Any teachers out there?

Hi all,

I am a primary school teacher and have seen my weight balloon 3 stone since I started teaching almost 2 years ago. It is because I am on the go all day and need quick energy fixes to keep going throughout the very long day I have so eat crisps, chocolate or grab a sandwich for lunch. I am in work from 7am until almost 6pm every day so find myself bingeing when I get home too because I feel starving.

Does anyone else have this problem? Anybody else a teacher or in a profession with similar issues?
Any guidance or help would be appreciated!



  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    I teach 3rd grade. I am usually at work from 6:30 am to 5pm, so I bring all the food that I am going to eat during that time and I try to prelog it. I try to bring things will a lot of protein and fiber to keep me full throughout the day. When I get home I try to snack on either carrot sticks, celery or cucumber. It helps to curb my hunger for not a lot of calories while I am preparing dinner.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I used to teach. I found packing snack foods like cheese slices, pepperoni sticks and veggies helped. Try packing enough for snacks and make extra at dinner so you can have leftovers for lunch. I know I usually worked through lunch but I could usually find a few minutes to eat a meal. Worst case scenario, I ate lunch after classes but that still sustained me until I left work a few hours later.
  • amarz298
    amarz298 Posts: 36 Member
    Im a special education teacher. I feel the same in the beginning its hard because of feeling hungry all the time but for me my body gets used to the 3 times I'm going to feed it each day. Having eggs for breakfast really seems to help me. It keeps me full til lunch. I also keep one veggie to eat when school gets out until I make it home for dinner. I am usually home by 4:30 so it is a little easier for me.
  • bandnerdtx
    bandnerdtx Posts: 7 Member
    I'm an assistant principal, and I know exactly what you mean! I rarely even have 10 minutes a day to sit and eat lunch, so quick fixes are my staple. I think the best way to overcome this is to just pack you a lunch box full of healthy treats for the day. I pack carrots, cucumbers, celery, grapes, oranges... basically all kinds of fruits and veggies, and some quick protein fixes like bags of nuts, cheeses, etc. I don't know if they are available in the UK, but here we have Oscar Meyer Protein Packs. They are a godsend! Even if you don't have them there, you could make some for yourself on Sunday evenings and have them ready for the week!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I make food in bulk on the weekend and pack small meals to eat throughout the day. I also love protein shakes and find them very convenient.

    This coming week is grilled chicken, black beans, quinoa cooked with bone broth, assorted frozen veggies, and apple cinnamon protein pancakes. I also have low carb raisin bread, light string cheese, tuna/salmon and quest bars just in case.
  • pmaia
    pmaia Posts: 42 Member
    I have similar problems..I leave at 4AM for the gym & work and get home @5 PM..when I'm cooking supper is my challenge time..I also have trouble drinking water since there is no time to use the bathroom..I am going to try to prelog the night before..
  • sarahredhaira
    sarahredhaira Posts: 79 Member
    Yes I have the same problem. I was coming home from work ravenous and eating whatever I could lay my hands on, before making dinner. At the moment I am planning meals in advance and using the slow cooker whenever possible. In adding grains or rice to my lunchtime soup and taking extra food to school so I'm not coming home hungry. I always try to eat something before I come home, often a banana and some other fruit. Seems to be working for now!
  • gold5002009
    gold5002009 Posts: 9 Member
    These are really great ideas! Thank you!
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    Not a teacher but I am on the go and working from 6 til 6. Biggest tip, especially if you seem to "grab on the go," is to ALWAYS have snacks and packed lunches on hand. Always have protein with your snacks or meal which can be consumed quickly if you don't get to sit down and eat for a while and it'll keep you fuller for longer :) boiled eggs are my favourite, flavoured rice cakes, wafer thin ham or something, pre-weighed and baggied nuts, bananas for energy earlier in the day, peanut butter on oat cakes.

    Honestly if you have lots of these easy / quick to eat stuff you won't want or need to grab any old crap you see and when you get home you won't be as ravenous :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm a private early education teacher so my schedule is different every day, but many days of the week I'm out of the house for 12 hours door to door. I prelog all my food. Weigh it out the night before and bring it with you.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Almonds in a baggie every day in your purse. A serving size is about 23 almonds? Perfect amount.
  • anniemac08
    anniemac08 Posts: 8 Member
    Primary teacher here. Packing a lunch from dinner leftovers helps me a bunch, as does packing many healthy snacks to keep in my classroom. Luckily, I have a fridge in my room where I can keep cheese sticks, fruit, veggies, etc. Drinking water is difficult since restroom breaks are rare!

    I tend to binge when I get home if I haven't made a meal plan for dinner, so it helps me to create a weekly meal plan before grocery shopping on the weekends. That way I know what I plan to make for dinner and that often helps me avoid just grabbing whatever's near to inhale.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a primary school teacher and have seen my weight balloon 3 stone since I started teaching almost 2 years ago. It is because I am on the go all day and need quick energy fixes to keep going throughout the very long day I have so eat crisps, chocolate or grab a sandwich for lunch. I am in work from 7am until almost 6pm every day so find myself bingeing when I get home too because I feel starving.

    Does anyone else have this problem? Anybody else a teacher or in a profession with similar issues?
    Any guidance or help would be appreciated!


    Yes, I teach. Same applies to any profession: CICO rules. Make sure you are eating at a deficit to lose weight if that is your goal. I find a cup of black coffee in the afternoon around 2:30 - 3:30 pm squelches the hunger bug and gets me through with full energy until the evening meal. Some nice protein like an ounce of unsalted nuts can be a big afternoon boost as well to help avoid the evening binge.

    You can do your exercise in the evening before or after you eat. Increase the duration on weekends and target the holidays for even more exercise.

    It's not just teachers that have such a schedule.

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I work out after work and leave for the office every day with my wheelie cooler filled with food and water, my gym bag on top of that and my briefcase. When I came home one night, my neighbors asked, "What airline do you work for?" They thought I was a flight attendant because of all the bags. :wink:
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I work 9-10 hours daily as a teacher as well, but I actually tend to lose or maintain while school is in session. I prep my lunches and snacks for the week on Sunday afternoons and prelog everything for the week then (breakfasts and dinners, too). It keeps me on track, helps with grocery shopping, and helps with not creating food waste. If you were to look at my diary, you'd see that I've actually already logged most of next week with a bit of wiggle room since my husband likes to cook,

    We have super short lunch periods and can't leave campus, so granbing something to eat during the day is impossible. We do have a snack shop for the kids, and I'll occasionally get a string cheese or coffee there, but most of the selections are pretty healthy, so if I did go overboard it would be negligible -- there's no candy or calorie dense items, and everything they sell has to meet certain nutrition guidelines. I'm allergic to 90% of what's in school meals, so the less healthy options are not options for me. That's both helpful on the one hand and really annoying on the other on days I leave my lunchbox on the kitchen counter.
  • Zellyrus
    Zellyrus Posts: 33 Member
    Preschool teacher here! I'll just thumbs up what everyone else has said, take ALL your food with you from home, not just your lunches. Measure out your 2-4 little 100 calorie snacks and plan exactly when you're going to eat them. I eat mine during my 10am planning period and then at 2:45 after the kids are gone.
  • BottomsUp23
    BottomsUp23 Posts: 10 Member
    Primary teacher here too and always looking for something fast and cheap- which lots of times has been junk. I have a small fridge in my room so I'm gonna try to keep fresh fruits and veggies portioned in there and maybe have a motivation wall for me and my kiddos to encourage them to eat fruits and veggies each day too.... Lead by example I guess. Any quick food tips would be great too!
  • wildfire1204
    wildfire1204 Posts: 237 Member
    High school social worker here. I definitely understand. This is actually where I'd get caught up-- daily i'd eat a banana at 7am, drink water throughout the day, work through lunch, and leave work around 4:30 - 5pm. By that point, I'd be famished with a headache, so I'd stop and buy something horrible and quick on the way home (working 40 mins. from my house doesn't help). I'd also then eat whatever my husband was cooking that evening because I was too embarrassed to admit just how often I'd come home full from junk food. Craziness, and the weight piled up since I'd then overcompensate. Packing fruits and nuts that would last in the car for that after work stretch helped calm that down.
  • zcash_91
    zcash_91 Posts: 8 Member
    Middle school teacher here, I understand the stress n exhaustion that can lead to over or under eating. I find that pre planning my meals helps. It sets specific standards for me to meet. Also I workout after school and drink plenty of water/coffee to get me through the day! Best of luck to all in meeting your personal goals and objectives!
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Almonds in a baggie every day in your purse. A serving size is about 23 almonds? Perfect amount.

    That's a lot if almonds. Make sure you weigh them, they are very calorie dense.