Over 40 and ready to change? Let's do this together!



  • tlmay1
    tlmay1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 49 and can't seem to get the scale to budge, no matter what I eat or don't eat. It just seems to want to go up. I'm cutting all forms of sugar, except my morning banana and attempting to add lots of water, fresh veggies and no unplanned snacking. Last summer I went to the gym 3-4 days a week and while I got fitter, the scale never budged. I know muscle was taking over but that's so discouraging. Can't get past the number....ugh.
  • mishyb1967
    mishyb1967 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 48. Lost 50- 60 pounds 3 years ago but this year have gained 30 back. I have 50-60 pounds to lose to get to my goal. I started back today on my fitness pal. I have found nothing keeps me on track better than writing down everything I eat.
  • eldunbaro
    eldunbaro Posts: 23 Member
    Being honest, cut out anything that is refined, so sugar is definitely something to keep to a minimum (I'd never say total because it's all about balance) and focus on wholefoods - plenty of fibre as it fills you up and focus on making sure you combine protein and goods fats with your food - these help keep the insulin response to a minimum and that is how a lot of fat is either maintained or put on.

    I have nothing against gyms but, and this is only my personal experience, the ultimate fat burning exercise is also the easiest, walking. Walk everywhere, and I mean everywhere. If it's too far to walk, break it up with some public transport - but try wherever possible to leave that car at home! Come to a choice between escalator and steps or lift and steps - you guessed it - walk up those steps! Amazing how much of a difference it can make - you'd be astonished.

    As human beings we're designed to walk - simple as - we're not all great runners but walking, well it's in our genetic make-up so it makes sense to do as much of it as you can - well it makes sense to me :smiley:
  • LadyFlashHeart
    LadyFlashHeart Posts: 5 Member
    add me too
  • shazzafly
    shazzafly Posts: 23 Member
    Me 2. Starting tomorrow.
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    I like the walking idea, and I usually really enjoy walking -- but this year I need to do it more regularly! Sometimes it's too "difficult" to get motivated to get moving, or time just doesn't allow for it. My goal is to walk every other day, about 5 miles each time. <3:)
  • eclance1
    eclance1 Posts: 2 Member
    47 and want to drop 30. Plan on being aggressive and hope to accomplish in 10 weeks. Good luck everyone!
  • plrogoff
    plrogoff Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in.
    I will be 43 in three weeks and at 229.6lbs I'm looking to loose 69.4lbs. My goal is 2lbs a week, at least 20min of exercise daily, portion control (I eat healthy, just a LOT), and a change in my medical prognosis.
    I have high blood pressure, am considered "pre" diabetic, and am very out of shape. However I fought uterine cancer last year and won so I've Got This!
  • Hilltopper1997
    Hilltopper1997 Posts: 22 Member
    Add me please!
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    Well over 40 and those pounds have steadily crept up! I've got about 50 to lose, but I'm focusing on my first 10% so I can break it down into smaller goals.
    If you are positive, supportive and have a sense of humor about life - feel free to add me a as friend!
  • careymcq
    careymcq Posts: 1 Member
    Add me too!
  • miacaz02
    miacaz02 Posts: 22 Member
    Started a keto diet, has anyone tried?
  • 64heyjude
    64heyjude Posts: 38 Member
    Definitely over 40 and ready to do this for the last time. First goal is 10%. Motivation really helps! Need friends.
  • staceylyn74
    staceylyn74 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!! I'm 41 and hoping to lose 75lbs. I need all the motivation I can get too!!
  • hollijk
    hollijk Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in, too. I turn 41 in three weeks, and I'm ready to take back my health.
  • Hilltopper1997
    Hilltopper1997 Posts: 22 Member
    Here we go!

    Age: 41
    Height: 5'2"
    From: Texas

    Start Weight: 160
    Goal Weight [1st February]: 152

    1st January: 160
    8th January:
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Oh I'm in! Want to lose about 20lbs, with hopefully 10 of those before April. From past experiences, I lose weight s...l...o...w...l...y... which makes me lose motivation!
  • Keto_Warren
    Keto_Warren Posts: 5 Member
    Ah! I'm a few months from the big 40 with around 140lbs to lose. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • jamieskh
    jamieskh Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in, please!
  • I'm in