Need to vent a little bit...



  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    forgive the language but... ****'em!! This kind of bull**** is why I haven't talked to my grandpa Jerry in years. He was always a critical *kitten* and I don't need it in my or my family's life
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Sounds to me like your mother got her issues from her mother. Break the cycle and not do that to your children.

    This. You KNOW you are worth more than what this ugly-hearted woman is telling you (hence the vent). But her negativity has probably caused some pretty deep issues. Take time to work them out so you can become healthy inside, and use the support network on MFP so you can become healthy outside! Break the chain of negativity in your family!

    As many peope have said, you may need to cut them out of your life for a while until you can find a normal worldview and not the one from BizzaroWorld that they've raised you with. I know I did, and it was confusing and hurtful to have to separate myself from a lot of the ideas I had grown up with - but now I am truly a stronger and happier person for it!!

    You can do it!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Sounds to me like your mom and grandma have serious food issues of their own. Obviously, being fat is the ultimate shame for them (but apparently it's ok to treat people badly!). I wonder if either of them have, or have had, an eating disorder.

    Name-calling your children is a terrible thing to do. What a way to kill their self esteem. I wish they had more respect for you. But, at least you respect yourself enough to be here at MFP and losing weight for YOU (since I suspect that even after you lose the weight, they will find something else to criticize). Let them be miserable while you work on the new you! =)
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    I'm sorry you are having to deal with issues like this. Certainly we should be able to count on family to support us or at the very least not attack us verbally in such a hateful manner!

    I know it's been said already, but, try your best to limit contact. If you do have contact and are able to steer clear of the subjects that usually bring on this type of abuse, I would recommend doing that as well. This may mean they are kept in the dark of all your weightloss successes you will be having, but they don't sound like they are deserving of that knowledge anyway.

    This is an amazing site for support and encouragement. I can feel fairly confident you won't be belittled for sharing your experiences here - you are doing amazing! Keep it up :flowerforyou:
  • jewels319
    jewels319 Posts: 72 Member
    Your family is supposed to be your support system. People you can ALWAYS count on. Unfortunately, not everyone is that fortunate.

    Personally, I would avoid speaking to your mom as much as you can. You don't need her or her negativity.

    My in-laws are always there for support......but it goes the wrong way...the only support goin on is financially and its not them to me...its me to them.......
    I know its hard.......just try to block her out.
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Book Suggestion- Coping with Your Difficult Older Parent. It isn't going to help you now, but it will help you later.
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Sounds to me like your mother got her issues from her mother. Break the cycle and not do that to your children.
    WOW! SUPER good advice!