Struggling to keep the 1200 calorie goal commitment.



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Agree with everyone else that 1200 calories is probably much too restrictive for you. What are your stats (height, CW, GW)?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It sounds like you really know what to do. I have some similar struggles, or did when I started, and planning ahead is always good. Realizing that you go to restaurants a lot, so don't need to treat it as a license for indulgence, and deciding in advance how much you will eat and that you can take the rest home, is one thing that has helped me.

    And yes, once you start seeing the payoff (the lost weight) it gets easier, as you can tell yourself it's worth it.
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    Good idea, taking half home. I should just ask for a to go container right away. Or I could even bring a Tupperware. What the heck!
    I read somewhere (probably here!) that some people do ask for a take-out box to arrive with the meal, so they can just pack away half right then and there and not have to worry about knowing when to stop eating. Makes sense.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    You are more likely to binge if you aren't eating enough. Set your diary to lose 1 pound a week and start from there.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Set some of your meals on auto pilot so you don't have to think about it so much.

    For me breakfast is a protein bar. Some people like smoothies, eggs, or you can A/B between a couple of options.

    Afternoon snack at the moment is an apple and some almonds. Might change when apples are out of season.

    After dinner snack is either a Greek yogurt or low cal popcorn.

    So the only two meals I have to really think about are lunch and dinner and I usually reserve more calories for dinners because that is when I am likely to be eating with family vs. solo.
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    I do autopilot breakfast and lunch and dessert most days.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Dreysander wrote: »
    I do autopilot breakfast and lunch and dessert most days.

    Dessert should never be on auto-pilot. It should be savoured, morsel by morsel, and enjoyed as one of the great pleasures of life.

    Just my opinion, of course.

  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    Hah well most days I have a greek yogurt with strawberries for "dessert". Proper dessert food triggers me to binge so I generally avoid it most of the time.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2015
    For decompressing, try at home yoga videos. It's nice because it takes up time and is quite relaxing. I like the Yoga by Adrienne videos on YouTube :)

    For eating out... either plan for and eat half or check the calorie stats and choose the lower calorie options. But have a few in mind so that you still have choices when you arrive!

    For example, when I go to Original Joes, I say "I'dd have either the Dragon Boat Lettuce Wraps or the Nom Namaste Flatbread, depending what I feel like when I get there." And if I get the lettuce wraps, I might get a nice coffee too, since it's lower calories than the flatbread (but both are pretty low for restaurant food). There might be an option of eating half of something else that's yummy too. Try ordering the to-go box when you order the food and transferring half it before you start eating. And the bonus is you get to have it again the next day! Yum yum.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I'll try to make this a little more personal than just "eat more!", but that's my opinion too!

    I ate at 1200 for a few weeks and definitely had trouble with will power and cravings. 1200isnt a lot and if you are used to a lot more food you're going to be cranky and hungry often. Consider easing up for a few weeks. I don't know your stats but change your rate of loss to something lower, 1-1.5lbs a week. Get used to slightly less first and see how that goes!
    In my personal experiences I lose best at 1500-1600 calories. I spent significant time at about 1400 even and that wasn't my magic number. I say increase a bit and stick with it for at least a few weeks to assess any changes. At the least I believe you'll find your ability to resist temptations grow.

    My other advice is to plan. It seems like it will take forever at first, but now I have my next day planned at bed time, and it takes 5 minutes to throw everything in a bag in the morning to take with me :)
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Set a reasonable deficit, and make good choices when you go out. The entire time we were losing, my husband and I mainly ate at the same restaurant, and we knew which meals to choose based on calories. Chicken tacos for 400, Alex? or burger with fries for 2000?