Ladies over 50!



  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Another fine day, I've got to make a plan. Yesterday was good until night time. I lost my mom recently, and of course I'm still very sad - when I'm upset I reach for comfort foods! I'm doing lots better during the day, though, so I'll take that as a step in the right direction. I'm giving myself a little space to let grief run its course.

    Thoughts for today:

    Glean some strength from the positives while continuing to work the bugs out of problem areas.

    Make one little change. Cut 100 calories.
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    Jb so sorry to hear about your loss. That is so hard.

    I think small changes work really well. Also something to keep me occupied. I knit so that keeps my hands busy.
  • smelbo
    smelbo Posts: 36 Member
    I wish I could knit. used to watch my mom knit all the time, and took it for granted, now she's gone, and I can't pass the knit torch to my daughter, cause I never bothered to learn.
    I am 60, 5'10', cw 168, sw 221. It has been a long journey to get here, would like to loose a but more, but I am happy I am now in the healthy BMI range. Joined mfp last year, midway in my weight loss endevours.
    Recently retired, and want to get back to sewing, ( my knitting counterpart), used to sew alot, when I was younger it was hard to find clothes that fit taller women.
    I asked for a sewing machine for Christmas, so maybe Santa will be good to me, and I can get busy in the new year.
    I also walk alot....started when I was working, and I would walk all my stress off from the day on my way home. Now I just enjoy walking.
    Jb, I am sorry for your loss. It will be difficult over the holidays. But remember all the great times you spent with your mom.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member

    Sure we can. We have our own group here. it's the most active group on the board!
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    What are everyone's plans or plan of attack for the next few days?

    I have decided that I will be thoughtful of the food I consume but I will enjoy the holidays. I know that I will go over my alotted calories for the next few days. This happens to people who don't need to diet, but the difference for me is to get right back on the horse (per say) and continue the good habits I have learned this past year. This worked for me with thanksgiving.

    I would love to hear how you plan to handle Christmas.
  • boothd330
    boothd330 Posts: 3 Member
    I am like you I will fall off the wagon but hope to get right back on track . Good luck . Merry Christmas
  • LeslieinOC
    LeslieinOC Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Kim (ptmuguca22) and smelbo! I'm new here myself, but already I feel encouraged because I know there are people who will cheer me on through the tough spots.

    jb, after I lost my dad 6 years ago, I had a tough time, too. My elderly mother wasn't doing well, my daughter (who moved back in after leaving a terrible marriage) had a baby, and I was working from home beginning at 5 am each morning and watching a 2 year old and newborn while my daughter went to nursing school! The stress was overwhelming and I ate to make myself feel better (plus it's easy to have junk in the house with littles). Well, 6 years later the 20 pounds I rapidly gained are still hanging around. Menopause and cortisol have proven to be pesky buggers in my weight loss journey. But, I am determined to get back to my fighting weight, to feel great, and to ward off any weight or diet-related illnesses as I get older.

    Trying to teach myself to knit! Kind of frustrating. Maybe leave that for after I lose weight so as not to add more stress :wink:

    Today I'm baking for the holidays. Banana bread, peanut butter cookies, and chocolate chip. Am I a glutton for punishment or what! I don't plan on eating any, don't really want to thanks to being in ketosis. No real hunger for sweets anymore :smile:
  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    @smelbo and @LeslieinOC try youtube for free videos on how to knit. I have learned so much more there than by looking at a page in a book.

    I'm also in my 50's, divorced, moved my parents in with me when their health began to suffer, adult daughter living back at home (has a good job now), & trying to make time for me. I miss being fit & active.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Look in here when you miss your mum @jb_2011...
    I had the cutest teenage single mum you could imagine & it was a terrible shock when she died the summer we each had turned 40 and 59 respectively... I had a new baby myself, and it did send me into a real emotional tailspin. So be kind to yourself & don't expect perfection. The holidays are especially hard for the grieving.
    I know myself well enough that I just expect 'maintenance' without any gain during all this festivity. Just got back from a decadent lunch at Barndiva in Healdsburg which involved a midday champagne cocktail and homemade macaroons.
    January is going to feel so RIGHT after all this holiday making, no?
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks you guys, I appreciate your comments very much. :heart: Mom passed a couple of days after Thanksgiving, I was there with my family, we all helped take care of her in the last 10 days of her life. Traumatic experience to say the very least. The waves of grief come at interesting times, most when I least expect them! It's like getting hit in the stomach with a bowling ball. I can't even look at photos yet, I guess I need more time. But I'll be ok, I promise.

    Self-care notes: Had a large breakfast with good complex carbs & protein. Came home from band practice shortly after noon, had a small lunch with almost no carbs. After walking dogs in very cold and rainy conditions this afternoon, I found myself famished and grabbing at stuff. I did think about it first, though, adding up calories in my head! Good girl me. However, I should have had some cooked barley or beans at lunch!! I logged everything and found out I'm at already close to 1100 cals, so I "get" to have steamed broccoli and a salad for dinner. Oh, and of course I'll leave room for a few sips of wine :smiley:

    Wow, Leslie and Scolaris, you both went through a very tough time.

    Thanks again for being here, everyone, and oh, holiday food plans? I guess I'll just try to have little bits of everything and savor the flavors. Fill up on water. No second helpings! That's where I go wrong.

    Yes, January's going to feel verrry good!

  • smelbo
    smelbo Posts: 36 Member
    I usually have Christmas at my place, so I get to make sure there is plenty of good protein and veggies for snacking. Honestly, I would rather eat another chicken breast than a brownie. Any calorie overage is going to be from alcohol.
    Yesterday I walked over 20,000 steps!!!! Just doing as much as I can before the big food fest starts.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Hi Ladies - love the comment about 'maintaining' through the holiday period.
    Will surely try that... 15lbs down... don't want to gain any back!!
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all

    Over a little in cals today but not too bad, had plenty of veg so that is good. Plus roasted a turkey breast for me and hubby and it was delish. I have some nice healthy protein for the next few days.

    My strategic plan is to stay conscious and keep track of what I eat, enjoy healthy food with a little treat here and there. My big challenge will be when I go visit my family up north after Xmas- going up on the 28th. I often overeat when I visit them, it can be kinda stressful. I hope the good habits I have been developing over the last three weeks will hold firm.
  • smelbo
    smelbo Posts: 36 Member
    Woke up today, did my regular weigh in. And I am up a pound ..drat!!! Wanted to start the holidays at lowest I have been since the summer. :( . oh well still overall l am down, gotta look at the big picture.
    Gonna enjoy the next two days, then back on the bandwagon.
    Happy holidays to everyone. Try to unplug over the next few days and enjoy your family.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Morning all.

    :star: Mental attitude good.
    :star: Lunch out with a friend today so must adjust breakfast accordingly.
    :star: Unplugging for Christmas dinner with family & friends tomorrow! I'll be making a boysenberry pie, spiced peaches, cranberry salad, and fancy sautéed green beans. There will be turkey, dressing, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cauliflower au gratin, and wine.
    :star: 9 days until New Years - woo!

    I'm enjoying your posts here. Glad I found you! Where's Teach gone I wonder?

    Happy day to ya. B)

  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Wishing everyone a ver Merry Christmas ☃❄️
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your families! <3
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    ((hugs)) jb. I'm so sorry on the loss of your mother. I hope that things will gradually get better for you.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Thank you Amy. Very sweet of you :) I'm doing ok. Each day seems to get a little easier.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    OK jb, thanks too. Keep hanging in there.