June Century plus cycling challenge



  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    June 13 21 miles. 127/400. I don't think I am going to make 400, but will try really hard to push it to the max.

    @Bryanair - That ride looks scary. At first it looked like a wheel chair bike. Guess not. New Technology. hmmmm.....guess it is supposed to go faster?

    I am still getting used to riding my mountain bike again, but in comparison to my old recumbent it is a lot slower. So far into a brisk wind the recumbent is about 6 mph faster over a distance and with the wind at my back the recumbent is about 10 mph faster. I'm not sure how it is with no wind as that never happens in my neck of the woods.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    June 11 rode 21 miles and hit a dog and crashed. 106 miles done/ 400 miles.

    I hate evil stupid dogs that chase cyclists.
    Crap, I missed this post earlier. I hate them too. Sorry it happened.

    @BrianAir: I've ridden a recumbent before. It is very comfortable...Just would not ride it on the streets. I would only dare on the bike paths.

    It takes a little getting used to. After I had clocked about 200 or so miles with my first recumbent on the bike paths I was ready to take it on the streets. They are remarkably stable. Much more comfortable too, but pretty expensive.
  • innerspiraling
    innerspiraling Posts: 20 Member
    Some bad weather and a bad cold kept me off the bike for a bit - 500 will really be a challenge...

    6/2 - 16.3
    6/4 - 20.5
    6/5 - 16
    6/11 - 16
    6/13 - 17

    Only 85.8 down, 414.2 to go...
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    19 miles on the bike path with a friend this weekend, and 7.8 miles to get home from work today. That puts me at just barely under 100 miles. That relatively lazy week I took at the beginning of this month is starting to hurt! I'm not sure I'll make it to 300. Last month I hit 300 miles easily. And I'm going away for a the weekend this week, so I won't get a chance to ride at all. Really need to ride to work more, can't let myself slack there! That's where most of my miles come from!!
  • kelleher42
    kelleher42 Posts: 107 Member
    I hope it's ok if I jump in late :blushing:

    So far in June I'm at 108 miles, I will try to make it to 200....
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Up to 123 miles as of today. Got a new bike rack and bag to carry a change of clothes to work with me. It is so much nicer than wearing a backpack.

  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Got my ride in today. Since I didn't go hiking yesterday, my legs felt fresher than usual, so I pushed a little harder. Clocked in at an average of 16.5mph today. As I was coming down the hill and I hit 40mph I couldn't help but think of the cycler this weekend that ate it near me, which reminds me to ask:

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Got a new bike rack and bag to carry a change of clothes to work with me. It is so much nicer than wearing a backpack.

    I really need to do that!

    Another 15 miles today, to and from work. WooHoo! I'm over 100! lol
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160


    No idea what that means, but I chase armadillos out of my yard alot by running at them.

    June 15 21 miles. 148/400 miles logged.
  • innerspiraling
    innerspiraling Posts: 20 Member
    6/2 - 16.3
    6/4 - 20.5
    6/5 - 16
    6/11 - 16
    6/13 - 17
    6/15 - 15

    105.8 down, 399.2 to go...
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member


    No idea what that means, but I chase armadillos out of my yard alot by running at them.

    June 15 21 miles. 148/400 miles logged.


    Another 10.5 for me this morning as part of my brick workout.... 91 so far.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I was going to take the day off to recover as my legs have been feeling particularly mushy lately, but I woke up this morning and it was 71 degrees with a 2 mph wind and I couldn't resist. I am now up to 143.59 miles
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    No ride today. That makes me sad. I was supposed to ride home from work today, but it ended up being far too hot outside and the threat of storms that would bring lightning, hail, and 70 mph wind gusts was too much for me to risk. So now my bike is sitting in my cubicle at work still, so I can't even take it out for a ride later when it cools off!!!

    Oh well, I think I needed a rest day anyway.

    Hopefully I can ride both ways tomorrow.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    6-1. 28 miles
    6-3. 41 miles
    6-4. 73 miles
    6-5. 20 miles

    Total of 162 for the month so far.

    Add 42 for this morning. That puts me at 204 for the month. 1209 for the year.

    Another 25 tonight. That puts me at 229 for the month.

    More rain more rain. Most of last week and now three days in a row. I should be well over 300 miles by now. Starting to get frustrated.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    No ride today. That makes me sad. I was supposed to ride home from work today, but it ended up being far too hot outside and the threat of storms that would bring lightning, hail, and 70 mph wind gusts was too much for me to risk. So now my bike is sitting in my cubicle at work still, so I can't even take it out for a ride later when it cools off!!!

    Oh well, I think I needed a rest day anyway.

    Hopefully I can ride both ways tomorrow.

    I just realized how stupid that last statement is... Obviously I can't ride both ways tomorrow! My bike is at work!!! LMBO!
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    No ride today. That makes me sad. I was supposed to ride home from work today, but it ended up being far too hot outside and the threat of storms that would bring lightning, hail, and 70 mph wind gusts was too much for me to risk. So now my bike is sitting in my cubicle at work still, so I can't even take it out for a ride later when it cools off!!!

    Oh well, I think I needed a rest day anyway.

    Hopefully I can ride both ways tomorrow.

    I just realized how stupid that last statement is... Obviously I can't ride both ways tomorrow! My bike is at work!!! LMBO!

    Hahaha! Yeah... I didn't want to be the one to say anything! I'm enough of a smartass already :tongue:
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    No ride today. That makes me sad. I was supposed to ride home from work today, but it ended up being far too hot outside and the threat of storms that would bring lightning, hail, and 70 mph wind gusts was too much for me to risk. So now my bike is sitting in my cubicle at work still, so I can't even take it out for a ride later when it cools off!!!

    Oh well, I think I needed a rest day anyway.

    Hopefully I can ride both ways tomorrow.

    I just realized how stupid that last statement is... Obviously I can't ride both ways tomorrow! My bike is at work!!! LMBO!

    Hahaha! Yeah... I didn't want to be the one to say anything! I'm enough of a smartass already :tongue:

    LOL! I'm not overly sensitive, you could have said something!
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Sitting at 240 for the month...goal of 500. Doing a century on Sat. (first one of the year) and possibly another full century 8 days later. I thought 500 in a month would be tough to crack this early in the season, but maybe not (assuming my butt doesn't hate me).
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member


    No idea what that means, but I chase armadillos out of my yard alot by running at them.
    :smile: :happy: :laugh:

    I want to know if ride quality is any different, turning, braking, etc.
  • kelleher42
    kelleher42 Posts: 107 Member
    14 on Tuesday and 40 yesterday has me at 163 for June. I think I should push for at least 250... We'll see, work is going to be hateful the last week of June...