2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Mallyycatt
    Mallyycatt Posts: 118 Member
    (I seem to be having issues sending PM's... so i am in need of someone to help me on my journey! Hopefully this post will draw the attention of someone willing to help!!!)

    Hello! My name is Mallory :)

    I have been on MFP for a while now, and I actually joined Weight Watchers as well to try to lose weight!! I was down about 40 pounds, and then I decided to QUIT SMOKING!!! This by far has been one of the best things that I will ever do for myself...however, I have gained back all of that weight.

    My sister is getting married exactly a year from today and I have been asked to stand up in the wedding. I would love to be a little bit healthier so that I can keep up with her on her wedding night and make sure that her night is a night to remember.

    I am a type two diabetic, that is serious about losing the weight! The doctors say that if I lost about 50-75 lbs, there is a good chance I won't need to be on medication anymore!! :D

    I am starting back in the gym again (i actually enjoy the gym) on Jan 2nd! My plan is to be going at LEAST three times a week. I love going to the gym, but the only thing I know how to do is cardio. I need a little bit of guidance in weights/strength training.

    I would love to have a friend that can lend advice and check in with me from time to time. I know that you have other people looking to be your 'noob' but I hope that you will consider me :smile:

    Thank you so much for your consideration!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Mallyscat wrote: »
    (I seem to be having issues sending PM's... so i am in need of someone to help me on my journey! Hopefully this post will draw the attention of someone willing to help!!!)

    Hello! My name is Mallory :)

    I have been on MFP for a while now, and I actually joined Weight Watchers as well to try to lose weight!! I was down about 40 pounds, and then I decided to QUIT SMOKING!!! This by far has been one of the best things that I will ever do for myself...however, I have gained back all of that weight.

    My sister is getting married exactly a year from today and I have been asked to stand up in the wedding. I would love to be a little bit healthier so that I can keep up with her on her wedding night and make sure that her night is a night to remember.

    I am a type two diabetic, that is serious about losing the weight! The doctors say that if I lost about 50-75 lbs, there is a good chance I won't need to be on medication anymore!! :D

    I am starting back in the gym again (i actually enjoy the gym) on Jan 2nd! My plan is to be going at LEAST three times a week. I love going to the gym, but the only thing I know how to do is cardio. I need a little bit of guidance in weights/strength training.

    I would love to have a friend that can lend advice and check in with me from time to time. I know that you have other people looking to be your 'noob' but I hope that you will consider me :smile:

    Thank you so much for your consideration!
    I'd be happy to help! I don't have much advice regarding exercise but am good for moral support and checking in, and understand the pain of diabetes. If you need loving support and kindness delivered from a Christian perspective, please reply in this thread, and that will be my cue to FR you! :smile:
  • ngrafferty
    ngrafferty Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you to all the mentors looking to help out others like myself!!

    I have a long fitness journey ahead of me with trying to lose 80 lbs; so I am looking for a mentor to help me workout the mental struggle of taking on a lifestyle change. Professionally, I do a lot of cheerleading and motivating with the people I work with, but am lost on doing that for myself. I would gladly appreciate any help, insight, or tough love to keep me honest as I start again.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    This year I'm only taking ONE noob.

    You better be COMMITTED. I have little time to play tag so my expectation is that whomever I pick logs everyday. I have a daily workout thread on here that's been going since I've basically started.

    While my sig line gives most of my credentials, I've done just lots of types of training with all different types of people: kids, college athletes (GMU), rehab, sport specific, group fitness, individual fitness, weight loss, competitive (stage) fitness or bodybuilding, seniors, and even handicapped.
    I'm good at my job and love what I do. Best gratitude anyone can give to me is just to reach your goal with a little help from me on the side.

    I will let whomever I choose know by Sunday the 3rd.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I am looking for a mentor. I have been at this since March 2014 and I am very close to my goal range (give or take 5-7 lbs) and am looking for a mentor for mainly fitness reasons, but could use some help hitting my macros as well. I mainly do body weight exercises now-push ups, sit ups, squats, and modified pull ups (I hate the treadmill)..but would prefer to start working with someone with some lifting experience who can give me direction. I. AM. WEAK. And want to change THAT, but don't know where to start. Please PM me. My goals are small: HIT 130. 20 pushups. Squat my own weight. 10 pull ups. Totally doable. :)
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    i am available to mentor with no restrictions or requirements.
    i live in the uk.male,in my 50s.
    i have lost 50kg(100 +lbs), reversed my type 2 diabetes,controlled both ibs-c and diverticulitis mainly thru diet and exercise.
    i have gone from couch25k to completing half marathon and training for full marathons in both running and indoor rowing.
  • Lees75
    Lees75 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for this thread. I have now been officially adopted by zcb94 :smile:
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    edited January 2016
    I know that it's the mentor's that are supposed to comment... but I'd love to be adopted. I want to do IIFYM and have (free) access to a Crossfit-type-of-gym but no access to a gym where I could do my own thing.
    Don't be fooled by my well-angled photo... I have 100lbs to lose and want to set some realistic goals. I don't want to do anything faddish and must have corn tortillas and sriracha in my weekly diet.

    Please adopt me!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    edited January 2016
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants. :)

    I'm willing to mentor 1-2 people if they're a good fit. I am not a hand holder. I will encourage you and answer any questions that I can. I am on MFP daily (today is my 1030 logging streak anniversary). I don't have the power or the inclination to "make" you do anything, so if you're looking for someone to push you, I'm not it. I am completely willing to be the person you check in with as an accountability partner, but in order for you to be successful, you need to be ready to do this for you.

    I am 47 years old, and started this journey nearly 4 years ago. After years of failed attempts of losing weight using just about every gimmick out there, I finally turned to the basics - I hired a personal trainer and signed up for MFP. Losing weight & getting fit was not easy for me. It was a lot of work. It's still a lot of work. Fortunately I really like working out. Eating well is more of a challenge for me.

    I have my struggles, and I'm pretty open with them. If I don't do something I'm supposed to I try very hard to own that, and not make excuses. I'm down 90 pounds from my heaviest. I'm up 20 pounds from my lightest. The origin of that was an injury that sidelined me from running; the reality is I kept eating like a runner when I wasn't running. That was my fault, not the injury's. No excuses. When I am active, I believe that I need to fuel my body with adequate calories.

    If you are new and think I can help, please send me a FR with a message telling me a little bit about yourself. I may or may not make it back to this thread (I'm almost never in the forums and instead spend my time on MFP interacting with the people on my FL) so if you write here I make no promises that I'll see it.

    Good luck to all of you! Congrats on your decision to start 2016 with some healthy choices.
  • epw2594
    epw2594 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to have a mentor! I'm 5"8, 210 Ibs and looking to make a SERIOUS change. I'm fed up of being depressed over my weight- and want to make 2016 the year I lose it for good!
  • AntwoneWalters
    AntwoneWalters Posts: 10 Member
    Washington DC.
    5foot 4 inches.
    164 lbs.
    I work out alot so i'm kinda stocky and muscular
    I have an endomorph shape, and i want to lower my body fat to under 10% so I can see my abs.
    Right now it's at about 18%.
    Would love for someone to help me, hold me accountable and I can do the same for them if they like.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    verudandi wrote: »
    Hi all, I am new on MFP.
    I would like to know how can I sign up for being a noob here - I don't know how this work, should I post self introduction and details here or in different place?
    Thanks for help.

    To all noobs and people looking for a mentor what you should do is look at the list of people offering to me mentors (linked in the original post of this discussion) and reach to the mentor you'd like to have. PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full.

    To all people volunteering to be mentors - keep posting here, but note a lot of noobs are posting here instead of reaching out so please feel free to read through noob posts here and reach out to offering yourself as a mentor.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited January 2016
    Has found her Noobs for now but will likely be accepting additional mentors in March/April 2016

    I would be happy to mentor an MFP newbie or 2. I'm Denise, 53 years old, and I lost the weight I needed to lose 3 years ago and have maintained that loss since then. MFP gave me the tools, information, and support that I needed to get off the diet roller coaster permanently. But, just as importantly, I am responsible for my new healthier, happier self because I did the hard work that is losing weight.

    I would like to mentor a middle aged person like myself who understands that if they don't prioritize their health they likely won't be around to play with their grandchildren or see them graduate from high school. Wanting to lose weight isn't enough. To be successful, a person needs to be ready to change, the commitment to change, the ability to change, and the tools to change (that's MFP).

    Before sending me a message about mentoring, please take a look at my MFP profile (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/themedalist) to see if you'd think we'd be a good fit. I am very interested in helping people sit less (and sitting less WILL help you lose weight!) so trying to help someone who is intent on remaining sedentary is a deal breaker for me. Ditch the chair and move towards a happier life!

    If you send me an email about mentoring, please tell me briefly about a goal that you had that you worked towards and achieved. Hearing about your past successes and how you achieved them gives me a lot of insight into whether I might be a good fit for you as a mentor.

    I will not mentor someone who's looking for magic pills, magic formula, magic cleanse, or magic beans to lose weight. There are no shortcuts to anything worth achieving. I do not want my time wasted. But for the right person, I think I could help. MFP helped me transform my life and I'd love to help someone else do the same.

    Best wishes and welcome to everyone!

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'd happy to mentor, if my qualities appeal to anyone.

    Me: 50, menopausal.
    Lost weight in around 2002. Been maintaining +-5Lbs since.
    I took a different approach back then: I decided to learn what healthy eating meant, how to do it, how to cook etc. I changed my palate. I learned to love healthy nutrient dense foods, and learned to choose and to an extent prepare delicious nutrient dense foods. I am not a vegetarian, but use Michael Pollan's "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants" as a guide.
    I tend to eat low glycemic/slow carb. I just find it easier if I'm not craving stuff all the time. I limit heavily refined carbs (pastries, candy, convenience foods etc.)

    I work out, moderately.
    I jog 3-5 miles a few days a week.
    Pilates and/or yoga 2-3 times a week
    Weights 2 times a week.

    I get at least 10k steps a day.

    Basically, I think I've done a reasonable job of creating a true lifestyle. And living it for the past 13 or so years. Menopausal hormone chaos has made the last 2-3 years harder, but I'm managing it. :)

    I don't generally count calories or macros. I don't generally log.I do think if you're new to this, using MFP can be a great way to LEARN. If this had existed when I was losing, I may have logged! I do use the app as a guide. Especially when we are eating out. I post a lot about what I've eaten, and about what my daily activities have been.

    If someone's looking to make some of these sorts of changes or goals, hit me up!

    Regardless, cheers and GOOD LUCK!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Thanks to all the new mentors signing up - everyone to this point has been added to the OP.
  • jrcsmom1
    jrcsmom1 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for a mentor or someone to check in with for 2016. You can check out my profile. I count calories and go to Planet Fitness several times a week. Walk 10 K steps on the in-between days. My goal is to participate in more 5K's jogging instead of walking. I am dedicated to being in much better health and shape by this time next year. Thanks!
  • bobsox
    bobsox Posts: 5 Member
    I'm willing to mentor if anyone is looking. I lost 35lbs last year using this app and have kept it off with the exception of a few lbs during the holidays. I'll be losing another 15 this year. I'm in the Michigan state guard, local emergency response team and Team Rubicon in addition to my paying job. Love the outdoors,
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    I volunteered last year and will happily do so again. A bit about me. I'm 30, UK based have qualifications in sports and exercise nutrition and also kids yoga. I train 4-6 times a week and primarily do weight training with as much yoga as I can fit in. Happy to mentor/help as many as want it. :)
  • curiouscreaturee
    curiouscreaturee Posts: 19 Member
    Hey everyone!!!
    I'm 19 and have been on my fitness pal for quite a while. I'm a part time model, I coach skating and I'm prepping for international schooling. My friends like to ask me for advice on eating/exercising on the regular and I'd me happy to motivate/help anyone else (or if you want someone to hold you accountable
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