I think I have a problem

hi there.

So I have developed a serious problem with binge eating after I reached my goal weight. Whenever I have days where I feel like it's impossible to stay under 1200 calories, I just stop caring and eat everything in sight until I am 2,000-3,000 calories over my limit. It's like I'm either all or nothing. It's very upsetting because I have gained 20 pounds doing this in the past year and I'm having so much trouble stopping.

I would love input from anybody. What has helped you? Have you had a similar problem? Please add me.

Looking for any support in this struggle...



  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    How tall are you, and how much do you weigh at goal weight and now? 1200 doesn't sound like a maintenance intake for most people your age. You might be quite short, though.

    Depending on those answers, I'm guessing your intake is too low and your goal weight is too low, and your body usually tries to let you know that by making you extra hungry! That's the way that's supposed to work if that's the problem.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    edited December 2015
    As I mentioned on your other thread, you are maintaining, and under 1200cals per day is not sufficient for someone who is maintaining, its not even enough for most people who are losing weight.
  • pliler
    pliler Posts: 45 Member
    1200 cals seems to low to maintain, if your being too restrictive on what your eating you are going to binge. You need to determine your actual calorie needs and eat closer to that so you have more calories to enjoy and not restrict yourself. You might surprise yourself how much more foods you could eat and still be in a deficit.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,034 Member
    +4 to the above. 1200 is low even for losing, for maintaining it is not at all enough. You're binging because you're not eating enough.
  • Agree with all the others - your body is craving food. If you're scared to up the calories (I understand what that's like), do it gradually 100 calories a week or something that you feel comfortable with.
  • Oflamez
    Oflamez Posts: 43 Member
    edited December 2015
    simply calculate your maintenance cals google it according to your weight height age activity levels and just be in a deficit for 300 calories for starters - once you reach your weight - research your maintenance calories = ENJOY.

    More deficit is not better it makes you fat cause you starve yourself then binge from your body trying to not to die from starvation

    more is NOT better

  • auntienashnash
    auntienashnash Posts: 3 Member
    While I agree with the others who posted above about your calorie intake, I do think you are asking for help with more than just your hunger. Instead of accepting that you might be just a little over your calorie goal for the day and staying on track, you are throwing your hands up and eating whatever you can find to make up for letting yourself down, again. I have a friend who does the exact same thing. I have done it before too. That is emotional eating. Beating yourself up about it won't help, it will just lead you down the chocolate river. You are admitting to having a problem with self control, and that is a healthy thing. Be proud that you have identified one of your weaknesses and tackle it head on. Remember that not eating enough is sabotage on your body and won't help you stay on track. Good luck doll!
  • dinomartinez3
    dinomartinez3 Posts: 36 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thank you for all of the wonderful replies. I truly appreciate each and every message!

    My height is actually only 5 '2 and I am trying to get down to 110 pounds which isn't too low. I currently weigh 122 pounds so I have 12 to go. I think my problem is that I see my Day as very black-and-white. If I feel like it's going to be difficult to stay under 1200 cal I just completely give up and eat my weight in food and probably gain a pound in the process. Literally binge like 2,000 calories every time!

    What do you all do on days where it seems unlikely that you will stay under your calorie goal?
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    What are you weight lose goals set to?
    I'm 5'2 also, and the math just doesn't work in our favor, unfortunately.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Thank you for all of the wonderful replies. I truly appreciate each and every message!

    My height is actually only 5 '2 and I am trying to get down to 110 pounds which isn't too low. I currently weigh 122 pounds so I have 12 to go. I think my problem is that I see my Day as very black-and-white. If I feel like it's going to be difficult to stay under 1200 cal I just completely give up and eat my weight in food and probably gain a pound in the process. Literally binge like 2,000 calories every time!

    What do you all do on days where it seems unlikely that you will stay under your calorie goal?

    Okay, at the beginning you said you had trouble after meeting your goal weight. with still trying to lose 1200 should be fine given your stats, as long as you are also eating back the calories burned from exercise.

    You may also want to take a diet break if it is a mental thing, eat at maintenance for 2-6 weeks then go back into a deficit to lose the rest of the weight.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thank you for all of the wonderful replies. I truly appreciate each and every message!

    My height is actually only 5 '2 and I am trying to get down to 110 pounds which isn't too low. I currently weigh 122 pounds so I have 12 to go. I think my problem is that I see my Day as very black-and-white. If I feel like it's going to be difficult to stay under 1200 cal I just completely give up and eat my weight in food and probably gain a pound in the process. Literally binge like 2,000 calories every time!

    What do you all do on days where it seems unlikely that you will stay under your calorie goal?

    I notice you write about not meeting your calorie goal as if it's something that happens to you ("it seems unlikely you will stay under your calorie goal"), not something that you do. It isn't like rain or a car crash -- it's a collection of choices that you make. But I understand where you're coming from because I've felt that way in the past myself.

    Now if it looks like I will go over my goal because of decisions that I've made, I decide how much over I'm going to go. For example, if I am out to dinner with my husband and he wants to share an appetizer, I decide whether or not I want to do it. If I do, I stay on plan with the rest of my day and just add those calories. I don't go off plan for the rest of the dinner and choose a different entree and add extra drinks and a dessert. Just because I've changed my plans and decided to go over for the appetizer, it doesn't mean that I have somehow "lost" the day and am throwing in the towel. It means I'm going over by however many are in the appetizer and no more. And it was my decision.

    The most important thing is to realize you can control whether or not you meet your goals or not. If you truly can't control it, that's a whole other issue that needs to be addressed. If you're eating too little (and it sounds like you may be), it can make it really difficult to control the impulse to eat. You may be experiencing that now. I don't know what your activity level is, but MFP should be giving you a goal of at least 1,200, even if you are trying to lose weight. I weigh 111 and am just a bit taller than you and I had more than 1,200 calories at every point of losing weight.

    If you are finding yourself in a situation where you are unable to control what you eat, even when you are nourishing yourself adequately, consider professional help. Binge eating doesn't have to control your life! I have struggled it with it myself. In my case, it got better when I stopped overly restricting. But many people have had great success overcoming this, some with professional help.
  • melissaschmidt56
    melissaschmidt56 Posts: 18 Member
    Try to not obess over food and what your eating it will drive you crazy! Plan what you will eat and enjoy your day. We are more than the food we eat and remember you are wonderful now!!!
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    Thank you for all of the wonderful replies. I truly appreciate each and every message!

    My height is actually only 5 '2 and I am trying to get down to 110 pounds which isn't too low. I currently weigh 122 pounds so I have 12 to go. I think my problem is that I see my Day as very black-and-white. If I feel like it's going to be difficult to stay under 1200 cal I just completely give up and eat my weight in food and probably gain a pound in the process. Literally binge like 2,000 calories every time!

    What do you all do on days where it seems unlikely that you will stay under your calorie goal?

    I log everything I eat even if I don't think I am going to be under for that day. Gives me a good perspective of how much I will gain if I continue to eat like that every day. That usually helps me get back on track. When I stop logging my food is when I start slipping into the same problem you have.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member

    The most important thing is to realize you can control whether or not you meet your goals or not.

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thank you for all of the wonderful replies. I truly appreciate each and every message!

    My height is actually only 5 '2 and I am trying to get down to 110 pounds which isn't too low. I currently weigh 122 pounds so I have 12 to go. I think my problem is that I see my Day as very black-and-white. If I feel like it's going to be difficult to stay under 1200 cal I just completely give up and eat my weight in food and probably gain a pound in the process. Literally binge like 2,000 calories every time!

    What do you all do on days where it seems unlikely that you will stay under your calorie goal?

    I log it and move on. I go over from time to time, hell, everyone has off days and goes over. When I do it accidentally, I simply log it, learn from it and start fresh with the next day. I say day because on the days I go over by accident, I don't realize it until night, but if you realize it at lunch, start fresh next meal. Going 200-300 over isn't a deal breaker, it's not going to sabotage your diet unless you let it, and it doesn't make you a failure. This took me a long while to really internalize and start to accept. Accepting that you made a mistake and learning from it instead of giving up is hard, but something you'll need to learn how to do to make it all work.

    You might also look into any support groups in your area. Binge eating because you think you're going to fail that day isn't a healthy attitude, and having a support group might help you adjust your view to something that will help you rather than hurt you.
  • hoopika
    hoopika Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry to throw myself in this mix but I feel like I am going through something similar. I don't calorie count because I don't really like the idea of it. but I am underweight and the doctor has told me to put on but I can't seem to be okay with it. I know its an image issue but it is damaging my health. I want to put on weight but not change my body image (which sounds silly) but is there a way? Can anyone suggest a meal plan for an average day that is 'normal' at the moment I obsess about what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat. It's really not fun and impacting a lot of my life.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    hoopika wrote: »
    Sorry to throw myself in this mix but I feel like I am going through something similar. I don't calorie count because I don't really like the idea of it. but I am underweight and the doctor has told me to put on but I can't seem to be okay with it. I know its an image issue but it is damaging my health. I want to put on weight but not change my body image (which sounds silly) but is there a way? Can anyone suggest a meal plan for an average day that is 'normal' at the moment I obsess about what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat. It's really not fun and impacting a lot of my life.

    How much weight does your doctor want you to gain? You should be able to use MFP to enter your goal weight and then MFP will give you a calorie goal to gain the weight that you need.

    However, if you don't want to calorie count, you should try adding calorie-dense foods to your current diet. What are you typically eating now?
  • dinomartinez3
    dinomartinez3 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for all of the wonderful replies. I truly appreciate each and every message!

    My height is actually only 5 '2 and I am trying to get down to 110 pounds which isn't too low. I currently weigh 122 pounds so I have 12 to go. I think my problem is that I see my Day as very black-and-white. If I feel like it's going to be difficult to stay under 1200 cal I just completely give up and eat my weight in food and probably gain a pound in the process. Literally binge like 2,000 calories every time!

    What do you all do on days where it seems unlikely that you will stay under your calorie goal?

    I notice you write about not meeting your calorie goal as if it's something that happens to you ("it seems unlikely you will stay under your calorie goal"), not something that you do. It isn't like rain or a car crash -- it's a collection of choices that you make. But I understand where you're coming from because I've felt that way in the past myself.

    Now if it looks like I will go over my goal because of decisions that I've made, I decide how much over I'm going to go. For example, if I am out to dinner with my husband and he wants to share an appetizer, I decide whether or not I want to do it. If I do, I stay on plan with the rest of my day and just add those calories. I don't go off plan for the rest of the dinner and choose a different entree and add extra drinks and a dessert. Just because I've changed my plans and decided to go over for the appetizer, it doesn't mean that I have somehow "lost" the day and am throwing in the towel. It means I'm going over by however many are in the appetizer and no more. And it was my decision.

    The most important thing is to realize you can control whether or not you meet your goals or not. If you truly can't control it, that's a whole other issue that needs to be addressed. If you're eating too little (and it sounds like you may be), it can make it really difficult to control the impulse to eat. You may be experiencing that now. I don't know what your activity level is, but MFP should be giving you a goal of at least 1,200, even if you are trying to lose weight. I weigh 111 and am just a bit taller than you and I had more than 1,200 calories at every point of losing weight.

    If you are finding yourself in a situation where you are unable to control what you eat, even when you are nourishing yourself adequately, consider professional help. Binge eating doesn't have to control your life! I have struggled it with it myself. In my case, it got better when I stopped overly restricting. But many people have had great success overcoming this, some with professional help.

    You are absolutely right. The most important thing is realizing that i can control whether i meet my goals or not. I don't have to throw in the towel just because I'm going to be 200-300 calories over for the day.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thank you for all of the wonderful replies. I truly appreciate each and every message!

    My height is actually only 5 '2 and I am trying to get down to 110 pounds which isn't too low. I currently weigh 122 pounds so I have 12 to go. I think my problem is that I see my Day as very black-and-white. If I feel like it's going to be difficult to stay under 1200 cal I just completely give up and eat my weight in food and probably gain a pound in the process. Literally binge like 2,000 calories every time!

    What do you all do on days where it seems unlikely that you will stay under your calorie goal?

    I notice you write about not meeting your calorie goal as if it's something that happens to you ("it seems unlikely you will stay under your calorie goal"), not something that you do. It isn't like rain or a car crash -- it's a collection of choices that you make. But I understand where you're coming from because I've felt that way in the past myself.

    Now if it looks like I will go over my goal because of decisions that I've made, I decide how much over I'm going to go. For example, if I am out to dinner with my husband and he wants to share an appetizer, I decide whether or not I want to do it. If I do, I stay on plan with the rest of my day and just add those calories. I don't go off plan for the rest of the dinner and choose a different entree and add extra drinks and a dessert. Just because I've changed my plans and decided to go over for the appetizer, it doesn't mean that I have somehow "lost" the day and am throwing in the towel. It means I'm going over by however many are in the appetizer and no more. And it was my decision.

    The most important thing is to realize you can control whether or not you meet your goals or not. If you truly can't control it, that's a whole other issue that needs to be addressed. If you're eating too little (and it sounds like you may be), it can make it really difficult to control the impulse to eat. You may be experiencing that now. I don't know what your activity level is, but MFP should be giving you a goal of at least 1,200, even if you are trying to lose weight. I weigh 111 and am just a bit taller than you and I had more than 1,200 calories at every point of losing weight.

    If you are finding yourself in a situation where you are unable to control what you eat, even when you are nourishing yourself adequately, consider professional help. Binge eating doesn't have to control your life! I have struggled it with it myself. In my case, it got better when I stopped overly restricting. But many people have had great success overcoming this, some with professional help.

    You are absolutely right. The most important thing is realizing that i can control whether i meet my goals or not. I don't have to throw in the towel just because I'm going to be 200-300 calories over for the day.

    Depending on the size of your deficit, being 200-300 calories over is going to put you really close to maintaining for the day (assuming your deficit is 250 calories a day). So instead of thinking of the day being "lost," you can think of it as a day that you chose to maintain.
  • hoopika
    hoopika Posts: 4 Member
    hoopika wrote: »
    Sorry to throw myself in this mix but I feel like I am going through something similar. I don't calorie count because I don't really like the idea of it. but I am underweight and the doctor has told me to put on but I can't seem to be okay with it. I know its an image issue but it is damaging my health. I want to put on weight but not change my body image (which sounds silly) but is there a way? Can anyone suggest a meal plan for an average day that is 'normal' at the moment I obsess about what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat. It's really not fun and impacting a lot of my life.

    How much weight does your doctor want you to gain? You should be able to use MFP to enter your goal weight and then MFP will give you a calorie goal to gain the weight that you need.

    However, if you don't want to calorie count, you should try adding calorie-dense foods to your current diet. What are you typically eating now?

    the doctor says I need to put on about half a stone which isn't much. I do eat, for example for breakfast I might have avocado and a boiled egg with ryvita or toast, for lunch maybe some brown rice and beans or sandwich or a wrap, dinner again rice and a currey or chicken maybe some sweet potatoe too. I snack of fruit and or nuts. I eat the treat if I really want and I do enjoy my tea and coffee. I do do a lot of sports either yoga or football, running, anything really. and I drink a lot of water. but sometimes I do obsess about eating 'healthy' if I tend to treat myself more if I know il burn it off later. and if I do eat something 'unhealthy' I then make it more of a point to exercise and burn it off...