I'm sure I'll get bashed for this, but..



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i'm not even going to bother replying to anything you said....cuz i'm pretty sure you wouldn't get it anyway.

    you obviously have WAY BIGGER problems than just your weight.
  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member
    Let's try to be accepting of all people regardless of societal stigma's.

    From Wikipedia:


    Weight stigma, also known as weightism, weight bias, and weight-based discrimination, is discrimination or stereotyping based on one's weight, especially very large or thin people. The term is a misnomer as the stigma arises from the condition of being obese or schadenfreude arising from the suffering from the disease, and not the mass of the individual stigmatized in this manner. Weight stigma reflects internalized attitudes towards the obese that affects how these people—the targets of bias—are treated.

    A person who is stigmatized possesses a weight that leads to a devalued social identity, and is often ascribed stereotypes or other labels denoting a perceived deviance which can lead to prejudice and discrimination. Common, “weight-based”, stereotypes are that obese persons are lazy, lack self-discipline, and have poor willpower, but also possess defects of intelligence and character. Common weight-based stereotypes of non-obese persons are that non-obese persons are unattractive, anorexic, unhealthy, diet and/or exercise excessively. There is no experimental or scientific evidence to indicate that these stereotypes are true, although pervasive social portrayals of obesity create and reinforce biased attitudes.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    this is your journey, don't compare it with others, you are your own model, the one to please, no one takes better of yourself then you. You are doing it for yourself, to be healthy a good cheat ones and a while can help the indulge, perhaps it's all you need to take your frustration out, and then go back to your ways
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    In fact, I understand what you mean. When I see people who have alot of weight to lose, I can't help but think " at least they enjoyed themself!!! I can't remember last time I ate with pleasure and without counting the calories" but what we are doing is hard....it is hard for everyone. If it was not hard everyone would be healthy!!!! We all have our own road to travel.

    I have to comment on this... while I understand your perception and your thoughts, I do hope you understand that just because someone overeats doesn't mean that they're enjoying themselves doing so. If someone has reached the obese and higher stage, there's a good chance that it has nothing to do with enjoying the food.

    Yes I understand what you mean. Self medication with food has nothing to do with enjoyment!!! far from it
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    I've been working at this harder and longer than you ever will.

    Do the world a favor and just keep your mouth shut next time, jerk.

    I am sorry but that was uncalled for.

    P.S. I would never have judged the OP's weight loss goals or maintenance goals as "less" difficult than mine because she has maintained it for so long. I've never been in her shoes so I would not presume what it would be like. Likewise, having her single out people who have lost a large amount of weight in the manner that it was done is incredibly ignorant and rude. Sugar coating it and "writing it off" as frustration venting is unacceptable.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Just a quick clarification. I'm not angry. I'm not victimized, etc.

    The broad category I refer to are people that are not actively doing something. This probably eliminates everyone at MFP.

    If you were actually thinking that what you wrote, actually elliminated everyone at MFP, why would you post a forum on MFP w/ the topic I'M SURE I'LL GET BASHED FOR THIS, BUT....

    If it wasn't intended for anyone from this site to get offended by when they read it, I think you should've made that clear from the beginning.

    Back to you forum, haven't you ever heard the ole saying, NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER? Just because someone isn't as healthy as you, doesn't mean that they haven't struggled w/ their weight. My mother-n-law, bless her heart, is obese. But, she doesn't eat that much. I actually eat at least twice more than she does. She may not be as active as I am, she is over 60, but when she was younger, she was VERY active & have heard that she's pretty much been obese her entire life. When some look @ her, they may think that she has just let herself go or that she eats all day.....etc etc...but that's not true. She just has a very low metabolism.

    So see, you can't judge someone just because of the way they look. And if you wrote this forum w/ a certain person in mind, you should've made that more obvious. If someone is being rude to you because you are trying to better yourself, and you know that they aren't actively doing anything about their weight, I'm sorry that you've had to go through that. Because, that does hurt. Especially when it comes from family. I've had to deal w/ smart remarks from members of my family. They don't want to change enough to do something about their weight, but yet they want to criticize me for trying to have a healthier lifestyle.

    Congrats to your weight loss & good luck in reaching your goals! =)
  • es0torok
    es0torok Posts: 66 Member
    I think what the OP is trying to say, albeit poorly, is that someone that has eaten everything under the sun and never exercised their entire life, then one day decides to watch what they eat and start exercising cannot claim that they have “struggled” with weight control their entire life, because they have never worked at it. On the other hand someone that has worked their entire life to maintain their weight, while never becoming overweight or obese could have a greater struggle (i.e. put in more work).

    Bingo!! Thank you so much for putting that in a better way. That is exactly what I meant.

    And I do owe an apology to the medical-issues people.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I think what the OP is trying to say, albeit poorly, is that someone that has eaten everything under the sun and never exercised their entire life, then one day decides to watch what they eat and start exercising cannot claim that they have “struggled” with weight control their entire life, because they have never worked at it. On the other hand someone that has worked their entire life to maintain their weight, while never becoming overweight or obese could have a greater struggle (i.e. put in more work).

    Bingo!! Thank you so much for putting that in a better way. That is exactly what I meant.

    And I do owe an apology to the medical-issues people.

    i suppose. but there are people who can eat anything under the sun and never gain weight at all. it's not fair to lump people into categories as you are doing. you can never know what people are going through unless you talk to them. not at them. and weight loss is such a personal thing, so varied by genetics and colored by emotions, there is no standard. how insulting you have been!
  • AlexandraLove
    I think what the OP is trying to say, albeit poorly, is that someone that has eaten everything under the sun and never exercised their entire life, then one day decides to watch what they eat and start exercising cannot claim that they have “struggled” with weight control their entire life, because they have never worked at it. On the other hand someone that has worked their entire life to maintain their weight, while never becoming overweight or obese could have a greater struggle (i.e. put in more work).

    Bingo!! Thank you so much for putting that in a better way. That is exactly what I meant.

    And I do owe an apology to the medical-issues people.

    I think you owe an apology to a lot of people for your judgmental comments.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    Funny that someone who has NO IDEA what its like to be ridiculed & cast out because they've never been to a point most of us are at now can step up & say something like that. We all are making positive changes for OURSELVES, NOT TO COMPETE WITH ANYONE. I highly doubt anyone has chastised you on this site for maintaining a healthy weight most of your life. La dee frickin da. Conversely, being a snot about how much harder your life is than everyone else's.. you can shove it, seriously. Clearly you are misguided in some way. This isn't about your diet experience being any more or less of a challenge than anyone else's. We're ALL here to get healthy - if you're looking for a skinny b*tch contest find it elsewhere.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think what the OP is trying to say, albeit poorly, is that someone that has eaten everything under the sun and never exercised their entire life, then one day decides to watch what they eat and start exercising cannot claim that they have “struggled” with weight control their entire life, because they have never worked at it. On the other hand someone that has worked their entire life to maintain their weight, while never becoming overweight or obese could have a greater struggle (i.e. put in more work).

    Bingo!! Thank you so much for putting that in a better way. That is exactly what I meant.

    And I do owe an apology to the medical-issues people.

    You owe an apology to a lot of people.
  • mocklin
    mocklin Posts: 33 Member
    So what was it that an MFP member said to you to make you feel this way? Did someone say something or are you just having a hard time with all the Kudo's for the big weight loss?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Anybody who starts off a thread with the title like that, deserves what they get.
    Then they try to back peddle, and ... "Oh that's not what I meant".There's other issues at hand.

    OP's first thread.

    \I'm new. I don't have much to lose. I am 52, 119# (with spikes to 124), and 5' 3.5". My only great weight loss achievement is that I lost 30 lbs twenty years ago and maintained my weight at 112. That is, until two years ago. In the last 2 years I have added 15 lbs. I decided 6 weeks ago to regain control before i gain even more.

    I decided to make my diary public. I need the accountability.

    Most people assume my weight control is not a problem because their numbers are greater. They are wrong. It takes just as much control and discipline for me to walk away from a reeses peanut butter cup as it does someone that has 150 lbs to lose.

    So less than a week ago, you still had the same problem. 5 days later, you still feel the same way.
    As others asked. Did someone on MFP piss you off?
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I'm surprised everyone is being so nice. You should be "bashed" for your mean-spirited and totally useless, self-centered post.

    Yikes!!!! Not necessary! Really don't get why people use MFP as a means to be rude. This site is just as bad as facebook with it's rude/negative remarks to so-called "friends".
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I would never say I have struggled more than anyone, because we can't possibly know what it's like for other people, not fully. However, having been at a healthy weight for the first 24 years of my life, I do know that "skinny" people are discriminated against as well, certainly not at the level of overweight, but I got teased, made fun of, left out, and treated badly because I wasn't one of the "fat girls". Having been over weight, I know what it's like to be ignored, unimportant, not there, or treated badly because I was fat. Since losing weight, the people that talked to me when I was fat no longer talk to me, and the people that didn't talk to me, now talk to me. The whole thing is very frustrating. Weight should not be about anything but health. Also having lost weight and now being at a healthy weight, but having to fight to stay here, I realize it's not a matter of getting to goal and then everything being just fine. I realized the losing part is the easy part, it's the holding on to that that's the real struggle. At least for me anyways. It is frustrating to be talked about, and have rude things said to you because you have lost weight, or watch what you eat, or workout. And it happens all the time. There really needs to be a sense of understanding and tolerance for all people no matter where they are in their lives with their weight.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I think what the OP is trying to say, albeit poorly, is that someone that has eaten everything under the sun and never exercised their entire life, then one day decides to watch what they eat and start exercising cannot claim that they have “struggled” with weight control their entire life, because they have never worked at it. On the other hand someone that has worked their entire life to maintain their weight, while never becoming overweight or obese could have a greater struggle (i.e. put in more work).

    Bingo!! Thank you so much for putting that in a better way. That is exactly what I meant.

    And I do owe an apology to the medical-issues people.

    I think you owe an apology to a lot of people for your judgmental comments.

    I'd agree with that Alexandra :smile:
  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member
    It took me a while to even decide to jump in on this one.

    This is a very sensitive topic and strikes at the heart of one of the biggest issues in society. Bigotry and discrimination are rampant in our society. It is not just individuals but the media as well. The implication that you can never be too skinny or too attractive and if you are overweight you must be lazy is still prevalent or even more so today.

    The underlying tone of the OP's comment is one of being better than "others" and having more will power. Thus implying anyone who has indulged or through genetic or medical issues has become overweight is less of a person. This kind of attitude has very serious consequences in our society and has a very real death rate associated with it through weight based teen suicide, anorexia, bolemia, etc.

    This community, MFP, is very desirable to many people here based on the open and accepting attitudes shared through a common goal. Fitness, healthy lifestyle. Whether big, small, tall, short we all can be fit and should be accepted at all stages of our individual lives.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    SMH. Somebody call the Waaaambulance. This isn't a competition. Focus on you and I will focus on me :wink:
  • atisketataskets
    I think what the OP is trying to say, albeit poorly, is that someone that has eaten everything under the sun and never exercised their entire life, then one day decides to watch what they eat and start exercising cannot claim that they have “struggled” with weight control their entire life, because they have never worked at it. On the other hand someone that has worked their entire life to maintain their weight, while never becoming overweight or obese could have a greater struggle (i.e. put in more work).

    perfectly stated!
  • mamaredhead
    mamaredhead Posts: 112
    The broad category I refer to are people that are not actively doing something. This probably eliminates everyone at MFP.

    ... hahaha, yeah, sort of!

    I did get your point, but you probably also got "the other point".

    Everyone on here is on here because they want to make a change. Actively. For themselves.
    So your theory of people who do nothing but enjoy and therefore gain weight doesn't apply around here ...
    (Maybe it used to be like that for one or the other, but whoever made it on here has left that point far behind ...)

    But of course everyone on here IS enjoying their journey -- and we should be out there giving each other support!

    Now everyone keep going and do it RIGHT!
This discussion has been closed.