Farting and the proper response



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm ok with farting. Sure, I'm not happy about it.

    That's a lie. Sometimes I am. Like the one yesterday that sounded exactly like the trilling noise a cat makes when she's in heat. BRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Generally speaking, I understand that no one is in complete control of their gas. You can clench with all your might, but sometimes it's not enough.

    But then I remember what my scientist friend told me. That what you smell is actually tiny poop molecules entering your nose. Air-*kitten*, if you will. And no matter how much I like someone, or how cool they are.... I don't want their poop in my nose.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't normally fart infront of my son...I don't know why, him and my fiance both let 'em rip...but yesterday I farted in the kitchen while he was doing homework...and he looked at me and said "I didn't know girls did that...good thing you weren't sitting at the kitchen table or else that would be bad manners"....my kid is so smart lol
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    This is some of the funniest stuff I've read in a long time.

    However, farting is not something that should be done in a way that draws attention to it. To do so is just plain rude. I know there are times when it can't be stopped, but there are ways to make it quieter or ways to quickly excuse yourself and go in the other room. It seems that this courtesy has died in our overly intimate society just like taking off your hat in a building (or during the National Anthem) and holding the door open for a woman.

    I may be old fashioned or maybe its just my Southern roots, but there are just certain things that are not appropriate in front of people. Farting. Scratching your butt. Vomiting. Masterbating. All very natural acts and all result from a bodily need, but all are best done in private.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    My husband LOVES to fart and it irritates me so much! Whenever I get a day where I am feeling gassy, I get sooo excited and I'd fart around him and when he complains, I'd say " that's number 38 to your 1,546,780th fart!" A lot of those 38 happened while I was pregnant both times.

    Once, we were in the car with both kids driving home and he turned to me and asked if our daughter pooped her diaper. I'd take a huge sniff and whew!! IT STUNK!!! Then he would give me this devilish smile and right then I knew it was him farting. Sigh! Seriously....what foods can i eat all day to produce the most nasty smelling farts?? I gotta make up for that 1,546,742 more farts.

    One thing I like to do is when I do need to fart in public places with my husband. I'll let one rip and then quickly walk away. He gets upset because he didn't want people to think it was him. :bigsmile:
  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    This is a gross topic that sure has enough potty mouthing (no pun intended)

    This is all I have to say
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    My protocol:

    I try to hold it around other people, but if I can't, no biggie.
    If I fart and someone's passing by (say, in an isle at the grocery), I don't do or say anything to bring attention to it. Not because I'm trying to pretend nothing happened, but because I think it's actually more silly and possibly inappropriate to bring excessive attention to it. I've already victimized the other person's nose; no sense in victimizing their attention any further.

    If I fart around others in a tight, closed space (say, an elevator), then I'd apologize. :)
    I work on a farm, all guys.....when I gotta fart, I fart....I try to make it come out as loud as possible and hope I don't crap my pants. Farting is part of life, if you think it is horrible, take it up with God.
    I say the loudest fart wins!
    Winner right there. :bigsmile:
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    My husband LOVES to fart and it irritates me so much! Whenever I get a day where I am feeling gassy, I get sooo excited and I'd fart around him and when he complains, I'd say " that's number 38 to your 1,546,780th fart!" A lot of those 38 happened while I was pregnant both times.

    Once, we were in the car with both kids driving home and he turned to me and asked if our daughter pooped her diaper. I'd take a huge sniff and whew!! IT STUNK!!! Then he would give me this devilish smile and right then I knew it was him farting. Sigh! Seriously....what foods can i eat all day to produce the most nasty smelling farts?? I gotta make up for that 1,546,742 more farts.

    One thing I like to do is when I do need to fart in public places with my husband. I'll let one rip and then quickly walk away. He gets upset because he didn't want people to think it was him. :bigsmile:
    Farting rivalry! That is so awesome :laugh:
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I may be old fashioned or maybe its just my Southern roots, but there are just certain things that are not appropriate in front of people. Farting. Scratching your butt. Vomiting. Masterbating. All very natural acts and all result from a bodily need, but all are best done in private.

    But if it hurts no one, hey why not have fun!

    Examples: Spouses farting to get back at each other, or best friends, Scratching your butt..you have an itch you scratch it. Vomiting in front of people? Well, that's a result usually of just drinking too much, not something most people care to do. And masturbating? Some people maybe like to be watched or watch their lover do it. IDK. Just saying. You wanna fart? Let it rip.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Pull my finger.