December 2015 Running Challenge



  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member

    Lol... it would give me an excuse to get some new shoes.... special suit running shoes....

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited December 2015
    12/1-3.7 miles + strength training
    12/2-4.7 miles-Hot Chocolate group run
    12/3-3.3 miles dreadmill intervals +strength training
    12/4-3.3 miles
    12/5-3.5 miles
    12/6-10.1 miles
    12/8-strength training
    12/9-6.1 miles
    12/10-5.5 miles
    12/11-3.5 miles +strength training
    12/12-rest day
    12/13-rest day
    12/14-unplanned rest day-ear
    12/15-3.7 easy miles
    12-16-4.0 easy miles

    @ACSL3 Thank you! And yes, it's feeling much better.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    A question to everyone else who runs during the lunch break: what do you do with the running clothes (potentially muddy or sweaty or rain-soaked) and the towel? My office roommate wasn't at work today, so I could spread the things out without bothering him, but I don't think this is will always be a valid solution.

    My work actually has a full gym, and I go down there 5 days a week (3 days to run--outside, I just change and store my stuff and shower at the gym itself, one day of step class, and one day of weightlifting).

    Luckily, we have a linen service that takes care of the towels (gym provided), so I can just toss the wet towel in a laundry bin and it gets taken away and washed. As for my gym clothes, I bring a separate bag to work and just toss them in there when I'm done (also in a plastic sack if they're exceptionally wet). Take them home each night and add them to my laundry hamper.
    Virkati wrote: »
    I DID IT!!

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Been stuck inside for the last 2 days with a wicked case of "the runs." Getting VERY antsy to get on the road. Also a little worried about getting my goal miles....

    Pack some wet wipes and get out there, sissy. :)

    Or wear a disposable pair of socks.

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited December 2015
    1-6.65mi build up run from 13:07-11:04
    2-strength and yoga day
    3-6.69mi fast run 11:40, technically. but reality is we have 5 min warm up and potty breaks for the dog
    4-rest day, maybe yoga day. feeling poopy
    5-13.17mi I was only scheduled for 11 but I was feeling so good at 9 miles I went on and decided to do a whole 13. I have to say a marathon isn't that scarey now.
    6-3.18mi for recovery and to do the Runkeeper Global 5k
    8-rest day. so tired i'm dizzy. not sure why
    9-no sleep last night-rest. I'm calling it recovery week from the 18miles this weekend :smiley: aerial yoga at night
    10-3.12mi with hills, including two steep ones. top of quads and hips still feel extremely tight
    11-planned on running but was too tired still. rest day
    12-10.37 it went well. I was supposed to run the last three with my stepdaughter-to-be but typical teenager, she slept in. tried a new trail. it was nice and foggy. good run
    13-meant to make up the other three. didn't happen
    14-yoga day.
    15-6.56mi They felt fast. I felt fast. runkeepers updates overall made me sound fast, but i was slow. 1 min off my pace.
    16-yoga day. I did a video for the GOT challenge. not as satisfying as my asanas :( Great aerial yoga night though
    17-6.48mi. I'm not sure if the distance is right because i ran the same route as the 15th. hard run but i feel good about finishing it


    upcoming race:
    feb 13: Steve Cullen Healthy Heart Run/Walk
    (tenative) mar 14: The Great Pi Run 5k. I want to do it but SE vacation may get in the way. :frowning:
    Virkati wrote: »
    I DID IT!!


    CONGRATS! I still want to improve my HM time before risking it.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    12/1 - 4 miles on indoor track + 4.5 miles on stationary bike
    12/2 - Took my rest day early. Weather is supposed to be way better this weekend, so planning to run long(er) than usual both days.
    12/3 - 5.09 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/4 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    12/5 - 5.5 miles (I think) phone / GPS crashed after about 4, so I lost my distance and time
    12/6 - 3.1 miles on small indoor track
    12/7 - unplanned rest day
    12/8 - 4 miles on indoor track + weight/abs
    12/9 - 5.25 beautiful miles...40° F at 5:00 a.m. in December! Ran a route that I used a lot last spring/summer, but had been a while. Fun, relaxing, almost perfect!
    12/10 - 5.25 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/11 - 3.1 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    12/12 - 6 chilly miles
    12/13 - rest day
    12/14 - life day
    12/15 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights
    12/15 - 5 wind-blown miles. Can't complain about 42° F at 5 a.m. on December 16 though!
    12/16 - 5.05 miles on treadmill (Trek class)

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    I could register for the Rock n Roll Denver Half today for $50. I want to but for some reason I can't seem to find the courage to hit the submit button. It's next October. LOTS of time to get ready for it. It would be my first actual registration for a real event. There are others that I was planning to do before this race, but it's my first real registration. I'm I nuts for being so nervous? It's only $50. That price is only until midnight.

    If you're like me, being "cheap" works in your favor. Once I click that "Submit" I am GOING to make sure I train because I've spent all that $$ now.
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member


  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Stoshew71: And a happy belated birthday too
    @Virkati: Well, you GOTTA do it now…no backing out. ;)
    @MorningGhost14: 4:30? Yeek… 6AM seems plenty early to me…but I suppose I might have to start inching that closer to 5 the closer I get to doing my first HM (I’m looking pretty hard at doing the Capital City Half Marathon in April…)

    Dec 1: Advent begins. Light mist but warm (low 50s), still a little bit of hip twinge, nice and slow this morning, 4.44 miles.
    Dec 2: Hound of the Baskervilles fog this morning, no demon dogs spotted. 2.35 miles
    Dec 3: Rest day, however, intended to walk..and it didn’t happen 
    Dec 4: Chilly tonight but not unbearable. 2.5 miles
    Dec 5: No run (family outing out of town) but did get in a half hour walk.
    Dec 6-8: Days of suck
    Dec 9: Back at it. 4.34 miles this morning in the DARKy dark dark…Already more than halfway to the miles I ran last month..December looks to be better.
    Dec 10: Rest day
    Dec 11: 3.19 miles. Weather is beautiful.
    Dec 12: 4.72 miles in my new shoes but I kept 'em (mostly) clean
    Dec 13: Rest day (intentional..not just being lazy). Still minor hip twinges but I’ve been doing more stretching and that seems to be helping. I probably need to bite the bullet and start doing core muscle building though. 
    Dec 14: Intended to run but sleep won out. *sigh*
    Dec 15: A little cooler this morning and drizzly. 3.07 miles.
    Dec 16: Busy until late that night, intended to get run in but sleepy won out.
    Dec 17: 5.04 miles. Just realized that I have officially run more than I did last month and I’m also looking on target to hit my goal. :smiley:

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @MorningGhost14: 4:30? Yeek… 6AM seems plenty early to me…but I suppose I might have to start inching that closer to 5 the closer I get to doing my first HM (I’m looking pretty hard at doing the Capital City Half Marathon in April…)
    Well, after you do that, come to western Pennsylvania and run the Glacier Ridge Ultras and Trail Race the second week of May. I am doing the 50k, but they have a 30k distance, which is only 5 miles more than a half.... you could handle it no problem and experience the thrill of a long beautiful trail run.... And then we could "re-hydrate" afterwards....
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @virkati woohoo great job hitting that submit button
    @_nikkiwolf_ I looked at some of those fancy running pants that do this and that for you. Someone mentioned them and for the capri length they were like $150 US I can't wrap my head around that cost.
    @runner_girl83 I'm so glad you went to the other store, wow how the first was going to cheat you would of the return, that is so bad for business.
    @morningghost14 some nice formal running shoes to go with your suit ha ha

    I haven't run since Tuesday night, I hate it, I brought my stuff to run today after work. Not like me to be so lazy.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    On a related note--how do those of you with lots of kinds of shoes (I'm looking at you @Stoshew71 ) pick out the ones you buy? It's hard to know when trying on a shoe in a store if I'm going to love it when I run. It happened to work out with my street shoes, but with my trail shoes, I thought they were super comfortable when I purchased them but was disappointed when I actually started running. It took some Super Feet and about 100 miles before I felt like they were really comfortable. Now I don't know if I should re=purchase them (and another $50 set of insoles? Ouch!) or try to find something with a little more support already in..or just skip trying to get trail shoes at all. About half my running is on trails, but only about half of *that* is on anything other than cleared dirt paths (so truly natural, forest running), and I probably won't run those in the winter at all.

    I am really bad person to ask about that. LOL

    First thing I look at is the price tag. lol
    I am always looking for deals.

    Then they have to have some kind of weight and support. I don't like the feather weight shoes that are so flimsy. If they resemble balet shoes then i put them back in the box and look at the next pair.

    Then I put them on my feet and walk around and see how they feel. If I like them, then I take a chance on them.

    I am not too particularly picky about shoes and have gotten used to a lot of pairs. There are some I favor and use on my longer runs. Some that I am not crazy about I use for my shorter runs or recovery runs.

    I had a guy sell me on separate insoles. I just started running, I brought in my Gel Keyanos (the pair I bought for $45 at Burlington Coat Factory) and he had me run on the treadmill. He didn't sell me any shoes cause he told me that my Gel Keyanos were a very good support shoe, even though he told me that my feet didn't need as much support that the Gel Keyano's were providing me. He told me to keep looking for those deals and then said here, you will need these insoles. And he showed me that any running shoe had removable "cheap" insoles and blah blah blah this is why you need to buy a new pair of insoles. I bought them because he did give me a free running analysis and what the heck. Maybe it will make a difference. he also sold me on my long compression running socks. They were pricey but the socks I don't mind buying.

    The insoles didn't really help any in my opinion, so I never bought another pair ever again.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I actually went to a sports store on the weekend. While I was walking through the running aisle to look for new gloves, I spotted some "power shirts & pants". Apparently, these are magical (under-?)wear that promise lots of nice things, like 10% more endurance, 7% less lactate buildup, 20% faster recovery and 2.4 BPM lower heart beat. I wonder if buying pants+shirt would give me 20% more endurance? All that for the bargain price of only 270 Euro. >:) Sounds very fancy, but I had other plans for my money, so I guess I'll have to keep running in boring shirts which don't do anything for my lactate buildup...

    Hmm... more power just from wearing pants? Do they make any that will make certain body parts 37% bigger and make it last longer by 450%?

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @Virkati Spending that $50 will totally jack your motivation, your desire and your consistency... I don't like races, but I sign up for long ones just so I can train for them... having a big goal helps me get my butt out running even on days when I'm not feeling it...

    I can attest to this. Having a race goal and something to shoot for is what motivates me.
    I just hate to see what my motivation for running will be like once I do BQ. lol

    What's next? Iron Man? OTQ? lol

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    @Virkati Spending that $50 will totally jack your motivation, your desire and your consistency... I don't like races, but I sign up for long ones just so I can train for them... having a big goal helps me get my butt out running even on days when I'm not feeling it...

    I can attest to this. Having a race goal and something to shoot for is what motivates me.
    I just hate to see what my motivation for running will be like once I do BQ. lol

    What's next? Iron Man? OTQ? lol

    me too. I don't have much going on race wise but having one to train for gets my butt out of bed
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    12/1 5.5 miles - 5.5
    12/2 4.1 miles - 9.6
    12/3 5.5 miles - 15.1
    12/4 4.1 miles - 19.2
    12/5 12 miles - 31.2
    12/6 REST DAY
    12/7 4 miles - 35.2 << Last taper week going into RCM
    12/8 5 miles - 40.2
    12/9 REST DAY << First day of carb loading. 740 g of carbs. woo hoo.
    12/10 3.1 miles 43.3 << last run before RCM
    12/11 REST DAY
    12/12 26.4 - 69.7 <<< Rocket City Marathon (3:38:05 gun time // 3:37:59 chip time)
    12/13 REST DAY
    12/14 REST DAY
    12/15 REST DAY
    12/16 REST DAY
    12/17 5.23 miles - 74.93


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Virkati wrote: »
    I DID IT!!
    Woo Hoo . Congratulations - So what type of Race Bling do you get for being an Early Bird ?

    Wait...what?! Bling for early registration??? Didn't know there was such a thing...will check and find out!

    That's news to me too. I heard of registering early to guarentee a t-shirt or registering early to get a cheaper race fee, but never heard of special bling by registering early.
    I get up at 4:30 in the morning to run so I don't have to try that lunch thing... I can't imagine putting my suit back on after a run... lol...

    @morningghost14 just run in your suit

    Then you have this guy...


  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @skippygirlsmom, loved the Blanka Vlasic pic and thank you! You were the 1st to tell me to pull the trigger!
    @Elise4270 Three for 2016?? Wow! I hope I love it that much!
    @ceciliaslater Two in the same month? Omg. I don't see myself doing that right away, but you never know right?
    @mom3over40 Yeah the $80 dropping to only $50 definitely got my attention! I doubt I can find another one priced that low.
    @MorningGhost14 You're right. I wanted to run last night just to say I've started training already lol. Today I really am looking at training plans though. I want to do this right and stay injury free. So I'm fighting against my "all or nothing" nature right now.
    @karllundy Renewed motivation is right! I didn't even know I had lost a little until I hit the submit button. Suddenly I just wanted to get outside and poor little pace of 13:45 and just never stop!!
    @runner_girl83 You're so supportive! I can just see you at the finish line screaming your head off for me to cross it strong!
    @ACSL3 I'm sorry for your fall. Hopefully you're up and running like normal in no time!!
    @juliet3455 Thank you! Nothing for signing up early except the thrill of knowing there's no backing out, no quitting, and I WILL be there no matter what! They do have a pretty cool finisher's medal though.
    @Ohhim Thank you! Did you sign up for one too? They dropped the full marathon this year so only the half, 10k and 5k are happening in Denver. And when I looked again last night, the price had gone up by another $10...made me happy that I did it earlier.
    @moyer566 I had to guess at my time because I haven't even done an official 5k yet! The only thing I've got to go on is my daily walks and runs. And those aren't accurate I think because I don't really push myself. I repeat my mantra..."far, not fast".
    @GBrady43068 Being cheap is totally going to work for me. They got my money, they WILL see my face at the race! I may crawl across the finish line, I may bolt across it like my as$ is on fire, but one way or another, I WILL cross that line!!

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement to sign up! I'm super excited about this!!
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    me too. I don't have much going on race wise but having one to train for gets my butt out of bed

    And living in Wauwatosa, you need all the motivation you can get....

  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    12-5-15 / 3.25 of 35
    12-8-15/5.25 of 35
    12-15-15/ 7.75 of 35
    12-17-16/ 9.25 of 35

    Did week 8 day 3 of C25k. Next is the complete 5k! I'm looking forward to completing it since my 5k on Thanks giving had a min or so of walking. So this would be my first full 5k since a year and 4 months ago when my injury and then health issues all popped up! I feel like I'm getting my head back into the game as I've been doing my c25k no matter how early I have to get up, or how crappy I feel. It's awesome to be reminded of how good it feels to conquer! I feel confident that next month is going to rock!