endurance, strength, patience and self love to name but a few. Each of us has exhibited these things and more.

    Yes there are aspects that we don't enjoy or find easy but we work past them & that is a much healthier focus.

    Admitting what is hard is usually the first step towards dealing with it. I agree that wallowing in self pity is counterproductive, but talking about challenges and how we face them is good. I don't see people doing any wallowing here.

    Agreed! Admitting something is hard is not the same thing as admitting defeat.
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    dhimaan wrote: »
    Really slow progress. I start to question my effort. Is it something I can control or not?

    Same here, it's really irritating!
  • HostageCat
    HostageCat Posts: 469 Member
    Not being able to eat that whole pizza myself...
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    MasterVal wrote: »
    The most important and the hardest thing for me was to believe in me. Once I believed that I can do it - the rest was a matter of time. Ups and downs did not matter - I KNEW I could do it and I did it.

    Believe in yourself.

    THIS is proving the MOST difficult. I don't believe in myself, even after 12 years of somewhat of an effort. I know i can do it, but i don't believe i will do it consistently. I get furious with myself when i make a mistake. then i figure it's all over and i just may as well eat/drink whatever i want because i am destined to be overweight the rest of my life.
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    Slow progress and staying consistent... I am not at my goal...but the progress is so worth it...
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Nobody is destined to be overweight for life. You sre destined to be the best you can be. It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you visualise how you can be when you try. I struggle all the time but I will never give up. I will not deny myself the foods I really want to eat but I will reduce the quantity and track the calories to give myself s fighting chance. We are all facing similar challenges in life, lets be there for each other. Good Luck everyone.
  • bigjeff6469
    bigjeff6469 Posts: 11 Member
    Another one for lack of self control here. It's a constant battle and holidays are no help. I also will go with the lack of support from my family. They know it's do or die but still eat whatever they want in front of me and then give me an attitude when I cave in to it.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Sticking with it when you have some success can be difficult!
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    Hardest for me is being tempted by people who aren't trying to lose weight. My boyfriend is always telling me that I "deserve a treat" that will break my calories. Also, when I go home my mom wants to constantly feed me.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Hope everyone has a great day, do the difficult things first the rest will become easier.
  • sprc1616
    sprc1616 Posts: 14 Member
    Food and love of food has played a central in many of my friendships, so my changed relationship with eating makes things hard.

    When I go out to eat with friends and they want to order 6 dishes and split them all, I get panicky because I know I'm bad at resisting food that's in front of my face. If the friend is particularly heavy, I get this sense of guilt that I'm making them feel bad when I only eat 10 french fries, get salad dressing on the side or take the bun off my hamburger. On occasion I've even worn baggier clothes when going out so that no one can tell that I'm smaller. No one has said anything negative to me and I know it's all in my head. But it's still rough.

    Another annoyance is that I've had to toss about half my wardrobe and don't really have the money to replace anything. On the upside, the few things I bought years (yes, years) ago in the hope I could eventually squeeze into them now fit perfectly!
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member

    Great to hear that you can now wear clothes that bought a while ago. You are obviously winning the battle. Welldone. Great success story, keep going you will definitely achieve your goal.
  • miles0213
    miles0213 Posts: 55 Member
    How long it takes.
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    I second that!
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    baking, I love to bake and now it is a much less satisfying feeling when I have to pass all the warm gooey goodness on to someone else.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    baking, I love to bake and now it is a much less satisfying feeling when I have to pass all the warm gooey goodness on to someone else.

    Oh man yeah, I don't dare baking anymore :(

    Oh and food pushers. Ugh.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    I think the toughest thing for me is probably needing patience, as many others have pointed out. And how plans to go out to eat now (for me) need to involve research and planning. I have come to greatly prefer cooking at home, rather than going out.
    sprc1616 wrote: »
    Another annoyance is that I've had to toss about half my wardrobe and don't really have the money to replace anything. On the upside, the few things I bought years (yes, years) ago in the hope I could eventually squeeze into them now fit perfectly!

    Thrift stores can be so much fun, and a great way to help out your wardrobe without spending much. Sometimes you can find fantastic stuff, it's like a treasure hunt. (Last month, I bought an adorable Dolce & Gabbana skirt for $8!)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    baking, I love to bake and now it is a much less satisfying feeling when I have to pass all the warm gooey goodness on to someone else.

    Yes, I miss baking. I finally got my baking stuff out of storage and was getting into trying a whole bunch of things about a year ago ... and coincidentally, I also hit my highest weight ever about that time too.

    But I have only baked something once since I started with MFP last February.

    I keep thinking I should try to create low-cal versions of the things I was making, but I haven't done it yet.

  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    baking, I love to bake and now it is a much less satisfying feeling when I have to pass all the warm gooey goodness on to someone else.

    Oh man yeah, I don't dare baking anymore :(

    Oh and food pushers. Ugh.

    Yea food pushers are the worst... "just have one, its only one day can't hurt". They don't understand the struggle or simply don't care. They want to graze for the next few weeks at work because of the holidays. Boo I'm not participating.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    The hardest for me is knowing how long its going to take.