2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread

Nova Posts: 10,047 MFP Staff
edited October 2016 in Getting Started
Welcome to the 2016 Adopt-a-Noob Discussion!

This thread is dedicated to those MFP members that would like to volunteer their time to mentor or adopt a new comer to MFP; with the high volume that occurs in the beginning of the year, this will be an easy way for new members to view profiles of members to friend and lean on for advice, guidance or direction.

For those who participated in the Adopt-a-Noob discussion last year - giant thanks for your willingness to give back and support others on their path. If you have recently posted in the original discussion, or volunteered last year and have bandwidth again, please be sure to re-post here.


We will maintain a list of forum members (in this post) of all the members that would like to become a mentor or volunteer their time. We suggest that you post some background (essentially a short profile) on yourself to give the new members some prior knowledge. If at any time, you want to revise your post, please send an update to @Nova or @Betty, and we will alter your original post as soon as we are able.

Also, if you see new members posting in this topic, please feel free to reach out to them.

New members

Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full. 2015 discussion here

Thank you for your support!

P.S. - please follow the rules. All thread hijacking will be followed by a strike as it violates the rules. If you don't understand the rules, please see below.


(MFP Staff will update this section as people throw their hat in to adopt noobs for the new year)


  • WilliamWolff
    WilliamWolff Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2015
    I really don't know if I'm supposed to write here or whatnot, but here goes.

    I am searching for a mentor.
    I'm 18 years old and really new to this exercising thing, I'm tired of being too skinny, too small, too weak. So if any mentor feels like taking part in my journey, I'd appreciate it. I'm fairly poor as well, so I will be using what I have at home for the next couple of months.

    I plan on checking in a few times a week.
  • oneillc207
    oneillc207 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd like a mentor!
  • startingoveragain2020
    I'd really appreciate a mentor on here! I cannot seem to re-kick start the healthy lifestyle I followed for years and years. Since I had my youngest 1.5yrs ago, I've lost little weight and 28lbs heavier. I try and start every day and by the end of every day, I'm disgusted in the food I have eaten. And feel a failure. I'm not looking for a quick fix but a change of mind set, healthy living and an enjoyment of exercise again! Can anyone help! I'm in the uk if that makes any difference.
  • shawnj1960
    shawnj1960 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in need of a mentor. I am a 55 year old male that has a serious weight issue. I have started and planned to lose weight numerous times and can not get to my goals. Please message me if you can help. Thanks in advance
  • donna4378
    donna4378 Posts: 7 Member
    Not sure if this is where I'd post but I'd love a mentor. I've been using the MFP app for a year or so -- I sort of suck keeping track of what I eat. Never ventured past looking at the food diary - so I don't know how to use the boards or how a mentor would connect with me. I'll be 48 next week - have always been obsessive about working out. I get anxious if I miss a day sort of thing. Mostly yoga, running and cycling in warm weather. I'm not great at any of it - but am consistent :) So I've never counted calories because I always burned them off. But now -- as my more um .. "mature" years are approaching - I'm finding I can't work out enough to keep the weight down. I actually sell food (Tastefully Simple - it's a direct sales company) and substitute teach -- hopefully will be teaching full time within the next year though. I have 3 kids -- but they are older (11, 15 and 17) so it's not like I have to be home with them and they need tons of attention - but they still keep me busy) Hoping to find a mentor who can sort of guide me, keep me on track - and become online buds with in the process! Looking to really motivate each other.
  • laurenburns25
    laurenburns25 Posts: 4 Member
    I would definitely like a mentor as well! I am a mom of two, one is an 8 month old and the other is going on 3. I just want to be healthy and not feel so out of breath chasing my 3 year old. I have just started the my fitness pal and I am 100% committed!
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    5' 1/2"
    Starting weight (SW): 133
    Original goal weight (GW): 110
    Current weight (CW): 105! and maintaining since September.

    I've had MFP since 2011, but got serious in March 2015. Have no idea what changed, but maybe it really is just a matter of willpower.

    Started running with a Couch to 5K program (C25K), but switched to body weight strength training in April. Five days a week since, and haven't looked back.

    To lose weight I was at 1,200 calories, which a matter of contention around here, but I emphasized lean protein and vegetables. I ate back about half of my exercise calories.

    Maintenance is 1,410. Sucked at first but as trite as it is, it really is a lifestyle change and not just a diet. I'll be tracking...well...forever because I know if I don't, bad habits creep back up .

    I have an indulgent meal once and while (maybe once a month) and try to include something I enjoy in every meal I have.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited January 2016
    Has found his noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants. :)


    I’ll volunteer as a mentor.

    I am willing to mentor up to two people - one of each gender preferably. Extra-special consideration given to those who are interested in competing in powerlifting, strongman, or weightlifting sometime in the future.


    I returned to fitness in March 2014 after a solid 5 years off and the previous 5 years were punctuated with intermittent gym attendance. I got started weight training when I was junior in high school (1989) when there was no internet, smart phones, or access to programming.

    Currently, I compete in powerlifting and am 44 years old.

    Please review what principles in health and fitness I follow (ie. #CICO, #IIFYM, progressive resistance) before you PM me your request, and I will make selection by week's end. It's important that we understand each other. You can also take a look at my current training here.

    Good luck and happy New Year to you!
  • Princesspetal7
    Princesspetal7 Posts: 42 Member
    I'd love someone to mentor me. I've 2 young children and want to lose at least a stone by the summer. I've just bought a fit bit and have a gym membership to help me. I'm 5'7, female and 166lbs. Please someone be my mentor x
  • verudandi
    verudandi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I am new on MFP.
    I would like to know how can I sign up for being a noob here - I don't know how this work, should I post self introduction and details here or in different place?
    Thanks for help.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    verudandi wrote: »
    Hi all, I am new on MFP.
    I would like to know how can I sign up for being a noob here - I don't know how this work, should I post self introduction and details here or in different place?
    Thanks for help.
    Nova wrote: »
    Welcome to the 2016 Adopt-a-Noob Discussion!

    New members

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full. 2015 discussion here

    Thank you for your support!

    It says in the original post for new members to read the mentors posts/profiles and message the person you'd like to be your mentor, saying a little about yourself :)
  • iheartbubbles16
    iheartbubbles16 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm new to mfp

    I'd love a mentor... I am determined to make a permanent change I'm fed up not feeling fit and healthy.

    I tend to do well for a few weeks or over a month then lose interest so I need someone who is going to help me keep myself honest. Any takers ?


This discussion has been closed.