Jillian Michaels Body Revolution



  • 15Veronica
    15Veronica Posts: 25 Member
    I missed a few days of workouts last weekend due to holidays, being out of town and getting over this cold. But I'm working on catching up this week! I doubled up on Monday which helped.

    It was comical trying to workout while sick because i didn't have enough breathe leftover to blow my nose! But i did it and feel better for it. I went out of town again for two days starting yesterday so i did one workout yesterday morning before i left. I'm hoping i have some energy left to get another workout in when i get home tonight. If i can i think that will catch me up.

    Looking forward to starting Week 3 soon!
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Sorry you've been sick! At least you've kept your motivation going :smiley:

    I didn't start early after all, we've been traveling more than I realized. But definitely set to start the 1st. I've been such a lazy bum, haha!
  • cassandranken
    cassandranken Posts: 129 Member
    Do yourself a favor and invest in a good pair of shoes/non carpeted area. I hurt myself every single time I did her 30 day shred because I was wearing crappy old shoes and on carpet.
  • 15Veronica
    15Veronica Posts: 25 Member
    noahsmom - It is hard to fit in a workout when you're traveling. I got behind on my schedule with just the few days we were out of town. (did not have the energy to workout when we got home Wednesday night - all that driving wore me out!)

    cassandranken - That's a good reminder - my current shoes are getting old and probably need to buy a new pair soon.

    I just finished Week 2! I did cardio yesterday when I biked 4 miles with my son (who is a runner and I'm not anymore). We don't have a flat surface in our neighborhood except our driveway so it was a good workout going up and down those hills! Then I finished Workout 2 this morning. I know that switches the days but I think as long as I keep moving, I'm doing okay :) I noticed I'm down another 1/4" in my abs which is a total of 3/4" in the first 2 weeks! I didn't do so well in the nutrition dept. yesterday but exercising definitely makes me want to eat better (and drink my water).

    Good luck to everyone starting their workouts over the next couple of days of this new year!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm starting week 3 of Phase 2 today! It would have been nice to start with a group like you all are doing! I had a group for 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 when I first joined MFP. I have to say that I'm seeing huge differences in my strength and stamina from the start of JMBR.

    I just had two weeks off between week 2 and week 3 of Phase 2, but I didn't stop exercising. This program is great for getting into a routine if you stick with it long enough. I love that Jillian switches up the muscle groups in the two disks for the week - that is a huge improvement over her previous workouts in my opinion! Even though I don't have a group to do this, it inspires me to see other people on MFP working together to get through programs like this!

    I won't be posting in this thread regularly since I'm not on track with everyone, but if anyone wants to add me, please send me a friend request.
  • 15Veronica
    15Veronica Posts: 25 Member
    mellie289 - Congrats on starting Week 3! I'm a month behind you and just did Phase 1, Week 3, Workout 3. That kicked me butt. I loved all the glute work but it was difficult trying to keep up with Jillian. She doesn't stop - which is good!

    I think it was hilarious that in this workout, Jillian tells everyone to pick up heavy weights and then when she says she will be logging it in later, many of the people in the video lay down the weight they had originally picked up, and select a larger one. Lol!
  • mcl916
    mcl916 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad I found this group! I think I'm going to restart JMBR today. I keep trying to get into 21 day fix, but I like Jillian so much better!! I've started a few times, I think I've gotten as far as week 6 but this time around I really need to stick with it. I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I've had enough.
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Mellie: Post as often as you'd like, it's good to have a warning about how difficult it's going to get haha!

    Veronica: I'm cringing just thinking of Week 3!! I'm determined to make it through this time, though!

    Mcl: Hi! Good luck! We'll be on the same day if you restarted today!

    As for me, I just haven't had the chance to settle in and restart. My exchange student goes back to school tomorrow and my son is finally going back to bed at a decent time soooo.... I'm off right now to do my Day 1 Workout!
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Phew, I had forgotten how much some of those combos hurt!
  • 15Veronica
    15Veronica Posts: 25 Member
    noahsmom - Yeah for completing Day 1!!

    mcl - I agree with you and love this series of workouts! Keep us updated on your progress.

    My kids go back to school today which means life returns to our routine, thank goodness, but also means today was going to be busy. I was trying to figure out if I wanted to get my workout done this morning or do it later today. I was voting for pushing it off for later today but then I logged into this site and noticed there were updates in this thread. After reading that others were starting this program and seeing noahsmom working out late at night (way to go!!), I thought if they can do it, I can do it! So I pushed play on the Cardio workout and got it done. There. Done for the day. Such a good feeling!

    First half of Week 3 is complete :)
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm a little late, but I got mine in the mail yesterday!( yes Amazon delivered on Sunday! CRAZY!) Anyway I will be starting today. I have done 30 day shred and loved it. I'm in between semesters and hoping to get a routine down before I go back. If any one would like to add me as a friend, please do! And if anyone has some advice on this program, please share!!!
    Best of luck to everyone!!
  • t_marina99
    t_marina99 Posts: 1 Member
    Every Jan I start it, but never make it past week three for various "excuses" I keep telling myself. I know I DO feel so much better doing it - along with 30 min cardio on the treadmill! I know workouts 1 & 2 so well I could almost quote them!

    Hopefully this year will be different as I've written down tiny goals to get to my overall weight loss goal. Also I know logging my food keeps me on track and I lost sight of that.

  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I started workout 1 today and it kicked my butt. I am so out of shape. I am determined to complete this program!
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Veronica-I'm so happy to be back on a normal schedule lol. These school breaks last forever!! Also, the only time I have to do my workouts is late at night after my son has gone to bed. Otherwise if be planking with a 25 lb toddler on my back! Way to best out that temptation of not pushing Play!

    Amanda-I'm going to add you! Good luck!!

    T_marina-You sound exactly like me lmao! I pretty much can talk myself throught Weeks 1 and 2, no Jillian needed. The part where we do the front leg extensions and she starts talking about picturing your muscles shredding, every single time I think to myself, "there's no point imagining it, I can FEEL it!"

    Blonde-this program never fails to let me know how bad I am lol. I feel you pain!

    Off to do day 2! A little late in the day but at least I'm getting it done!
  • 15Veronica
    15Veronica Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome amanda, tmarina and blonde!

    noahsmom - Aw, I remember when my kids were little - it was near impossible trying to get stuff done when they were awake! Like you, I think I'm going to try to continue working out at the same time each day. It's just easier knowing that I have a set time to do that. I'm also trying to get it in before the younger kids wake up for school. My high schooler is up but he can take care of getting himself ready, thank goodness.

    I just finished Day 18 - Phase 1, Week 3, Workout 3. Only two more workouts to go for this week!

    We can do this!!

    (What does it mean to add a friend? Do they see my food journal? Does that mean they would know I ate a handful of mini marshmallows yesterday and some skinny cow chocolate? Yes, I'm weak when it comes to sugary food. Halloween is a horrible time for me :))
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    We ended up traveling last week and I didn't get to start. Did Day 1 Week 1 yesterday and it felt so good. But lord it hurts this morning. The girls in my office also decided to do a biggest loser style challenge because one is in a wedding, one is getting married, and I'm trying to get preggers, so off we go! We are also doing walking DVD's on our breaks. I actually can't wait to workout tonight.
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Lol Veronica, I won't judge! Savory food is what gets me. There are someottle smokey sausages sitting in my fridge begging me to eat them!! You can also make your diary private if you want.

    I'm trying to behave and had eggs and a protein shake for breakfast the last 2 days. And I'm so sore it takes a few minutes to be able to walk upright after I've been sitting for a while lol. But it's worth it!
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    edryer123 wrote: »
    We ended up traveling last week and I didn't get to start. Did Day 1 Week 1 yesterday and it felt so good. But lord it hurts this morning. The girls in my office also decided to do a biggest loser style challenge because one is in a wedding, one is getting married, and I'm trying to get preggers, so off we go! We are also doing walking DVD's on our breaks. I actually can't wait to workout tonight.

    How awesome yall are doing a challenge like that! Having someone to compete with always gives an extra push. I wish I had a group I could compete with!
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    Alright! I did day 1. I absolutely love it! I have done 30ds and loved it but this one is AWESOME!!
  • 15Veronica
    15Veronica Posts: 25 Member
    noahsmom - I love those lil smokie sausages - yum! I was so sore that first week of this program and could barely move. But now while I'm still sore, it's not as bad at all. I also have protein shakes in the morning - it's such an easy breakfast which is nice because our mornings are crazy around here.

    edryer - Yeah!! That's awesome to have a support group at your work. It definitely helps to have people around you who have the same goals.

    amanda - Way to go!! 30ds kicked my butt but I like the variety in this program too. You can't go wrong with any of JM's programs.

    I just finished Day 19/90 - which is Phase 1, workout 4. Only one more workout left for this week. I'm having to do the workouts on mute since I'm up early before most in my house are awake. I'm not sure if I miss JM yelling at me :)