Carb Addicts Diet....



  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.
    In fact, since most overweight and obese people are in some way insulin resistant, they should not consume sugars.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.
    They lived near the coastline, eating fish and fats.
    Our bodies are designed that way.
    Urgh, I know I should give you some quotes here to convince you.
    I know it worked for me.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.

    Thank you for proving yourself as yet another n=1 sample that uses anecdotal "it worked for me" coupled with hyperbole and fallacies to support your position. Every fruit and vegetable consumed by humanoids contained carbs. Our bodies are designed for us to be omnivores, eating all three macro nutrients. Your arbitrary 50g number is unsupported by anything in your posts.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited December 2015
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.
    In fact, since most overweight and obese people are in some way insulin resistant, they should not consume sugars.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.
    They lived near the coastline, eating fish and fats.
    Our bodies are designed that way.
    Urgh, I know I should give you some quotes here to convince you.
    I know it worked for me.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.

    Oh dear. Lots of wrong in here. People lived only near the coastline huh
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.
    In fact, since most overweight and obese people are in some way insulin resistant, they should not consume sugars.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.
    They lived near the coastline, eating fish and fats.
    Our bodies are designed that way.
    Urgh, I know I should give you some quotes here to convince you.
    I know it worked for me.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.

    Oh dear. Lots of wrong in here. People lived near the coastline huh

    And they depended on fish rather than plants ... the gathering portion of anthopologic hunter/gatherer doesn't fit the narrative so, it gets discarded.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.
    In fact, since most overweight and obese people are in some way insulin resistant, they should not consume sugars.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.
    They lived near the coastline, eating fish and fats.
    Our bodies are designed that way.
    Urgh, I know I should give you some quotes here to convince you.
    I know it worked for me.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.

    Oh dear. Lots of wrong in here. People lived near the coastline huh

    And they depended on fish rather than plants ... the gathering portion of anthopologic hunter/gatherer doesn't fit the narrative so, it gets discarded.

    Lucy(Australopithecus) found where? Ethiopia. In a very arid part of the world.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.
    In fact, since most overweight and obese people are in some way insulin resistant, they should not consume sugars.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.
    They lived near the coastline, eating fish and fats.
    Our bodies are designed that way.
    Urgh, I know I should give you some quotes here to convince you.
    I know it worked for me.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.

    Early humans certainly ate carbs, particularly starchy roots and tubers, and they could have gone over the 50 gram mark just eating one yam. Wild plants were likely a very important part of their diet (and still are a part of the diet of humans living in western sub-Saharan Africa today). Animal products are very nourishing but they also require more calorie investment, and often greater danger. Plants aren't very good at fighting or fleeing, so they would have been excellent finds while foraging.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    edited December 2015
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.
    In fact, since most overweight and obese people are in some way insulin resistant, they should not consume sugars.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.
    They lived near the coastline, eating fish and fats.

    Our bodies are designed that way.
    Urgh, I know I should give you some quotes here to convince you.
    I know it worked for me.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.
    There is no one, monolithic ancestral diet. That said, there is no traditional human diet that was ketogenic or close to eating only 50g of carbs per day. Not even the Inuit.
    Evolutionary speaking, sedge eating appears in human ancestors as long ago as 4 million years, and presumably amylase and similar genes appeared around that time. Human ancestors eating carrion and possibly hunting has little evidence for being older than 2 million years old. Prior to either of those, our diets would have been largely fruigivorian, which is also high in carbohydrates.

    On top of that, evolution is not evidence of health. Much of what our ancestors would eat out of necessity would not be considered healthy to eat simply based on the chance of infection. Some experiments suggest that living in a perpetually underfed state with a diet high in anti-oxidants leads rodents to live far longer than average lives, even though such diets would not be their evolutionary diet.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.

    Why is the alternative to super low carb always high carb? The SAD has issues, but it's about 50% carb, which is not high carb. The carb (and fat -- it is considered high fat) choices are issues.

    Blue zone diets, which are never less than 50 carbs, and can be moderate to high carb, are good evidence that carbs aren't unhealthy.

    The fact that no traditional human populations are in ketosis is pretty good evidence that there's no particular benefit to ketosis.

    Is it fine and can it be a healthy way to lose weight if one enjoys eating that way? Sure.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.

    And you need vegetables. Most people who actively cut out fruits and veg and legumes and whole grains will be eating a less healthy diet. Might someone who eats only low nutrient carbs improve their diet by cutting carbs and increasing even sat fat (say lard and mayo and bacon and cheese and, of course, those lovely hot dogs)? Sure, it's possible. But it's not most people and assuming that your particular choices of carbs are representative of everyone would be presumptuous, of course. My diet would be less healthy if I cut way down on carbs and not as suited for my preferred activity level.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.

    False -- check the science on this.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.

    It does not for me. I find fat completely non satiating. I find many carbs quite satiating. People vary a lot on what is satiating as the current 2 threads about eggs and oatmeal for breakfast demonstrate beautifully. Only keto folks feel compelled to insist that what works for them is a universal rule, which is annoying.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2015
    mnalsa83 wrote: »
    I tried the Keto Diet (under 20 carbs daily) and did so for a month. I struggled only because no one else in my household really stuck to do it and I was constantly making two meals to satisfy everyone and just about everything I thoughts as healthy for you (veggies had carbs ?!?!?! & fruit was a no-no) and I have NEVER been a meat and fats person, so trying to get enough protein and fat in my diet, just wasn't easy. Plus my monthly cravings aren't sugar/chocolate, it's chips! A total no-no.

    My MIL gave me a book, carb addicts diet while to read, since it was the same basic principle. Being 1 month off Keto now, I've gained half of what I lost. I decided to read through the book again. This time, Hubby is on board.

    The idea of still being able to have carb as a RM (Reward Meal) seems more feasible, for both of us. Believe it or not, yesterday Hubby had his breakfast (egg omelet & bacon) a salad for lunch with some pork chop and cheese (not quite under 4g) said he was starving but when it came to dinner (and we ate out) he made better choices than me, ate half of his plate and was "satisfied". SUPRISE on his end. Hopefully we can stick to this one easier.

    Has anyone had any good luck with this type of diet??? Any recommendations??? Recipes??? Struggles and success stories to help keep us going???

    @mnalsa83 I only cut my carbs to <50 grams daily. Now I eat anything at anytime as long as it does not contain any form of grains or most forms of sugars. It has been my way of eating since Oct 2014 and still is Dec 2015. At my age I finally gave up on trying to 'lose' weight and just started eating in a way that makes me feel better. As my health improves the weight is slowly dropping as a side effect of having no food cravings.

    Eating 800 calories of coconut oil a day would neither make me happy nor improve my health.

    On the other hand, eating vegetables, legumes, and some fruit, oatmeal, and whole grains (and some ice cream and Christmas cookies in moderation) works for me.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I spent 6 months last year on a keto diet, so here's my two cents.

    First it is not a high protein diet, but high fat. I found that I enjoyed the diet a lot. It felt awesome to eat butter, cheese, high fat meats, etc. I really loved that. For a while I felt that I could sustain the diet forever. The cravings for sugary foods stopped pretty quickly and I learned to make some pretty delicious desserts with nuts and chocolate and coconut and other amazing fatty ingredients. And I lost some weight, about 20 pounds in the six months. I certainly didn't lose at some sort of magical speed.

    Now here's the downside. During my sixth month, I started losing my hair - a lot of it. I did see my doc who didn't find the reason. But it was so frightening that I quit the diet. Since I left the diet I have regained the weight I lost plus added an additional 5 pounds. I have heard of others losing their hair as well. I cannot prove that the keto diet caused it or add any medical reports as proof. But yes, my hair stopped falling out when I resumed "normal" eating.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    mnalsa83 wrote: »
    I tried the Keto Diet (under 20 carbs daily) and did so for a month. I struggled only because no one else in my household really stuck to do it and I was constantly making two meals to satisfy everyone and just about everything I thoughts as healthy for you (veggies had carbs ?!?!?! & fruit was a no-no) and I have NEVER been a meat and fats person, so trying to get enough protein and fat in my diet, just wasn't easy. Plus my monthly cravings aren't sugar/chocolate, it's chips! A total no-no.

    My MIL gave me a book, carb addicts diet while to read, since it was the same basic principle. Being 1 month off Keto now, I've gained half of what I lost. I decided to read through the book again. This time, Hubby is on board.

    The idea of still being able to have carb as a RM (Reward Meal) seems more feasible, for both of us. Believe it or not, yesterday Hubby had his breakfast (egg omelet & bacon) a salad for lunch with some pork chop and cheese (not quite under 4g) said he was starving but when it came to dinner (and we ate out) he made better choices than me, ate half of his plate and was "satisfied". SUPRISE on his end. Hopefully we can stick to this one easier.

    Has anyone had any good luck with this type of diet??? Any recommendations??? Recipes??? Struggles and success stories to help keep us going???

    @mnalsa83 I only cut my carbs to <50 grams daily. Now I eat anything at anytime as long as it does not contain any form of grains or most forms of sugars. It has been my way of eating since Oct 2014 and still is Dec 2015. At my age I finally gave up on trying to 'lose' weight and just started eating in a way that makes me feel better. As my health improves the weight is slowly dropping as a side effect of having no food cravings.

    Eating 800 calories of coconut oil a day would neither make me happy nor improve my health.

    On the other hand, eating vegetables, legumes, and some fruit, oatmeal, and whole grains (and some ice cream and Christmas cookies in moderation) works for me.
    Yikes, eating that much coconut oil, or even eating a LCHF diet, would have me in the hospital with out of control acid reflux.
  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    mnalsa83 wrote: »
    I tried the Keto Diet (under 20 carbs daily) and did so for a month. I struggled only because no one else in my household really stuck to do it and I was constantly making two meals to satisfy everyone and just about everything I thoughts as healthy for you (veggies had carbs ?!?!?! & fruit was a no-no) and I have NEVER been a meat and fats person, so trying to get enough protein and fat in my diet, just wasn't easy. Plus my monthly cravings aren't sugar/chocolate, it's chips! A total no-no.

    My MIL gave me a book, carb addicts diet while to read, since it was the same basic principle. Being 1 month off Keto now, I've gained half of what I lost. I decided to read through the book again. This time, Hubby is on board.

    The idea of still being able to have carb as a RM (Reward Meal) seems more feasible, for both of us. Believe it or not, yesterday Hubby had his breakfast (egg omelet & bacon) a salad for lunch with some pork chop and cheese (not quite under 4g) said he was starving but when it came to dinner (and we ate out) he made better choices than me, ate half of his plate and was "satisfied". SUPRISE on his end. Hopefully we can stick to this one easier.

    Has anyone had any good luck with this type of diet??? Any recommendations??? Recipes??? Struggles and success stories to help keep us going???

  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    edited December 2015
    ^ sorry about the random quote, I'm on mobile and it's being difficult...

    I did keto for like 2-3 months. I did lose weight but not any faster than I did when I just calorie restricted myself. And keep in mind I didn't really work out when I did the keto due to being a full time student...

    I broke the diet not because I couldn't handle it but because I studied abroad in France this summer and they literally breathe carbs. You eat a slice of baguette with every meal and my host lady gave me like 3 slices of baguette bread just on dinner alone! So yeah that didn't work out but I did feel strangely fantastic when I saw the results.

    Would I ever do it again? Definitely not. I felt a bit consumed by the diet: always figuring out what to make and what alternatives would work. I didn't get to have pizza or anything with my friends. I just felt obsessed. There are things I've learned from the diet that I often do because high carb food are usually high in calories too.

    For starters, instead of chips, I now snack on pepperoni slices. About 15 slices is only 75 calories which is pretty fantastic to me (and I would always get the turkey pepperoni slices). I sometimes sprinkled cheese on top and microwaved it to get a cheesy snack. I also love making tacos and either using the outer wrapping of an iceberg lettuce as the tortilla or into a taco salad without chips.

    Another problem was how expensive it got. I didn't have my cheap pasta ingredients and needed meat and high-fat foods like cheese in constant supply.

    I'm not against the diet; If you truly believe you can keep the diet up then that's your choice. I do believe though that it's really for a life-term goal and not to just lose weight. If you really wanna just lose weight then eat the foods you plan on eating when the weight is off. Get your body used to that food and keep it within your calorie range.
  • dnmbabica
    dnmbabica Posts: 2 Member
    I have been in the diabetic range for over a year and started keto 3 months ago. Since then all of my labs have drastically improved plus I feel way better than I ever did eating any other way. I was already losing weight by counting calories before going low carb, but my labs were still terrible and I was always hungry. Keto isn't perfect but it has changed my life.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Google Tim Noakes banting diet.
    Sounds similar.
    One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to cut carbs below 50g per day.

    Based upon what science?

    Actually, you will find that there are several recent studies promoting this, where as there are no studies that has proved a high carb diet is ideal.
    In fact, since most overweight and obese people are in some way insulin resistant, they should not consume sugars.
    Carbs are a nutrient you do not need to survive, but you do need fats and protein.
    Remember, early humans did not have access to carbs.
    They lived near the coastline, eating fish and fats.
    Our bodies are designed that way.
    Urgh, I know I should give you some quotes here to convince you.
    I know it worked for me.
    I lost 40kg this year and I did not feel hungry once, because a high fat diet keeps you fuller for longer, which means you will consume less calories.

    Huh? Their life expectancy was a lot less back then too. Not that carbs are the reason do know there are carbs in fruits and veggies, right?