Diet pills from the doctor

Hello all,
I just started my weight loss program set up by my doctor and I am taking adapex and weekly b12 shots. I have drastically changed my eating habits and have exercised more than before. I have only been on the diet for 9 days and I've lost 7.5 lbs. I know that is a lot for one week. Doing a 1200 calorie diet. My question is for people who have done similar programs. Once you stop taking the pills/shots after 6 months were you successful in keeping the weight off?


  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited December 2015
    It sounds like you're losing awfully fast,
    and 1200 is a very low intake,
    but if you're being monitored by your doctor & s/he thinks you're staying healthy, that's what's important.
    (Apparently s/he saw a vitamin deficiency, which is the reason for the B12. Hopefully that resolves soon.)

    The appetite suppressants don't help you lose weight.
    All they do is control your appetite. (You can still overeat if you choose.)
    Once you've learned to eat reasonably on your own, leave them alone.
    (ETA: You won't be eligible for them much longer; your ticker shows you have 66 lb to go.)

    And forget this "on a diet" thing.
    You are changing your life for good.

    I used phentermine for several months. It was amazing.
    I went from being _hungry_ pretty much all the time, to realizing that I needed to eat when I hadn't for 6 hours.
    Once my appetite reset, and I got used to what normal food portions looked like, I didn't need them any longer.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Here are some helpful things to read.
    Definitely read sexypants several times.

    This blog post includes links to several calculators (as well as other solid references).
    One comes from the Baylor College of Medicine, and takes into account your age, height, weight, & activity.
    It will show you how much you should be eating, both in calories & in servings of the food groups.

    Goal setting, including weight, calories, and macros
  • bmwny1
    bmwny1 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the reply I will check out the links!
  • Ugh I envy you. I've heard nothing but good things about adipex phentermine but my doctor refuses to let me take it. I don't know what. They just said no way. I want it so badly
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Once you stop pills/shots you will regain most of it unless you have strongly modified your
    diet. Low-carb is best. :)
  • bmwny1
    bmwny1 Posts: 22 Member
    How much weight do you have to lose? My didn't have a specific number but I have a significant amount to lose. Also if your blood pressure is high you can't take them because they make your heart race. I had trouble with them the first few days but I'm doing okay now.
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    It sounds like you're losing awfully fast,
    and 1200 is a very low intake,
    but if you're being monitored by your doctor & s/he thinks you're staying healthy, that's what's important.
    (Apparently s/he saw a vitamin deficiency, which is the reason for the B12. Hopefully that resolves soon.)

    The appetite suppressants don't help you lose weight.
    All they do is control your appetite. (You can still overeat if you choose.)
    Once you've learned to eat reasonably on your own, leave them alone.
    (ETA: You won't be eligible for them much longer; your ticker shows you have 66 lb to go.)

    And forget this "on a diet" thing.
    You are changing your life for good.

    I used phentermine for several months. It was amazing.
    I went from being _hungry_ pretty much all the time, to realizing that I needed to eat when I hadn't for 6 hours.
    Once my appetite reset, and I got used to what normal food portions looked like, I didn't need them any longer.

  • Quitabanks
    Quitabanks Posts: 16 Member
    I did it for like 6 months the results were amazing! But my weight came back quicker because I was eating more after I stopped taking it....
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    edited December 2015
    Just going to say, 7 pounds in the first week isn't too much. The first week is usually accompanied by a significant loss of water weight. If you keep losing that much over the next few weeks, then you should start worrying! :)
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    bmwny1 wrote: »
    Hello all,
    I just started my weight loss program set up by my doctor and I am taking adapex and weekly b12 shots. I have drastically changed my eating habits and have exercised more than before. I have only been on the diet for 9 days and I've lost 7.5 lbs. I know that is a lot for one week. Doing a 1200 calorie diet. My question is for people who have done similar programs. Once you stop taking the pills/shots after 6 months were you successful in keeping the weight off?

    I've never done such treatments, but I've seen quite a few state that they struggle to maintain after they are removed from the drug. But that's not across the board either, and might be affected by a lot of things.

    Usually a good doctor won't prescribe such a thing unless the help with loss outweighs the negatives. But if you want to ensure long term success, you might want to talk to your doctor about that and start building your "non drug" maintenance and/or loss tools now.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Ugh I envy you. I've heard nothing but good things about adipex phentermine but my doctor refuses to let me take it. I don't know what. They just said no way. I want it so badly

    Maybe one of these reasons?

    Important information

    Do not use Adipex-P if you are pregnant or breast-feeding a baby.

    You should not take Adipex-P if you have a history of heart disease (coronary artery disease, heart rhythm problems, congestive heart failure, stroke), severe or uncontrolled high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, glaucoma, a history of pulmonary hypertension, if you are in an agitated state, or if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

    Before taking this medicine

    Do not use Adipex-P if you have taken an MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days. A dangerous drug interaction could occur. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, and tranylcypromine.

    You should not take Adipex-P if you are allergic to phentermine, or if you have:
    • a history of heart disease (coronary artery disease, heart rhythm problems, congestive heart failure, stroke);
    • a history of pulmonary hypertension;
    • severe or uncontrolled high blood pressure;
    • overactive thyroid;
    • glaucoma;
    • if you are pregnant or breast-feeding;
    • if you are in an agitated state;
    • if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse; or
    • if you are allergic to other diet pills, amphetamines, stimulants, or cold medications.

    Taking Adipex-P together with other diet medications such as fenfluramine (Phen-Fen) or dexfenfluramine (Redux) can cause a rare fatal lung disorder called pulmonary hypertension. Do not take phentermine with any other diet medications without your doctor's advice.

    To make sure you Adipex-P is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:
    • high blood pressure;
    • diabetes;
    • kidney disease;
    • a thyroid disorder; or
    • if you are allergic to aspirin or to yellow food dye (FD & C Yellow No. 5, or tartrazine).

    Phentermine may be habit forming. Never share Adipex-P with another person, especially someone with a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a place where others cannot get to it.

    FDA pregnancy category X. Weight loss during pregnancy can harm an unborn baby, even if you are overweight. Do not use Adipex-P if you are pregnant.

    Read more:
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Ugh I envy you. I've heard nothing but good things about adipex phentermine but my doctor refuses to let me take it. I don't know what. They just said no way. I want it so badly

    The road to success is never about the pill. You simply will find another way. The sexypants link up-thread is very helpful.

  • robinkcotton
    robinkcotton Posts: 2 Member
    Last year I worked with a weight dr and took the medication... In 4 months I lost 55 pounds... I went to the gym had a personal trainer and cut myself down to 1,500 cals or less a day... I watched my carbs and kept them down to 50g a day... I stopped for a while and kept my weight the same for 6 months... And now I am going to start up again to loose the next 55 pounds... After 3 months I will stop the meds but I will keep getting the shots... They make me feel good and I feel engery and not so ran down... When u fix a plate use a salad plate. It's all about clean eating and "portion" control... Oh one of the biggest tip I can give u is drink 8 oz of water 10 minutes before you eat.. Brain and stomach take 13 minutes to say I am full... The water will already trigger the fact that your stomach is got something in it so when you start eating you will feel full sooner... Oh and yes first week is 75% water weight u will start balancing to about 1.5 to 2 pounds a week!! Good luck
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Last year I worked with a weight dr and took the medication... In 4 months I lost 55 pounds... I went to the gym had a personal trainer and cut myself down to 1,500 cals or less a day... I watched my carbs and kept them down to 50g a day... I stopped for a while and kept my weight the same for 6 months... And now I am going to start up again to loose the next 55 pounds... After 3 months I will stop the meds but I will keep getting the shots... They make me feel good and I feel engery and not so ran down... When u fix a plate use a salad plate. It's all about clean eating and "portion" control... Oh one of the biggest tip I can give u is drink 8 oz of water 10 minutes before you eat.. Brain and stomach take 13 minutes to say I am full... The water will already trigger the fact that your stomach is got something in it so when you start eating you will feel full sooner... Oh and yes first week is 75% water weight u will start balancing to about 1.5 to 2 pounds a week!! Good luck

    It's not all about clean eating. It's calorie control, how you get there is up to you, but to say it's all about clean eating is false.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Ugh I envy you. I've heard nothing but good things about adipex phentermine but my doctor refuses to let me take it. I don't know what. They just said no way. I want it so badly

    The road to success is never about the pill. You simply will find another way. The sexypants link up-thread is very helpful.

    Great new avatar @jgnatca! Way to go!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Thanks for noticing, @kshama2001 !
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    bmwny1 wrote: »
    Hello all,
    I just started my weight loss program set up by my doctor and I am taking adapex and weekly b12 shots. I have drastically changed my eating habits and have exercised more than before. I have only been on the diet for 9 days and I've lost 7.5 lbs. I know that is a lot for one week. Doing a 1200 calorie diet. My question is for people who have done similar programs. Once you stop taking the pills/shots after 6 months were you successful in keeping the weight off?
    Switch for another doctor.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Thanks for noticing, @kshama2001 !

    Yes you look great!
  • robinkcotton
    robinkcotton Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2015
    RGv2 wrote: »

    It's not all about clean eating. It's calorie control, how you get there is up to you, but to say it's all about clean eating is false.

    Now tell me why that is false?? Do you know what clean eating is?? Clean eating is choosing foods with less carbs and less calories... Healthy fruits and veggies... That is clean eating.. You read labels on the "healthy" foods?? May be low calories but loaded with carbs!!! So not everything that is LOW calories is good for you...