Fit for Future Families - June 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks Pam, and hugs for you :)
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I'm having a good feeling about the week, DH is on a business trip today and tomorrow and I had no meetings on my calendar, so I decided today would be a great day to work from home. I'm not usually very productive when he is here (he works from home most of the time), we end up talking too much! :tongue: Plus, now I can get a bunch of laundry done, since I can fit that in pretty easily between work stuff. It was also a good loss this week, guess all that exercise last week paid off. I just crossed the halfway mark for my first goal. I just sort of randomly picked it to be 160 when I signed up, I don't know, maybe it just sounded good to lose 50 lbs. Since I've been doing this I've learned more about my specific healthy body weight and I will probably reset it and aim to keep going to around 135 after that, but that just seems overwhelming right now. Just one goal at a time!

    SW: 211 (March 2011)
    Calendar week 19: 193.6
    Calendar week 20: 189.8 (-3.8)
    Calendar week 21: 189.2 (-0.6)
    Calendar week 22: 187.4 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 23: 186.2 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 24: 184.0 (-2.2)

    Pam, thinking good thoughts for you! Jalara, glad WW is starting off well for you. Best of luck!

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    WOO HOO!!!! Awesome on being past that halfway mark Steph!!

    BTW to all the newbies, I didn't mean to exclude to you before!!! WELCOME!! May your stay with us be short and painless!!!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Monday!!! I like Monday's.....(love is a strog word but in trying tonkill it with kindness)

    Pam- hugs for u!! I know what u mean that the families make u sad, I get a little sad when I see a kid wearing a "I'm the big brother" shirt or something like that bc my son is just as ready to have a little brother or sister as we are to give him one!

    Jalara- I've heard good thigs about weight watchers...and I think the accountability is good. I like the idea of fruits and veggies not "costing" anything....I mean if ur hungry u should eat and if ur going to snack on something it might as well be a peoce of fruit or vegetable!

    AFM- I called first thing this morning to make my appointment for my HSG. They initially told me how adimate they were about scheduling it on CD7-10....and when so they schedule it? Cd11 bc CD7 is a Friday and CD10 is a Monday and they're booked up thru those next Tuesday I'll be going in for the procedure.

    I weighed in at 148 the morning which is +2 from my last official weigh in a few weeks ago but considering the massive amounts of carbs and garbage i put in my face last week I'll take this A's a small victory. Today is also day one of no smoking. I have smoked off and on for the past 10 years, pretty consistently since my husband has been gone. But. I know I need to quit. This is one thing I do have control over in the fertility department. So....pray for my household and it is probably going to be ugly!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alisa - I know my FIL used Champix and finally quit after trying every year for 20 years....he said the nightmares were pretty intense, but the cravings were gone.....Hopefully you can do it on your own, but if you need help, this is apparently the best out there.

    AFM: Hubs did his next SA today. He has some additional bloodwork for the clinic to do, but couldn't this morning because they were really booked and he had a dentist appt to get to across town. I think he's going to try tomorrow (I have a training class tomorrow and Wednesday so I'll be in the office from 6am to 6pm pretty much - YUCK!) After this we have to arrange the partial financing for the process. We could cover the whole thing, but I'm hesitant to completely drain my short term savings when I could finance some of it and pay that off before I go on mat leave.

    Speaking of mat leave have you guys thought about how you're doing it? How much you're entitled to? I think this was one of the reasons the adoption didn't happen was because I do make more than DH (which he's totally okay with) it doesn't make sense for me to take most of the leave. The way it works here is the first 17 weeks is mat leave @ 55% of your salary (with a max salary cap applied) and is for the mother to "heal" from pregnancy. Then the next 35 weeks is considered parental leave and either parent can take it (or it can be applied to adoptions) at the same 55%. So the way we were going to do it is to have me take the first 17weeks and then DH take the rest. It's a much smaller drop of income if we do it this way, but it seems like a lot of people think its weird that I'm not the one taking most of the leave (to be honest, a lot of people are judgemental). If I were to take the mat leave for the whole time, it would reduce our income not by 23% (which would be what the total would be IF I were eligible for that but I make more than the cap) but it's more like a 50% reduction.......I'm hoping to use some of the savings to bolster us on those months where the shortfall is too much.
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Alisa - Please post how the HSG procedure was after you're done. I"m kind of nervous about it and plan to take some tylenol or something stronger since they say it may be uncomfortable. Also, did you have any side effects from the Provera? I'm picking up my prescription tomorrow to start it.

    jalara - another G-Free'er! it's been difficult, but I've found some great recipes online at simplyglutenfree dot come and simply sugar and gluten free dot com. I'm planning to pick up both of their cookbooks as well. i did make a nice honey panna cotta this weekend from almond milk & raw organic honey, and I just paired it with some fresh blackberries and cherries and drizzled it with honey. It was really good and light! I've got a sweet tooth, so I need to be able to still eat dessert, LOL.

    AFM - not much, I'm down 4 pounds in total in 2 weeks, which I'm happy with. This week my goal is to exercise at least 4 days. I do like the 30 day shred, it's only 20 minutes, which I can squeeze in. I also ordered some exercise bellydance DVD. I used to bellydance about 10 years ago and remembered how much fun it was and how I loved it. So I thought that would seem less like exercise and I could switch it up throughout the week depending on my mood. Still no AF, it was a long shot, LOL, so I'm picking up Provera tomorrow and getting another blood draw (not sure what they're checking for this time). So after AF starts I can get my HSG scheduled. My hubby's semen analysis was dropped off, so after my HSG is done we can sit down with the doctor and make a plan.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Pam--don't talk too loudly about the maternity leave benefits you got up North....I'll get incredibly jealous. ;-) Hubby doesn't get anything---will save a week of vacation for that time if it happens, and most places here, it's like 6 weeks Maternity leave (unpaid, unless you use vacation,etc). Can't let family time get in the way of capitalism! (Sorry--it's a rant if I let it.)

    Jalara--I hear that the first weigh-in is the worst, of course, but it also gets much better as everyone there becomes a support too. Good luck!!

    cgoodison-I'd suggest ibuprofen if you can take it, rather than tylenol for the HSG. My understanding is it works better...and I was REALLY glad I had taken it when I had mine!

    Alisa--good luck with the smoking. That's just a really rough one, but if you can kick it now, the pregnancy when it does happen will be so much more enjoyable.

    To everyone else--welcome to all the new people, congratulations to all of you who had a loss this week! The weather here is gorgeous today, so I'm hoping to get out and enjoy it some. Didn't exercise this morning, so that's a bummer, but I just could not get out of bed in time. It happens.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Wow did I miss a lot or what! I’ll try to get everyone in, but if I don’t I’m sorry.

    First and foremost, welcome to all the newbies! For those of you looking TTC right away I wish you baby dust and a short and sweet time here.

    Pam, I’m sorry to hear you were feeling down the other day, I get spurts where I just feel down on myself because I don’t have the “family” I’m trying for. Sometimes it hurts more than other times, but hopefully you soon remembered that you WILL one day be a mother, and a fantastic one at that. It may not be nine kids, but it will happen.
    As for the maternity leave question, it’s too bad you’re getting judgmental reactions from people. Disregard them, there’s nothing wrong with you giving the parent leave time to your husband, it doesn’t mean you love your child any less, it means your mature enough to make the best decision for your family. DH and I make almost the same amount so that isn’t part of the equation for us. I will probably take the entire time; he’ll still get his 5 weeks paternity leave (which I’ll be anxious to see if he manages to take it all, it may get split up) but DH is a workaholic, he has a really hard time not taking on everything himself. He was working really long hours, but is getting better at delegating the work, and saying no to his boss (something he could never do before). So I anticipate him working while I take the full parental leave. Oh, I thought you worked for a relatively large institution? Do they not top up what the government gives you? I know mine will top up the first 17 weeks to %100 and the remainder will be at %80.

    Alisa, congrats on quitting smoking! It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done (I was a pack a day smoker for over 10 years). I quit the day after my wedding/the day we started TTC. It wasn’t easy, but it can be done. My biggest advice is to not allow yourself a cheat. Unlike in weight loss attempts’, cheating is the worst thing to do when trying to quit smoking. You convince yourself that it’s only one, or that you can be a social smoker only, but the truth is once you start cheating you don’t stop. If ever you just want to talk about it or get some feedback from someone that went through it (and for the same reasons) feel free to msg me.

    Jalara, I’ve seen great results with WW in other people, I’ve never done it myself but know several people that swear by it. Best of luck!

    Steph, I’m so jealous! I wish I could work from home some days, for the exact same reason you mentioned. I’d love to be able to be switching loads over or starting the dishwasher, etc… while working. Enjoy your productive workday and congrats on the 25 lbs!!!

    Karen, I love Ikea, and that sounded like the perfect date night to me. I love the fact that you got to turn your date night into a TTC silver lining too. I know you want more kids and hope that you get to have as many as you want, but think it’s great that you can think of all the benefits to having an only child. You are stronger than you think.

    I also want to say a little something to a friend that I know stalks this thread. She had started TTC now rather than later while her father was battling cancer in hopes he’d get to meet his grandchild. His fight came to an end this past weekend, and she lost not only her father but her best friend. My thoughts are with you and your mom. You two had the most envied father daughter relationship, keep all those memories close to you and take it one day at a time. If you need anything at all call me, you’d be surprised how fast I could make it to Ottawa for you.

    Afm, well, a couple days after getting my BFN I got AF. Since my clinic is closed until mid July, I won’t get to do anything until my August cycle. So I’m taking this time to work on my fitness, and enjoy the summer of course. Although it can still happen naturally, after two failed IUI’s and many natural months (almost two years) of attempts, I don’t feel too confident in that happening. I also want to take this time to look into acupuncture and maybe doing that with the next IUI. Has anyone tried that?

    Ok this post is long, my apologies.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL - sorry.....I get jealous of government employees that get it topped up (I believe to 90%) and I've heard rumors that there is a 2 year mat leave in Quebec (not sure if that's true...awesome if it is!!!!!) Don't get too jealous though....LOL we pay into the fund that pays that 55% so it's only partially subsidized :)

    Christina - sounds like a great plan to me!!! That's kind of exactly where we are (for the 10th time though LOL) too....
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I've heard rumors that there is a 2 year mat leave in Quebec (not sure if that's true...awesome if it is!!!!!)
    I've never seen anyone here with a 2year mat leave, i wish! I did hear that each parent can take the full parental leave in the case of multiple births now. I dont remember if thats Quebec only or all of Canada.
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone. I did an intro -last week I think- but this is just my 2nd time back. I'm a teacher and we're out for the summer; I almost said good morning & it's almost 1:30, ha.

    I can't remember who was asking, but I've done WW before and liked it. I haven't tried the new system but was thinking about it.

    AFM, I had my D&C last Thursday. Everything went and is going well. I'm on strict pelvic rest for 2 weeks though and I just want to work out!!! I gained about 10 lbs during my short time pregnant and most of that was spent spotting and getting blood work done. So in a 5 week span, there was only 1 week where I worked out. This week I'm trying to log every bite & see some results from making healthy eating choices instead of emotional ones!

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Cgoodison- aside from what felt like self induced PMS not any really bad symptoms, I have random light cramps, my face broke out more than usual and I was a little moodswingy... Other than that wasn't too bad. AF started the day after I took the last pill so it works! :-)

    Newmrsdec10- glad to hear everything went well and you are healing. I know how frustrating wanting to work out but not being allowed to is....can u walk? Walking can at least get ur heart rate going and u can burn pretty dryer calories without physically exerting urself too much

    Thanks for the encouraging words...honestly over the next few weeks until my husband gets home it will probably be touch and go, cheating here and there but once he's home I don't smoke at te house so that will make it easier. I just need to cut WAY WAY back a pack a day which is where I was at is not only SO not healthy but EXPENSIVE!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I've heard rumors that there is a 2 year mat leave in Quebec (not sure if that's true...awesome if it is!!!!!)
    I've never seen anyone here with a 2year mat leave, i wish! I did hear that each parent can take the full parental leave in the case of multiple births now. I dont remember if thats Quebec only or all of Canada.
    As far as I've been able to find there are 3 couples in Canada who challenged the system and was awarded the 2 consecutive leaves for twins, but in all cases the mother had health problems. I know that EI doesn't have a multiple birth caveat in their policy yet - I've looked into it so many times!

    For me, Mat leave will be about 9 months as DH wants to take time off too and it maxes out at a combined total for 12 months between the two parents. But when we adopt it will be the 35 weeks split between us so we can get to know our child and provide him/her with a stable, comfortable home.

    Question for the American ladies! DO you ladies pay income tax? I know not all states do. And do you play Unemployment premiums on top of that from paycheque? I'm curious to see the differences between us in that regard.

    Alisa/Abeare - I smoked a pack a day for over 9 years, and when I decided to quit I did - woke up one morning and said enough was enough and that was the end of it. BUT I had to overhaul my life to make it work - I stopped going to clubs or parties (even backyard BBQs) where people were smoking, I had to distance myself from some friends and change my entire routine. I used to wonder what non-smokers DID? I was always smoking, but what was everyone else doing? But, I slipped once, on the night of my (horrible) stagette party - and DH was pretty ticked off. He doesn't accept smoking and told me if I had been a smoker when we met that he wouldn't have looked twice at me. I had quite smoking 11 months before I met him!

    cgoodison - thanks for the websites! I'm going to check them out tonight. I find that anything I use almond milk for turns out better than cow's milk.

    AFM - I feel snacky today....... hmmmmm..... need to clean the kitchen and get ready for supper I think. I've been chilling out with an old DVD of Charmed for a couple of hours - it's super cold and raining outside and I start my 12 hour shifts tomorrow. So I'll be gone for the next 3 days but back on Friday!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I've heard rumors that there is a 2 year mat leave in Quebec (not sure if that's true...awesome if it is!!!!!)
    I've never seen anyone here with a 2year mat leave, i wish! I did hear that each parent can take the full parental leave in the case of multiple births now. I dont remember if thats Quebec only or all of Canada.
    As far as I've been able to find there are 3 couples in Canada who challenged the system and was awarded the 2 consecutive leaves for twins, but in all cases the mother had health problems. I know that EI doesn't have a multiple birth caveat in their policy yet - I've looked into it so many times!

    Thanks for the clarification, I knew it had developed because a couple had challenged it but was under the impression the challenge was based on the wording “parental leave per child” rather than “parental leave per birth” and because of that it set the tone for the rest of Canada, but I did not research this thoroughly because I’m still hoping I don’t get preggers with twins.
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    LOL - sorry.....I get jealous of government employees that get it topped up (I believe to 90%) and I've heard rumors that there is a 2 year mat leave in Quebec (not sure if that's true...awesome if it is!!!!!)

    I'm in Saskatchewan and work for the provincial govt and yes I believe its 90%, although I could be wrong. And as far as I know, the 2 year mat leave thing... from my job at least, I know I am allowed to take 2 years if I want, but only 1 year is actual paid maternity leave from work. The believe other gets worked as a leave of absence.

    I hope today finds everyone happy and healthy. I had a dentist appointment and yay no new cavities! They just keep pushing to do a crown that I am unsure of actually wanting. I hate dentists and doctors. Or more correctly, I FEAR dentists and doctors. My BP always goes through the roof when I go into a clinic. She took my BP twice today and the first was high, and the second was lower than what it was first time but still slightly high. blah!

    Weighed in this morning even though I told myself I was going to wait til Friday. I am down 4lbs from where I was a week ago when I started MFP! So excited and happy! Had a bit of a bad weekend. One cheat day kinda turned into 2. Although they weren't as bad as they could have been. And day 2 was definitely better than day 1. lol Oh well. I just made sure I drank my water religiously even though I was eating not so good. :)

    I have a question for everyone charting their cycles... can someone suggest a good website to learn how to do this? Also, I don't get a period on my own without the assistance of prometrium taken every 3 months... can I still chart?

    Well I am off and running I guess I better get my work lunch/supper together before it gets to late.

    **xoxo** Hugs, kisses, and baby dust to everyone!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Options there is even an app for it for droids and iPhones! The first 30 days are free with all the pretty colors and info and then u can either choose to pay for it (not too expensive, I think it's like $25 every 90days or something?) if u want to keep the pretty colors and it will take a baseline and help u to see when u ovulate etc etc otherwise it's free and ur just logging ur temps and u have to inturrpret on ur own etc
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Options there is even an app for it for droids and iPhones! The first 30 days are free with all the pretty colors and info and then u can either choose to pay for it (not too expensive, I think it's like $25 every 90days or something?) if u want to keep the pretty colors and it will take a baseline and help u to see when u ovulate etc etc otherwise it's free and ur just logging ur temps and u have to inturrpret on ur own etc
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    TY Alisa for the website! I will check it out. :)
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Oh yeah, I definitley recommend fertility friend too! I've got the app on my phone as well. You can enter so much information! It's definitely helpful in seeing what's going on!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I use Fertility Friend too!