anybody else here quitting smoking, drugs, or alcohol as part of their fitness journey?



  • bigplantnerd
    bigplantnerd Posts: 31 Member
    edited December 2015
    Omg poor him! It's hard too see your man hurting, more so hurting inside. Good luck to you guys and your sobriety, sincerely. It's a tough road to tread and one I've been down before. Ain't goin out like that, as the song says.
    Let's all make it stick for this new year! Things cant control us, we control us!
  • ljo239
    ljo239 Posts: 16 Member
    Quitting chew myself, which has been very hard at times. Congrats to everyone that has or is quitting. Most impressive.
  • Summersoul130
    Summersoul130 Posts: 95 Member
    I've had to quit smoking marijuana. I know people say it's harmless but it has greatly contributed to my eating disorder over the past few years.
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    I've had to quit smoking marijuana. I know people say it's harmless but it has greatly contributed to my eating disorder over the past few years.

    Had to quit also, not for reasons regarding my eating habits but being pregnant.

    Guess the way I see it is that I control it... not it controlling me ( just like bigplantnerd said) so as long as I have an handle on it, and my responsibilities are met it isn't a problem.
  • bigplantnerd
    bigplantnerd Posts: 31 Member
    Chels, I do take care of business, but when those gnarly choices come I choose the mess. It's a problem simmering under the surface, every day, all the time. My responsibilities are covered, its my health that's taken the back seat for the last 20 years. I want my strength back. I want to work out, and look lovely, and feel lovelier. I've hidden behind smoke and flesh and an image of myself as the one who dgaf. Creating a new self image, for me, is the whole package. I am the one resolves things, works hard, and if I stray I find my way back. That is who I want to be...but I will always miss her. She got me this far, I think she will be proud.
  • MsLindaC2015
    MsLindaC2015 Posts: 51 Member
    It seems like I try to quit smoking or at least cut down about every other day. I think about it all the time. It consumes me and sometimes drives me nuts. I did find an app called Smoking Log that makes it easier to track when you smoke and gives you a total for the day. With that I was able, for a while, to cut my smoking in half. Was down to 14 a day for a few days but then got away from using it and have now climbed back up to about 20. Still better than the 30 I was smoking but not good enough. Ugh.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    Ive been smoke for over 6 months. Anybody struggling to quit? E cigs did it for me. Also I have a deal on e cig stuff that a website gave me. Message me if interested
  • hazman81
    hazman81 Posts: 86 Member
    I finally quit "the new drug" pornography been clean since August. I now it's not your typical substance but it's been hard for me. Hope this applies
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I feel like quitting anything that is consuming is about the same (after you've passed through the initial physical withdrawal that some substances offer). So good on you for quitting something something that you felt was negative in your life.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    edited January 2016
    Oh, and as for me, I've had a few drinks. Only one or two at a time (ie, one or two in a day, with a stretch between days). BF has had some weed, but I've abstained - I feel like it was making me slow when I wasn't on it, and it contributed to overeating. Neither of us has had any cigarettes since November, and we're both feeling better for it (my alcohol smoked cigarettes, I didn't).
  • hazman81
    hazman81 Posts: 86 Member
    Good for you guys? Best of luck to you.