Counting Calories & Moderate Carb VS Low Carb High Fat



  • thubten1
    thubten1 Posts: 29 Member
    LadyElby wrote: »
    I'm an ex-Low Carber. I started strict low carb/high fat on March 13 of 2015, and did very well for a couple of months and then found myself slipping a little. Not too much at all, but my weight loss stalled. Then, I lost motivation, and found myself slipping more and more. I have tried many times to get back on track, but just can't seem to get back to 100%, or even 90%.

    I think the problem is that strict low carb is just not realistic for me. Maybe something good to do when I hit a stall once in a while, but I think my body likes some (healthy) carbs, like sweet potatoes, some fruit, chia/flax/quinoa, etc. I'm thinking it might be time to go back to counting calories - but still staying away from simple carbs like pasta, bread and sugar as much as possible. My only concern is that it won't be enough of a diet change to lose weight, since I've always been a relatively healthy eater.

    I'm curious if anyone has had success losing weight with a low/moderate carb count - maybe 50-100 carbs daily. Any advice?

    FYI I am 5'1", currently 175 lbs and I sit all day at my job. I try to get to the gym 1-2 times a week for about an hour (but, I'm not a lifter, or high intensity exerciser), take a 1 hour zumba class once a week, and take an hour walk outside about once a week. I'm trying to get better about being more active though...

    Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts and/or successes with something like this. Thanks in advance!

    Have you thought about a stand-up desk?

    What are your total calories?
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    thubten1 wrote: »

    Have you thought about a stand-up desk?

    What are your total calories?

    Unfortunately, my job doesn't have the money for things like stand-up desks. I do get up and walk whenever I can (extra water/bathroom breaks, to colleagues' offices), I never call a colleague - I always go to their office when I need to speak with them.

    Currently I have my calories set at 1350, Which I think is a good number for me; maybe even a little high. Right now, I'm having a little trouble sticking to it because of all the holidays and birthdays etc, but I think 1300-1350 might be a good place for me.

    Any thoughts?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    LadyElby wrote: »
    thubten1 wrote: »

    Have you thought about a stand-up desk?

    What are your total calories?

    Unfortunately, my job doesn't have the money for things like stand-up desks. I do get up and walk whenever I can (extra water/bathroom breaks, to colleagues' offices), I never call a colleague - I always go to their office when I need to speak with them.

    Currently I have my calories set at 1350, Which I think is a good number for me; maybe even a little high. Right now, I'm having a little trouble sticking to it because of all the holidays and birthdays etc, but I think 1300-1350 might be a good place for me.

    Any thoughts?

    The best thing to do is try it for @ 4 weeks and keep track of how much weight you lose, and see if the avg loss per week is something you are happy with. And obviously keep track of how you feel too :) If you are losing too fast and you're wishing you could eat a little more, than bump it up a little. I personally found under 1400 wasn't sustainable for me, so I took a few extra walks around the block and made peace with losing super slow. You'll have to play with it a little until you find your sweet spot. Good luck and enjoy the holiday!
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks Kimny72! I appreciate your input. I think you are probably right. I need to take a few weeks to try things out, and then adjust accordingly. I think now until after the New Year, I will track, and just try to make good choices as much as possible, but not beat myself up over it. After all the festivities are over, I plan to get serious and make a real plan. I have a few books on healthy eating that I want to finally read and take some notes from, which should help me feel a little less lost.

    Happy Holidays!