(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    The scale went the wrong way and I didn't meet my goal! UGH! I sure hope this gain is all muscle!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    I have cut waaaaay down on my sodium, trick is avoiding processed foods and eating raw nuts as opposed to "canned".

    The water consumption is way up around a gallon a day and I notice a difference in my body's response to the water
    when my salt is cut back. Just feel healthier and that elimination is better.

    As for my fiber over the weekend, it ROCKED the way it should have!!! wow! did a double take on my diary lol

    P.S. didn't have scale access this morning, will weigh tomorrow morning for sures:wink:

    best to ALL!!!
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    I dont add salt to anything. The only sodium I get comes in the food already. Love to use saltless spices, garlic, etc... I especially love this time of year cause I grow my own spices in the containers on my deck--MMMMMM nothing better than fresh oregano, chives, etc...

    We had company as soon as I got home from work and they just left, so no dancing for me today--sorry, maybe tomorrow.

    Have a great night BOBers.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    (We are in week 5!)

    CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – This week we are going to focus on maximizing our 5 week weighin! EVERY DAY this week do 3 things…

    This week we are going to work on doing a little something every day. Our songs each day will be dances so no one has an excuse for not doing sommmething! Today’s challenge is to do all 3 of the weekly challenges…and

    CUPID SHUFFLE HOW TO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLnhSH-6HOQ
    CUPID SHUFFLE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN62PAKoBfE&feature=related
    WOBBLE - Vic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDCoQcMkV40&feature=related
    (for my big girls! – we do this one in my dance fusion class at the gym! Fun fun fun!)

    Late night snackings!!!! Does anyone get late night cravings for munching around or even in the evenings? Do you do anything to ensure you curb those 'bored time' cravings?

    To jabbogurl …who has to tell us about her girl scout experience with the electric slide! haha
  • i have been doing ok with late night cravings, but tonight i really wanted ice cream with fudge and whipped cream. So i substituted nesquick, milk, bananas and strawberries. I went over my calories today but at least I got my fruit and calcium....... Other night I have one cup cereal and one cup milk. It helps me sleep!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i met the water challenge yesterday, went over my sodium, but i will do better today...
    i have for the most part done away with night snacking (after work when im home)....i drink water while im working out so that fills me up.....
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Sometimes i eat pretzles, just about 10 when i really want something at night. But other times i try to substitute with strawberries or grapes, or low fat vanilla yoghurt. For salty it's a bit toucher, but sometimes a small amount of baked chips, but what i really do is make sure i always have 100-200 calories left over when i'm done with dinner, so i can have something every night without worrying.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I always leave some calories open for that, but I make better choices now. I have 100 calorie packs (including popcorn), fruit, veggies with laughing cow cheese or, my FAVE, of course, skinny cow ice cream (I always stick to the 100 calorie options with those, as well...but they are still amazing!!)
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    I drink water (either hot water with lemon or just plain old cold water). If that doesnt work I try to stay as far from the kitchen as possible, go in my computer room and read a book or something.

    All BOBers have a great Tuesdy--time to go to work now.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    When I get hit with late night cravings I try to drink water and wait. I also like to keep my hands busy. I find that if I am doing something that is not compatable with eating I manage keep busy and forget my urge for food. I find that it is usually my mind that wants the food not my body. I try to do light craft work or crochet while I watch TV in the evening in the winter and I am outside a lot in the summer.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Yesterday I did pretty good with the keeping under the calories and I literally MADE myself get up and clean and do things to keep myself busy instead of just sitting around on the computer or watching TV and I feel SOOOOO much better because now I have a clean house AND burned some calories...

    As far as my late night cravings if I feel I ABSOLUTELY have to have something I will try and go with SmartPop 94% Fat free popcorn and I'll usually spice it up a bit and spray "I cant believe its not butter" on it which makes it taste like Im eating movie theatre popcorn! If its a craving I feel I can withstand I will try to just drink water....another snack I like are the Quaker Quakes Rice cakes (Cheddar and Ranch flavors are THA BOMB!) and they are better for you than potato chips!!! :)
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Hey, I got a shout out! Cool! :happy:

    Oh boy, girl scouts and the electric slide.....We were earning our dance badge or something and our leaders decided we would learn the electric slide. Wasn't bad at first, but then we were doing it over and over and over for about an hour at each meeting for a month of so. :sad: Finally to earn our badge, we had to actually perform it in front of these adults that had a dance club or something. I think we were in 4th grade, needless to say, we did our little dance and they all just stared at us at the end, no clapping or anything. LOL! To this day, I still can't stand that song, maybe it was the constant repetition. I remember I had it on my "do not play list" at my wedding and the DJ still played it! I ran up there, and was like, "NO! This is not supposed to be played here!" Ha! Oh man, being tortured as a child through music, good times.
  • Morning all, catching up on all the posts :tongue:

    When a late night craving kicks in I keep a stash of sugar free jello in the bottom of the fridge. I also like the 100 cal kettle corn popcorn so I can get the sweet and salt and I've fallen in love with almonds, they have dark chocolate and the one for this week is cinnamon brown sugar. I really like those.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    waaaaaaay toooo cute ;o)
    love your post!
    prob safe to say the caloric burn
    for crocheting is the same as knitting....
    :laugh: (give or take)?

    Is there an entry for that? Who said that? That would be awesome.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    My late night craves have been for something sweet as of late. So I make up one of my protein smoothies in the blender. It has frozen fresh fruit, Greek yogurt along with my protein powder and milk. It is thick, creamy, sweet and yummy. It completely satifies my sweet tooth.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    When I crave a quick snack, lately it's been a handful of Multi Grain Cheerios.

    On a side note, I now hide my healthy food from my BF (he eats it all!) but I think he found my stash. I hope he's not disappointed, lol. I feel bad!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    waaaaaaay toooo cute ;o)
    love your post!
    prob safe to say the caloric burn
    for crocheting is the same as knitting....
    :laugh: (give or take)?

    Is there an entry for that? Who said that? That would be awesome.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    waaaaaaay toooo cute ;o)
    love your post!
    prob safe to say the caloric burn
    for crocheting is the same as knitting....
    :laugh: (give or take)?

    Is there an entry for that? Who said that? That would be awesome.

    I think that that came from my needing to crochet three baby blanket and sweater sets for Sept 1and January respectively.
  • SiouxPrincess
    SiouxPrincess Posts: 35 Member
    I try to keep busy or surf on the computer when I feel like I am eating because I am bored. But sometimes when I have late night craving I eat some pretzels with Laughing Cow Light Swiss Chesse, if I want something salty. For my sweet tooth I have a Yoplait Fat Free Yogurt or Fat Free Rainbow Sherbert, they are so good.

    Yum, just talking about it is making me want some, I think I'll have that for a snack tonight :bigsmile:
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    lately I've been going crazy over baby artichokes! they take time to eat and keep me busy watchin' a movie after work.

    cook in large pot with filtered water
    Olive oil
    Sea salt
    Lemon juice
    Garlic powder

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