Family Problem - Need Advice - Mom wants $



  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Don't. Use tought love and show her what she is doing to herself. It's hard but for the best
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    My husband and I supported his mother financially for 20 years. When we could no longer do so in the manner to which she was accustomed, she accused us of stealing from her. As of January 1st of this year, we have not sent her any money at all. She complains constantly that she doesn't have money for food, medications, etc, yet she is still financially supporting one of my sisters in law (she's 35) AND buying clothing, shoes etc for her grandchildren. Now I'm not saying that she shouldn't do those things, but to do them and expect money from us is ridiculous.

    Don't put yourself in danger to help your mom. She is a grown woman and really needs to figure it out for herself. The longer you continue to help her, the longer she can be irresponsible. I'd cut her off, and I'd tell her it's for her own good. She, like I mother in law, needs to learn to live within her means like the rest of us.
  • flyawaybyebye
    Tough love. You are not responsible for your mother's financial problems. This isn't a one-time situation, this is a life-long pattern, and if you continue to help her out, there is no reason for this pattern to ever change. By helping her, you are enabling her to continue to be financially irresponsible. The most loving thing you can do in this situation is to allow her to fail, to suffer the consequences of her own bad decisions, and to hopefully learn from that experience that taking control of her finances is something she needs to do. If you really want to help her and have the money to do something, rather than lend her any money, I'd offer to pay for a financial counselor to meet with her and work through some of her issues with money. But I would not lend or give her a single cent. Foreclosure isn't the end of the world. Loosing her cell phone isn't the end of the world. Nothing that is going to happen to her is going to be fatal. It's going to be a struggle for her, and it's going to be a struggle for you to watch it happen, but she is never going to change if she never has any incentive to do so. Good luck! Also, I'd ignore her on FB for a while, for your own sanity's sake...
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    this is just my opinion, but I think you have done way more than most would have. You might almost be enabling her to continue doing whatever it is that is putting her in this situation. She thinks she can bully you into bailing her out each time. If anyone wants to believe the stuff she posts, then they are not worth your time, because those who know and love, I am sure will know you are not like that. If they ask you, tell the truth, maybe you can offer your mom to stay with you, if she cannot get a loan modification on her home. Just be firm and say no. If you have kids, the best thing you can do for them, is secure your own retirement so that they will not have to carry the burden of taking care of you and your medical bills.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Wow, that sounds like a heck of a mess. You're right, banks don't foreclose on homes until they are seriously delinquent and utilities won't be shut off until she is at least a few months behind. They are usually pretty understanding about letting you make payments to get back on track, too, so it sounds like she hasn't been paying anything for quite awhile.

    I think you need to take the tough love approach here. You've tried loaning her money, and it obviously hasn't helped the situation. You might make her an ultimatum: "I'll loan you the money to bail you out again, but you're going to let me take over your finances from this point forward". That would mean putting yourself on all of her accounts, which isn't necessarily a good thing for you. It would also mean handling all of her bills and giving her an allowance for personal expenses, again not fun.

    Most people don't just mismanage money, it has to be going somewhere if it's not being used to pay the bills. This might be something you already suspect or know but it sounds like your mom has some sort of a problem, whether it be that she's a shopping addict (a closet full of clothes that still have the tags on them), or a drug or gambling addiction. If this were happening to me, those would be the first things I would suspect and would try to figure out. In either case, helping her to solve the problem either by taking over for her, or getting her some sort of counseling (financial or otherwise) is the only way to make this problem end.

    I truly wish you the very best in handling this situation.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My wife and I were in a position where we could have loaned my mother money for a very similar situation. I decided no because it would be the equivalent of putting a band-aid on cannon ball hole. Tell her that she would be much better off selling the house and moving to a new one that is smaller and more manageable for her. I almost think you should tell her no just because of the facebook post.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I understand how horrible this must be on you and your wife. Have you considered getting her to quick claim the house to you? Then you could work on a loan modification and rent it to her. I would also talk with her about the utilities etc.

    Have you ever sat down and worked a budget with her? Maybe she'd be willing to let you have power of attorney over it for awhile so that you can iron these things out and get her to pay along the way to make ends meet.

    Is it a question of over spending? or is she just not making enough to cover the said bills? A combo of both?

    I'm sorry that you're in this predicament but don't just gift her money anymore. Come up with a plan (if you and your wife decide to help) that helps take care of the situation not just band aids it up if you know what I mean.
  • enygmatic1
    enygmatic1 Posts: 44 Member
    As much as it sucks as with any addictive or negative personality or habit you at some point need to stop enabling her. I realize how much it sucks because she's your Mother but she should also be held accountable for her own choices and actions. When someone is always the victim they never learn or see their own short comings and you can't make her change only she can. It's harsh but you need to cut her off and explain why. Putting anyone on blast is never easy especially if they are your family but as someone that used to be careless like your Mom with my finances, my parents refusal to help me financially, made me hit rock bottom, figure some stuff out and then accept my responsiblility in the situation and now I'm a firm believer and practicing bills or responsibilty first, and play second. Good luck because I know it's easier said than done and she will lash out and try to hurt you but maybe you need to step away. I'm praying for you.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    You have answered your own problem. You do not have one good reason for helping her listed. She continues this pattern because you keep bailing her out. She does not appreciate your previous help. You can not risk your own family's security for her irresponsibility. Let her know that you can not afford it, she needs to come up with another plan. There are resources for utility help and foreclosure help as well. If you pull from your retirement, that is selfish of her to expect that. You will be not only losing that money you took from it but also the interest you would be accruing from now until you retire. DON'T DO IT!!! It sounds like she stops paying you back when she decides she no longer feels responsible to you and wants to continue her spending issues. You need to have a back bone and tell her no! You're wife is your number one woman now and she is being pretty darn nice about it. I wouldn't have allowed it the second time, let alone several times. Good luck with this one.
  • Jreneewright
    i totally agree with the othe posters... i understand the desire to help your mother but there comes a time when help is turning into enabling... i would find a credit union or something that has financial councelors that could sit down with her and find out where things are going wrong.. maybe teach her how to get back on track.. she will be mad but its time she starts living on her money and not yours.. you have to protect the future of your family too..

    give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry.

    be the teacher and you just may save her from herself.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    As someone who works in BKY and foreclosure I can tell you, you're mom has a serious problem. Is there any way for her to downsize and live w/in her means. If she has no place to go if/when her home gets foreclosed on, she needs to sell it and go some place more affordable. At this point, if you want to help, off her moving, a place to crash if she needs. I would refrain from giving her anymore money though. You have your own family you need to take care of. Your mom needs to learn to take care of herself.
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Tell her no. And I know this sounds simplified compared to the thoughts and feelings that you may be having, but thats the perks of not being emotinally involved in the situation. :) From reading (with my whole self) what you just wrote, EVERY single time that you bail her out of the results of her bad habits, you enable her to 'lean' on you again, once she needs to. From what it sounds, she has not taken any responsibility for her lack of fiscal aptitude--and simply chooses to ask you (her selfish son) who up until now has continued to bail her out time and time again. If you are willing to give all you can give and then some, continue to do so. But to go into your retirement is a bit much for ANYONE to ask...yes, even mom. And I'm sure your wife is LIVID!!! I cant even imagine what she is going through, watching you continue to deplete your familiies resources for the irresponsible actions/or inaction of mom. At some point, you are going to have to come face front with mom and let her know htat you cant continue to hold the weight of her choices. Your family CANNOT and should not have to pay for that. You should nto feel OBLIGATED either. Now if she were making payment arrangments, trying seminars to learn more, making any lifestyle chnages, then I'd say maybe...but at this point, you are an inexhaustable ATM.... and its not your job to take care of your mom in this way. This hurts me to say, as I have two sons...but I also would NEVER want them to feel like taking care of me (in this way) is a must. Ya know what I mean? The roles have def. flipped. And I'll bet if you stand firm on your no, her acceptance of the proposal to handle her finances just may be more attractive to her. And if not, its simply because she doesnt want anyone else monitoring her questionable spending, which to me would be another sign, that she doesnt want help. YOu want a bail out. And that cycle is almost impossible to break. I am wishing you and your family the best of luck! :)
  • skinnyrache
    skinnyrache Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with other posters. It would be hard to deny your own mother, but don't give her any more money. By receiving endless "loans" from people she is just being enabled. It sounds like she could benefit from some financial counseling and possibly other counseling to help her understand why she uses money in such a self-destructive way. You can provide her love and support and help her manage her finances, but until she accepts other outside help she will just continue to take advantage of others and throw money out the window. She'll likely say some hurtful things, but she's been in this cycle for a long time and making changes can be difficult, so don't take it personally and stand firm in your stance that because you love her you want to help her gain control of her life once and for all, rather than constantly provide gifts. She is the parent, and as a mother she should want to ensure your financial security and not want you to take from your retirement fund. Stay strong and hopefully you both will be free from her financial burdens soon.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I know its hard to see family struggle. With the best of intentions, your help to her really is only enabling her to not take responsibility. If she feels she has a "safety net" she doesn't have to try as hard to manage her finances because you'll be right there if she needs a loan.

    I would pace every response and every reaction you have. The facebook thing- that's her trying to provoke a response....take your time getting back to her, and when you do, just explain that you can't keep helping with money. You can help with love, and emotional support, and maybe even the assistance with a financial counselor- but actual money isn't possible.

    Sorry you're going through this, it's stressful.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Mother or not, the post on FB would be the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I say keep your money. You've done enough. Some people really need to learn to take responsibility for themselves.

    Just sayin'....

    I agree with this. I have a similiar situation in my family, but it's my sister always borrowing $$ from my mom. And the whole posting on FB is totally immature and uncalled for. I'd let her know that you'll help her find someone who can help her straighten out her finances, but her personal bank is now closed. She's probably always had someone to bail her out and now that her parents aren't around - she has to get someone else to bail her out.

    Btw, her phone is shut off and she's hurting for money but she's on FB? LOL Seriously, if she's that hard up for $$ she needs to get her priorities straight and get rid of the cable & internet bill until she can get back on her feet. Sheesh! When I was hurting, we had no cable, no phones, but we had a roof over our head and food on the table.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I am sorry you are in this situation, but this is one area where I am fairly's what I do for a living!

    First, do not touch your retirement accounts. That is for YOUR retirement. Do you want to be in the same situation, asking your children for "loans"?

    Can you afford to gift the money? (No touching retirement, long term savings, equity in your home etc.) Realistically, you will not be paid back. Sounds to me like you can not, despite what your mom might think.

    This is tough, but I think you need to just say no. You can not afford to keep doing this. It will continue to happen over and over. Where are you prepared to draw the line?

    There will be emotional blackmail, such as the FB post. As hard as it may be, don't respond in kind. Mom is an adult and as such is responsible for her own choices. (We are adults and responsible for our food choices too!) It's a kind of tough love, but for your sake, your family's sake and your mom's sake, say no.

    Good luck!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Do not let her guilt you into another loan. You have been the good son. Do not bail her out this time. It has to end at some point, or this will go on forever. End it now. Tell her "no".
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    If you've got the money no biggie but if it comes from your retirement plan jeopardizing you're future life plans etc, nope, there's enough options out there to make some extra, rent out a room, find something to sell, live in a cheaper house...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    We've been in financial straits a few times. Utilities are generally shut off after about 2months in a row missed (so generally less than $100 each, possibly $200 if it's very high bills). Same for cell phones. Foreclosure won't happen until at least 90 days delinquent (has made no payment at all in over 3 months) and usually not for at least 6 months - although that may have changed in the last few years.

    I would tell her (maybe in a reply email)that in order for you to help her at all, you need to help her fix the overall problem. First, you can only pay directly to the utility, and must therefore see the last bill/shutoff notice. Then talk about the house ... if she can't make mortgage payments it may be best to do a shortsale. If she isn't willing to at least discuss and plan with you, the answer to giving her money is NO. And, with the story she's giving and the amount she's wanting, I don't think she'll have much to backup her "financial needs"

    And it can still be NO, anyway, if you feel it necessary. Don't put your own family at risk to help her. You can just tell her you've been affected by the economy too and don't have the means to help her this time (you could also put this as a FB reply ... "Yeah, the economy is hitting everyone, isn't it?" or something ... or don't even respond to it, I bet most people will see the truth behind her post).
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    I would give her the money as a gift. I would consider just how much money goes into raising a child into adulthood and how much effort. It has long been the custom that children take care of their parents once they reach working age
    . It's only now in time that people begin to question it. Parents are owed respect and support and while it can be draining, it's nonetheless a societal responsibility on adult children. We should love and care for our aging parents in any way possible.

    Just my opinion, of course. I know full well how inconvenient it is to send parents money, however I feel it's important to do so in a respectful, non demeaning, non embarrassing way. Asking for money-even when youre thinking you'll receive it- is never easy.