Quitting Sugars in 2016 - Anyone with me??



  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    Is there a group?
  • Radiant8888
    Radiant8888 Posts: 27 Member
    I have just noticed this one: community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/110235-low-no-sugar-lifestyle. There seem to be a couple - you can do a word search in groups and pick and choose. I have kicked nicotine, alcohol (and other things :* I won't mention) and sugar is the final frontier for me! And then coffee.
  • SpringBack20
    SpringBack20 Posts: 9 Member
    I did this for about 6 weeks prior to the holidays - felt great (after 4-day detox :D )! I am definitely getting back on the wagon after tomorrow. The holidays brought too much joy, carbs and sugar and the return of fibro symptoms.

    All the best to everyone participating. You will be very happy that you did it!

    When I turned to "clean eating", my fibromyalgia symptoms were almost non-existent. That was a huge success for me!!!!

    Here's to a very successful 2016!
  • jatonmcmullen
    jatonmcmullen Posts: 20 Member
    I would love to join!
  • leahmc82
    leahmc82 Posts: 3 Member
    I have a love/hate relationship with carbs. I was my healthiest I have ever been when I was pregnant with my daughter and diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was able to control with diet and once I had her I ended up weighing less than I did before I got pregnant. The nutritionalist suggested no more than 30 carbs per meal and no more than 10 carbs per snack. Doing the finger sticks really opened my eyes to what foods raise my blood sugar. For example, quinoa which is very healthy raises my sugars through the roof! I would have never thought! My main goal is to get back to the lower carb diet so that I don't get diabetes as I now have a higher risk, and lose some weight in the process.
    How do you join a challenge? I'm new and don't know how to follow this challenge. Thank you!
  • Underconstruction2016
    Yes!! This is great. I'm in :)

    I gave up fizzy drinks last year, I was a fully fledged fizzy drink addict. I was always thirsty, nothing clenched my thirst and I loved that first sip of a cold can of Coke. I'd even wake up and night for some....

    Todat I love water, my skin has cleared up and I've lost the big belly I had!! So would really recommend this.

    I have an ongoing cake and chocolate problem. I can get through a multipack of chocolates quite easily.

    So I'm giving up sugar...including fruits. What are people's opinions on fruits? I feel like they spure cravings for me. Thoughts?
  • melissarhagen
    melissarhagen Posts: 5 Member
    I'm up for trying! Dr. Pepper is my nemesis. I want to stop drinking it.
  • kmanrique321
    kmanrique321 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm in!! I have a terrible chocolate /candy addiction!! Need to quit that NOW!! Not going back on meds!!
  • doodleswithpencils
    doodleswithpencils Posts: 74 Member
    Yes!! This is great. I'm in :)

    I gave up fizzy drinks last year, I was a fully fledged fizzy drink addict. I was always thirsty, nothing clenched my thirst and I loved that first sip of a cold can of Coke. I'd even wake up and night for some....

    Todat I love water, my skin has cleared up and I've lost the big belly I had!! So would really recommend this.

    I have an ongoing cake and chocolate problem. I can get through a multipack of chocolates quite easily.

    So I'm giving up sugar...including fruits. What are people's opinions on fruits? I feel like they spure cravings for me. Thoughts?

    Fruit is obviously good for us in reasonable amounts, though if it triggers cravings I feel like it's fair enough to avoid them especially to get through a withdrawal period. If you eat plenty of veg you'll be getting all your nutrients and I wouldn't worry. Have you tried chromium to help with cravings? I've used it and I think it helps.
  • NoExcusesFromNowOn
    NoExcusesFromNowOn Posts: 76 Member
    I am new. I want to join!
  • kmanrique321
    kmanrique321 Posts: 271 Member
    I stopped doing regular sugar in coffee & tea. Never been a real sugar user that way- used aspartame & Splenda. I switched to Truvia right after Christmas. Candy & chocolate especially are my downfall. I had gotten away from all that before the holidays & now back into the habit!! Ugh!! Even worse, it's created a serious craving for sugar!! Ready to get over this addiction!!
  • mrschikin
    mrschikin Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in! Despite knowing how bad soda is, I've been drinking loads recently. Need to quit again and would be happy for the moral support. :)
  • kiranmarwaha
    kiranmarwaha Posts: 3 Member
    I am in.. My weakness is sugar. I end up binge eating on cakes, cookies and desserts. It's bad but I still can't stop. Hoping new year to be low sugar or no sugar.
  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    I am also quitting sugar! (Working on Splenda as well) 4 years ago I gave it up completely and felt so good. I am on Day 1 today. (Not looking forward to days 3-4). Good luck!
  • kmitchall
    kmitchall Posts: 77 Member
    Hey I'm in too! I have battled sugar addiction for such a long LONG time. I have found though that I CAN do it!! I just got to (like you) stay away from them and not try to moderate. because once I have that 1st oreo, I eat the whole sleeve! Sodas, I cut out a while back. I still have a diet soda everyone once in a blue moon..But yes-im with you on the sugars and sweets. Let's do this. Team #WhateverItTakes #WIT
  • paulineparlar180
    paulineparlar180 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with you! Sugary desserts are my trigger foods. I just eat and eat and eat with no control over anything, so I'm going to just cut them out completely in 2016. If I'm craving something sweet, I'll have a piece of fruit. I also want to focus on my sugar intake in general and try to make sure I stay within the amount MFP allots me.

  • magsama
    magsama Posts: 15 Member
    This is just what I was looking for! Thanks for starting it. I am definitely in!!
  • MomFLYer
    MomFLYer Posts: 47 Member
    So far only out Sugar in my morning tea. Might have a tsp in one later tonight....need to wean off it a bit more. Taking that final step with the sodas, and it was kindof rough, but remembered I'd bought some new flavored teas. My boys even had a cup ready for me! They're so sweet!
  • paulineparlar180
    paulineparlar180 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in I'm a diabetic on insulin so hard as I need some sugars my control is all over the place at the moment back to hospital next week so I'll probably get a rollicking to get my blood back on track
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Day 1 today, and did really good. My goal is to also cut out diet soda! I have 4 bottles left, and am not going to buy anymore. I read that even artificial sweetener makes us crave sweets! I will miss the caffeine though, as I'm not a coffee drinker