Starting C25K TODAY!



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Oh and questions- do you run everyday? Every other day?... Do you do other workouts in between?

    Advice is welcome! :)


    as a beginner, its important to take rest days. they can be active rest days where you cross train but letting your muscles recover is essential to stay healthy and avoid injury
  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    @summerdaze120 thanks for the response!
    I'll try mirroring your routine (opposite running days, weight lifting)...
    Friend request sent!
    Yay! ☺️
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hey MFPals!

    I plan on starting the C25K program today and wanted to see if anyone else is on board. If so, feel free to add me :smile: I have signed up for a 5K in mid-February and would love for my time to be 33 minutes or under!

    I will STRONGLY suggest that you look for actual people doing this in your area to run with if you can. Having people to do it with makes a difference. More specifically, if you are a Christian, I will also suggest the Run for God program...they have chapters all over the country and it's based (the running part) around the C25K program. I used that and ran my first 5K since high school around 2 years back. I've moved on to a quarter marathon and am now training to do a half marathon in spring.
  • kristirobinson1
    kristirobinson1 Posts: 48 Member
    You can add me if you want! I'm on week 3 day 1
  • Rabidrunner
    Rabidrunner Posts: 117 Member
    edited December 2015
    I've been doing it for several weeks and am loving it! I used to be a runner waaaay back in the day and I'm just now feeling like I'm hitting my stride again.... Pardon the pun. Once you get going it only gets easier, sometimes I'll actually do the session twice in the same run (e.g. run for 1+ hours rather than 30 mins or whatever the session called for). It's usually a slower completion the second time around but feels amazing when you're done!

    I like to do a run 3-4 times per week with strength training 2 times per week on the alternate days, it feels like the perfect balance. Good luck!
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    @summerdaze120 thanks for the response!
    I'll try mirroring your routine (opposite running days, weight lifting)...
    Friend request sent!
    Yay! ☺️

    Make sure to listen to your body ;)
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    @Sez3199 glad your back in the game :p It does become addicting!

    @kristirobinson1 the more the merrier :)
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    edited December 2015
    Week 4 Day 1 completed. Walk at 3.5 mph and run at 6.0 mph. 2 miles. Not going to lie, that 5 minute run was hard! Hopefully day 2 and day 3 will be easier
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    Week 4 Day 1 completed. Walk at 3.5 mph and run at 6.0 mph. 2 miles. Not going to lie, that 5 minute run was hard! Hopefully day 2 and day 3 will be easier

    Good job! That is a fast speed too!
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    I did my strength training again today. Back on the running wagon tomorrow!
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    I did week 3 day 2 today :) I used to have amazinggg endurance and could do a 10 k easily any day, but I was sick for like a year and stopped. Going slow when starting a running program is definitely the key to making it through. Doing too much too fast will make you hate it.
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    I did W2D1 today and 90 sec of jogging was no harder than 1 min of jogging. I agree @riirii93_ , going slow is the best way for me too!
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    I graduated C25K last year and ran the Color Run in 39 minutes! My goal was 35, but I wasn't too broken up about it, it was a tough run. Good luck!
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    @flabassmcgee that's awesome! As long as you had fun :p
  • katiemstamey
    katiemstamey Posts: 42 Member
    Just added so many people like such a creeper :x I'm extremely interested in the c25k program :D
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    Had a little unscheduled break but today I did W2D2. Fun!
  • Rabidrunner
    Rabidrunner Posts: 117 Member
    Just got back from a 6 miler... A shade under 10 minute mile for the whole run, with one split under 9 mins! Ok ok it was 8:56 but still, big improvement. Do you guys use the Map My Run app? It's really helpful and you can run it at the same time as the 5/10/25K apps no probs.

    So as of today I switched to the 10k app as I was 3/4 through the Couch to 5K and it was just getting too easy. I was doing each workout twice, back to back and barely breaking a sweat. I jumped ahead to week 5 of the 10K and finished it no probs, then kept running for another 20 mins. It's addictive, ha.

    I'm thinking of doing a 5K in March, then a couple 10Ks, then hopefully a half marathon in June..... Anyone with me?
  • Rabidrunner
    Rabidrunner Posts: 117 Member
    Update on that.... Just signed up for a 5K in Jan, and two more in Feb. Going to shoot for a 10K in March, woot! No time like the present.
  • bvff35
    bvff35 Posts: 74 Member
    How do you all time the intervals? Stop watch, interval watch, regular watch with second hand??
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 870 Member
    edited January 2016
    I just downloaded the 5k app. I'm on week 2 I believe. I do a very light jog as I'm obese and doing a full on jog would be way too hard for all the weight I carry but I'm hoping it helps in my weight loss journey and I can one day jog lightly for a good amount of time without losing my breath if possible. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.