I HATE water....help!

Hey everyone! As recently noticed by two MFP friends....I don't drink water. I mean I go days without having any water if I'm not actually paying attention to it. I drink other things like coffee, diet or full calorie soda, or alcoholic drinks. But unless I am really thinking about it, I just don't drink water because I hate it.

I have tried using those crystal light type things before but they give me bad heartburn it seems.

I do drink water if I'm exercising usually.

Anyone else like this? I'm so embarrassed but I have ALWAYS been like this.

Also...I'm sure it's wrong...but a long time ago I used to avoid drinking anything because I felt it stretched my stomach and make me hungrier. Stupid thinking, but I think that stays in the back of my head when I start drinking liquids is that it feels like my stomach is getting bigger.



  • ldove
    ldove Posts: 7
    I'd suggest water with some lemon or another fruit in it. One of my friends hates water and only drinks crystal lite. Hope that helps!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Drinking water actually keeps water flushing out of your body. I'm sure you're retaining a lot of water if you don't drink water and only get your water through things like coffee and soda. You'd actually probably lose quite a bit of weight if you started drinking 8 cups of water per day!

    Honestly, I don't understand how people can say they hate water. I think it's the most refreshing thing there is! Try your water with fresh squeezed lemon and/or lime for a little flavor. You may not like drinking water now, but I know you'll get used to it eventually. Just start forcing yourself. :wink:
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    have you tried the Mio's they are great!
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    The more you drink water, your natural thirt reflex will kick in. I know its a pain and I used to be the same. But after a week of forcing myself to drink 8 glasses water (not including any 'other bev'), I actually became thirty and would drink water without thinking of it. Find the temperature of how you like it and drink it that way. Hot, room temp, lukewarm, ice cold etc. Find and start that way.
  • ASturtevant79
    ASturtevant79 Posts: 18 Member
    wow I can't go without water. I'd be the first one in the desert to die because I seriously can't go even a couple of hours with out a bottle or 3 of water. Have you tried propel flavored water? My aunt hate water to but she'll drink that stuff like 's going out of style. Also water doesn't stretch your stomach out it just fills you up and once it pass on to your bladder that full feeling goes way. If you must drink coffee and soda make sure it's caffeine free. Caffeine is a diretic and can make you more dehydrated. Always drink some sort of hydrating beverage because they say people often mistake hunger for being thirsty. How about making your own juice that way it's not going to be full of extra additives.
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    have you tried the Mio's they are great!

    I agree, I'm not much for flavored water or plain water, but Mio is good tasting:) I like the Fruit punch and the strawberry watermelon flavors. Plus you don't deal with the powder and shaking it up enough.
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    try Mio r using 1/2 the crystal light it says to use... just enough to give the water some flavor. Your body will get used to it and begin to like water :)
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    I do like water, but sometimes I struggle with drinking enough! I mean I have recently discovered that my body will not let weight go if I don't drink enough, motivation found! I make unsweetened tea (real tea bags, boiling water added to cold water) and sometimes add a little light lemonade to my glass, tastes great, and tea is good for you too, sometimes I mix a few green tea bags in there, for good measure, supposed to boost metabolism, worth a shot!
    In the past I also added a couple of cranberry raspberry juice to a 14 oz glass of water...yum!
    hope this helps you!
  • wnw64
    wnw64 Posts: 34 Member
    I am ot big on water either unless I am very thirsty. Two things that make water a bit easier to drink are a touch of lemon/lime & having it very cold. Also, I absolutely dispise water that comes from my faucet; even if it is filtered, it still tastes lousy. We have very hard water where I live, so it always tastes "chalky". As such, I need to drink bottled water that is softened.

    One more point on the lemon; rather than buying lemons/limes, you can purchase small packets of lemon/lime juice & they really do make the water more enjoyable to drink.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I hate to sound bad, but really this is one of those things you're going to have to choose to do. It's so much easier to lose weight with plenty of water in your system and it's much healthier for you. Just another habit to get into!

    Associate it with a routine, possibly, to help. Get up in the morning, go in the kitchen, drink water. Cook a meal, drink water. Get home from the store, drink water. Etc.

    Adding flavor definitely helps, too. Go for it, and it won't be a big deal 6 months from now. :)
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    The more you drink water, your natural thirt reflex will kick in. I know its a pain and I used to be the same. But after a week of forcing myself to drink 8 glasses water (not including any 'other bev'), I actually became thirty and would drink water without thinking of it. Find the temperature of how you like it and drink it that way. Hot, room temp, lukewarm, ice cold etc. Find and start that way.

    I've noticed that as well. I've always drank water, but now that I REALLY drink it, if I don't get at least 8 glasses of it a day, I can tells imply because I'm thirsty.

    *edit to say:
    Definitely try the Mi0. I love them and they come in quite a few different flavors. I just wish they weren't $3.99 a pop which for me is about once a week.
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    I have the SAME issue. Its horrible!!! I have learned that I like fresh squeezed lemon in my water, I also use frozen raspberries and strawberries my water to keep it cool but also add a bit of flavor. Usually my water is room temp because I dont like it cold. But I cant stand the powders or other flavors that are made for water.
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    I also like the new Crystal Light with Stevia because I don't get the aftertaste and burps the other gives me.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Try adding lemon, lime or orange slices to your water, it adds a light fruity taste. You can also puree strawberries, watermelon or other fruits and freeze them in ice cube trays then drop them in your water. Hope this helps.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Me, too! I hated water and am a coffee & Diet Coke addict.

    The only way that I have been able to drink water is the Mionet and / or Crystal Lite things.

    I hit a plateau a while back, and started to drink more water (cheating with Crystal Lite, but hey -- it's water) . Guess what? I dropped 2 pounds that week.

    I still have coffee & Diet Coke, but I do try to fit more water into my diet. It really does help!
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Honestly, I NEVER used to drink water. I'd drink diet sodas, juice, diet teas and gatorade...never water. Then I realized it was a great, free way to help me lose weight. And you know? I wanted it too bad. I got over my apprehension and now I drink 8-10 glasses a day typically.

    My husband had the same issue. Hated it. He started by adding Mio and other 0 calorie additives to it, now he drinks water alone all the time.

    You just have to want it. It's like anything. You have to want to make yourself healthier. And honestly, never drinking water? Not super healthy :/ Hopefully you'll find something that works for you so you can get on it!!! Best of luck!
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    The more you drink water, your natural thirt reflex will kick in. I know its a pain and I used to be the same. But after a week of forcing myself to drink 8 glasses water (not including any 'other bev'), I actually became thirty and would drink water without thinking of it. Find the temperature of how you like it and drink it that way. Hot, room temp, lukewarm, ice cold etc. Find and start that way.

    I agree...try it at different temp's.....it looks like you want to lose a fair amount of weight....and one way to get there is by increasing your water...I use to not mind it and I would force myself to drink it, but now I find I choose it with my meals and over pop...I LOVE MY DIET COKE.....and will never give it up but water is needed in your body!!!!!

    50% of you body should be water....that means you might need more then 8 cups a day
    Take your weight/2 that gives you how many ozs you need....take that number and divide by 8...that tells you how many cups your body needs....

    You will see great results with water added to your day....
  • denverdeb1
    denverdeb1 Posts: 34 Member
    My daughter hates water too but she will drink Propel. Try those or put lemon in your water. I love water but it was an acquired taste. I just forced myself and now I love water and drink about 10-15 glasses a day!
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Also, you may feel like it's stretching your stomach out...and that's fine. I use it to keep me from over eating. I'll drink a 16.9 oz bottle before most of my meals, and it keeps my hunger and calorie count under control. You just have to want it, period. Again...good luck!!!
  • cindy_leonard
    I think you can count things like coffee and tea for your water intake per day, but be careful of consuming too much caffeine in the process. Caf in the morning, but switch to decaf after Noon.

    I hated water until I started buying spring water at the grocery store. Turns out that our tap water is pretty disgusting and didn't realize it until I tried something pure.

    I have a friend who has lost over 100 lbs on Weight Watchers and she drinks Vitamin Water exclusively, so you might try that.

    Diet soda is crap and you should really stay away from it. http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eating/5-reasons-aspartame-is-bad-for-you.html