"12 Weeks Weightloss Challenge" All Welcome



  • sinnybri
    sinnybri Posts: 1,174 Member
    @izzy214 can I start Monday as I will be finishing my 12 week challenge then?
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited January 2016

    Extra 1,000 Steps

    Buy a pedometer, clip it to your belt, and aim for an extra 1,000 steps a day.
    On average, sedentary people take only 2,000 to 3,000 steps a day. Adding 2,000 steps will help you maintain your current weight and stop gaining weight; adding more than that will help you lose weight.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    When looking at most resolutions or Challenges, what people usually write down is a list of outcomes. But to reach these outcomes, behavior needs to change first. Make sure the resolutions you make are actual behaviors (actions) you are willing and able to change. You might want to lose weight, but are you willing to change the way you eat and start exercising regularly in order to do so? Be brutally honest with yourself. If the answer is "no," save the resolution for a time when you can honestly say "yes." (SP)

    Losing weight boils down to simple math. To lose one pound weekly, burn or cut out 3,500 calories in the course of seven days. That breaks down to 500 calories per day. It's difficult to cut out that many by dieting alone, especially for someone who loves to eat. The most effective approach is this combo: each day, cut out 250 calories from your diet and burn 250 through exercise. (PS)

    Ok, you have the basic idea of what is going to take to lose weight and reach your 12 week goal. Now are you ready for the challenge? To join in just pick your starting day in jump right in, but please follow guide lines:

    Starting weight:(SW)
    Goal Weight:(GW)
    Weight loss for the week:
    The one thing you changed to help meet your goal:
    Who on this team Motivated you this week:

    Weigh in the same day each week and check in as often as you like. Offer help to other members and pick a buddy or buddies that you can team up with to help give you that push or help keep you focused on your goals.
    Be realistic about your goals and take small steps that will add up to BIG changes. Good Luck to Everyone and Welcome All.

  • nakaiki
    nakaiki Posts: 180 Member
    Name: Nakaiki
    Starting weight:(SW) 131
    Goal Weight:(GW) 119
    Ultimate Goal: 110
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,461 Member
    edited January 2016

    12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

    Original Start weight: 220lbs (Mar 2014)
    Week 4 weight goal: 162
    Week 8 weight goal: 158
    Week 12 weight goal: 154
    Weigh in on Friday each week

    Start: 01/01: 166
    Week 1: 08/01:
    Week 2: 15/01:
    Week 3: 22/01:
    Week 4: 29/01:
    Week 5: 05/02:
    Week 6: 12/02:
    Week 7: 19/02:
    Week 8: 26/02:
    Week 9: 05/03:
    Week 10: 12/03:
    Week 11: 19/03:
    Week 12: 26/03:

    Every day, to help me achieve my weight loss goal, I will:
    1. Prelog food/follow through.
    2. Do 30+ minutes each of cardio/strength/flexibility exercise.
    3. Do 8500+ steps.
    4. Drink a minimum of 8 cups liquid.
    5. Take part in GoTs and Hogwarts Challenges.
    6. Refrain from eating after 9pm 5/7 days each week.
    7. Refrain from eating after 10pm 2/7 days of my choice each week.

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited January 2016
    Welcome Nakaiki, great to have you join the challenge.
    We are here to help and I love your personal guidelines.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Hi there TerrriRichard,
    great to see you joining in on another challenge. You are so motivating and have really done so very well. Thanks for your awesome post.
  • saffysharmamfp
    saffysharmamfp Posts: 140 Member
    Name: Saffy
    Starting weight:(SW) 66 kg (145.53 pounds )
    Goal Weight:(GW) - 60 kg (132.3 pounds )
    Weight loss for the week: 500 gm (1.10 pounds )
    The one thing you changed to help meet your goal: Trying to keep calorie intake under goal.
    Who on this team Motivated you this week: Izzy214 as always!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks Saffy and great to have you joining in. You are always a great motivator yourself.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited January 2016

    If today is the first day of your weight loss plan, tip of the day: don't go running to the gym yet, don't throw out all of your junk food, and avoid buying the most expensive training and fitness gear for now. This sounds like strange advice, but think about it. Buying a gym membership doesn't mean you'll use it. Throwing out all of your junk food doesn't mean you'll automatically start eating better. And the most expensive training and fitness gear? It isn't any more special than your body.

    Before you get started you need a plan, one that's going to set you up for success and one that gives you clear goals to follow. Saying "I want to lose weight" is an outcome, not a goal. It doesn't cover HOW you're going to lose weight. Saying "I'm going to go to the gym to lose weight" is better, but with no set schedule, you'll likely stop going.

    TODAY'S GOAL: Take 10 minutes to sit down and think through your weight loss plan just for this week. First pick one goal, then think through and visualize the details of how to achieve it. For example, if you want to go to the gym, ask yourself when you can go, how long you'll go for, and what will you do when you're there? Then schedule the time in and stick to what you planned. (AH)

  • kmolosiwa
    kmolosiwa Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all

    Name: Kago
    Starting weight: 73 kg
    Goal weight: 65 kg
    Height: 173 cm

    02/01/2015: 73 kg
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Welcome Kago. We are pleased to have you join the group.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Implementing even small everyday diet and exercise changes can lead to a long-term difference. When it comes to exercise, "the simple message is to stay active". Focus on building activity into your daily routine, whether it's going to the gym, walking several extra blocks rather than driving, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Be careful of the common mistake of celebrating your new exercise routine with larger meals. "Don't overestimate how many calories you burn with exercise and reward yourself by eating just as many--or more".

  • NikkisFitnessJourney

    Name: Nikki
    Highest weight: 274 lbs
    Current weight: 238 lbs
    Goal weight: 165 lbs (to be re-evaluated once I reach that goal)
    Height: 5'8"

    Weigh-in on 01/01/2016: 238 lbs
    Goal for 03/27/2016 (12 weeks): 210 lbs
  • mrgandmescore4
    mrgandmescore4 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Deb. I have 87 lbs to lose to make my overall goal weight of 105.

    Start Weight: (Jan 1, 2016) 192lbs
    Goal Weight:(March 25, 2016) 156lbs

    Jan 15:
    Jan 29:
    Feb 26:
    Mar 11:
    Mar 25:

    Weight Goal for week: 3 lbs
    Weight Lost/Gained:
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Nikki and Deb. Please to have you.
  • sinnybri
    sinnybri Posts: 1,174 Member
    Due to log my final weigh in for the 12 week challenge today but I have my TOM so will wait until it goes go give my final weight I always gain a pound or two with TOM
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited January 2016

    Drink Lemon Water

    Get in the routine of drinking warm lemon water every morning. Lemon water helps your body eliminate waste products while aiding in the body's digestive system. It detoxes your body, rejuvenates you skin, boosts your mood, cleanses your liver and helps relieves heart burn.

    Lemons contain:

    Vitamin C: Helps work against the common cold.

    Copper: reduces arthritis symptoms

    Magnesium: Essential for energy and helps regulate body temperature

    Potassium: Helps with disorders including, stress and anxiety, Also increases muscle strength and electrolytic functions.
  • Deanygirl
    Deanygirl Posts: 3 Member

    Name: Ann
    Current weight: 173 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs
    Height: 5'4"

    Weigh-in on 01/01/2016: 173 lbs
    Goal for 03/27/2016 (12 weeks): 159lbs

    I don't want to be over adventurous and disappoint myself, then lose motivation. This is my first challenge so starting small, a little each week with diet and exercise.

    Feeling hopeful