Help! How to lose the most weight QUICK!

Trishalisha1234 Posts: 3 Member
edited January 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I KNOW..I KNOW..I KNOW---you're all going to tell me that I have to be patient and consistent. If I lose weight fast, it will come back on fast....I know all of that!

BUT....Here is the deal. I've gained 18 pounds in 3 months. (Crazy-i know). I am at my all time high. (170 pounds-I'm 5'7... I can't believe I told you all that. EECK!). I am embarrassed. I literally want to hide in my house until the weight is gone. Of coarse, that isn't an option. I am a social person with lots of "outside" responsibilities. can I lose at least 10 pounds super quick (so I can fit into my jeans). Once I start seeing success, I stay committed. "Success begets success". I can't start with a 1-2 pounds a week thing...I need to see results quick or I lose motivation. Then I can do more of a everyday diet plan. My son is a big time personal trainer who would be so mad I am asking this. He is my source of all things balanced and perfect for everyday living.

So, without the lectures


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    170 at 5'7" isn't that much honestly- I'm 5'8" and I regularly sit around 165.

    Granted my body comp is probably substantially different than yours- but still- it's not absurdly over weight. So step one.
    1.) calm down- the sky is not actually falling.
    2.) you already answered this- losing weight quickly isn't the answer- it didn't come on over night- it won't leave over night.
    3.) Have you been tracking?
    4.) If not- Start tracking
    5.) start implementing a small 250-350 calorie deficit- maintain that until you stop losing weight. When you stop losing- shave off another 250 calories (i.e. as you lose weight- the amount you need to eat will also go down- sucks i know- harsh reality)
    6.) this is a toughey- be patient.
    7.) lather rinse repeat.. and be consistent and stay on point.

    Good luck.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I just got back on the bandwagon after gaining about 9 pounds in 2 months, and as soon as I backed away from the sweets, salty foods, and soda, I saw a several pound drop. Of course, it will probably take 6 months to get rid of the other 1/2 of the weight, but just eating healthier should give you a boost back to your jeans.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    tbettridge wrote: »
    I KNOW..I KNOW..I KNOW---you're all going to tell me that I have to be patient and consistent. If I lose weight fast, it will come back on fast....I know all of that!

    BUT....Here is the deal. I've gained 18 pounds in 3 months. (Crazy-i know). I am at my all time high. (170 pounds-I'm 5'7... I can't believe I told you all that. EECK!). I am embarrassed. I literally want to hide in my house until the weight is gone. Of coarse, that isn't an option. I am a social person with lots of "outside" responsibilities. can I lose at least 10 pounds super quick (so I can fit into my jeans). Once I start seeing success, I stay committed. "Success begets success". I can't start with a 1-2 pounds a week thing...I need to see results quick or I lose motivation. Then I can do more of a everyday diet plan. My son is a big time personal trainer who would be so mad I am asking this. He is my source of all things balanced and perfect for everyday living.

    So, without the lectures

    2 pounds a week is actually too fast with what you have to lose. Just saying. Unless you want to lose muscle too, I guess (and maybe your hair).
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    170 at 5'7" isn't that much honestly- I'm 5'8" and I regularly sit around 165.

    Granted my body comp is probably substantially different than yours- but still- it's not absurdly over weight. So step one.
    1.) calm down- the sky is not actually falling.
    2.) you already answered this- losing weight quickly isn't the answer- it didn't come on over night- it won't leave over night.
    3.) Have you been tracking?
    4.) If not- Start tracking
    5.) start implementing a small 250-350 calorie deficit- maintain that until you stop losing weight. When you stop losing- shave off another 250 calories (i.e. as you lose weight- the amount you need to eat will also go down- sucks i know- harsh reality)
    6.) this is a toughey- be patient.
    7.) lather rinse repeat.. and be consistent and stay on point.

    Good luck.

  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    tbettridge wrote: »
    I KNOW..I KNOW..I KNOW---you're all going to tell me that I have to be patient and consistent. If I lose weight fast, it will come back on fast....I know all of that!

    BUT....Here is the deal. I've gained 18 pounds in 3 months. (Crazy-i know). I am at my all time high. (170 pounds-I'm 5'7... I can't believe I told you all that. EECK!). I am embarrassed. I literally want to hide in my house until the weight is gone. Of coarse, that isn't an option. I am a social person with lots of "outside" responsibilities. can I lose at least 10 pounds super quick (so I can fit into my jeans). Once I start seeing success, I stay committed. "Success begets success". I can't start with a 1-2 pounds a week thing...I need to see results quick or I lose motivation. Then I can do more of a everyday diet plan. My son is a big time personal trainer who would be so mad I am asking this. He is my source of all things balanced and perfect for everyday living.

    So, without the lectures

    It took you 3 months to gain 18 pounds. Losing 18 pounds in 3 months is reasonable. Tell your son. Let him help to motivate you. You have a personal trainer at your disposal and motivation is the biggest part of the battle.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    170 at 5'7" isn't that much honestly- I'm 5'8" and I regularly sit around 165.

    Granted my body comp is probably substantially different than yours- but still- it's not absurdly over weight. So step one.
    1.) calm down- the sky is not actually falling.
    2.) you already answered this- losing weight quickly isn't the answer- it didn't come on over night- it won't leave over night.
    3.) Have you been tracking?
    4.) If not- Start tracking
    5.) start implementing a small 250-350 calorie deficit- maintain that until you stop losing weight. When you stop losing- shave off another 250 calories (i.e. as you lose weight- the amount you need to eat will also go down- sucks i know- harsh reality)
    6.) this is a toughey- be patient.
    7.) lather rinse repeat.. and be consistent and stay on point.

    Good luck.

  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    If you want a kick start/reset before moving on to something more long term then check out Almased. It does work. Do yourself a favor and use a fiber supplement with it. I understand not wanting to buy larger clothes.

    I'm just using MFP now, which is slower, but I'm working toward a larger goal, not in a panic to lose 10 pounds quickly. I have lost about 10, but it did take a month.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    tbettridge wrote: »
    I KNOW..I KNOW..I KNOW---you're all going to tell me that I have to be patient and consistent. If I lose weight fast, it will come back on fast....I know all of that!

    BUT....Here is the deal. I've gained 18 pounds in 3 months. (Crazy-i know). I am at my all time high. (170 pounds-I'm 5'7... I can't believe I told you all that. EECK!). I am embarrassed. I literally want to hide in my house until the weight is gone. Of coarse, that isn't an option. I am a social person with lots of "outside" responsibilities. can I lose at least 10 pounds super quick (so I can fit into my jeans). Once I start seeing success, I stay committed. "Success begets success". I can't start with a 1-2 pounds a week thing...I need to see results quick or I lose motivation. Then I can do more of a everyday diet plan. My son is a big time personal trainer who would be so mad I am asking this. He is my source of all things balanced and perfect for everyday living.

    So, without the lectures

    1) You may be in the wrong place if you insist on losing quickly
    2) You're barely overweight. Even obese people go outside.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Nobody is going to help you lose quicker than 2 pounds a week (which would even be too aggressive for your situation). A pound a week while logging everything accurately is successful for many people.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    170 at 5'7" isn't that much honestly- I'm 5'8" and I regularly sit around 165.

    Granted my body comp is probably substantially different than yours- but still- it's not absurdly over weight. So step one.
    1.) calm down- the sky is not actually falling.
    2.) you already answered this- losing weight quickly isn't the answer- it didn't come on over night- it won't leave over night.
    3.) Have you been tracking?
    4.) If not- Start tracking
    5.) start implementing a small 250-350 calorie deficit- maintain that until you stop losing weight. When you stop losing- shave off another 250 calories (i.e. as you lose weight- the amount you need to eat will also go down- sucks i know- harsh reality)
    6.) this is a toughey- be patient.
    7.) lather rinse repeat.. and be consistent and stay on point.

    Good luck.

    Either chop off a limb (it's the quickest way to lose weight :trollface: ), or follow this quote.
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    i don`t understand exactly what you are hoping to hear... 2lbs a week is far too aggressive for the amount you have to lose... no one in their right mind is going to suggest a VLCD.... you have a personal trainer for a son.... what are you hoping to hear from strangers on mfp exactly...
  • Trishalisha1234
    Trishalisha1234 Posts: 3 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    If you want a kick start/reset before moving on to something more long term then check out Almased. It does work. Do yourself a favor and use a fiber supplement with it. I understand not wanting to buy larger clothes.

    I'm just using MFP now, which is slower, but I'm working toward a larger goal, not in a panic to lose 10 pounds quickly. I have lost about 10, but it did take a month.

    Thank you so much for this info! I Just ordered it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. 3 weeks and I'll be happy and back to my trainer sons diet plan and workouts.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    tbettridge wrote: »
    ilex70 wrote: »
    If you want a kick start/reset before moving on to something more long term then check out Almased. It does work. Do yourself a favor and use a fiber supplement with it. I understand not wanting to buy larger clothes.

    I'm just using MFP now, which is slower, but I'm working toward a larger goal, not in a panic to lose 10 pounds quickly. I have lost about 10, but it did take a month.

    Thank you so much for this info! I Just ordered it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. 3 weeks and I'll be happy and back to my trainer sons diet plan and workouts.

    Did you read the one star reviews before ordering it?®-Protein-Supports-Optimal-Maximum/product-reviews/B004RRC3P2/ref=cm_rdphist_1?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addOneStar&showViewpoints=0
  • skysiebaby
    skysiebaby Posts: 88 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    tbettridge wrote: »
    ilex70 wrote: »
    If you want a kick start/reset before moving on to something more long term then check out Almased. It does work. Do yourself a favor and use a fiber supplement with it. I understand not wanting to buy larger clothes.

    I'm just using MFP now, which is slower, but I'm working toward a larger goal, not in a panic to lose 10 pounds quickly. I have lost about 10, but it did take a month.

    Thank you so much for this info! I Just ordered it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. 3 weeks and I'll be happy and back to my trainer sons diet plan and workouts.

    Did you read the one star reviews before ordering it?®-Protein-Supports-Optimal-Maximum/product-reviews/B004RRC3P2/ref=cm_rdphist_1?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addOneStar&showViewpoints=0

    Or the utter BS that they claim...

    "If you replace your dinner with Almased®, you speed up the fat burning process during the night. Almased® not only curbs your hunger but also improves thermogenesis, the conversion of fat into heat. The body takes the energy it needs for the nightly repair of cells that were damaged during the day from fat cells – you lose weight while sleeping."
  • soapsandropes
    soapsandropes Posts: 269 Member
    Shakes that promise you fast weight loss are a scam, they only work if you lower your calorie intake, there is nothing in them that will speed up your metabolism magically. They are just taking advantage of your desperation to lose weight quickly and unrealistically fast.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Shakes aren't magic. But for some people it is easier to start out not eating than to start out eating moderately...a mental thing. And as the OP stated, success begets success.

    One star reviews linked mostly stated problems with soy/estrogen which isn't a problem for everyone.

    My experience; Almased = 10 pounds in about 2 weeks vs. MFP/counting calories = 11 pounds in 4 week.

    As OP stated she is looking for a quick start, not a permanent solution.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    It's not the best thing to lose weight so fast, but there is a way to do it sort of healthy, but it requires a lot of work. First you need to create calorie deficit, but you also need to do cardio and weights exercises regularly. I would say at least 3 times a week of each. Both cardio and weights are crucial because you do not want to lose any muscle, just fat.
    As long as you eat balanced meals, and don't starve yourself you should be fine, especially because you do not have a lot of weight to lose. If you need some tips, recipes or support feel free to add me :)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    If you want a quick start, set your deficit to something reasonable (0.5 lbs/week with your stats) but then go low carb. You will drop a bunch of water weight in the first few weeks. It will come back unless you either stay low carb or ease out of it gradually while maintaining a deficit, but it can give you the mental boost you need to get motivated.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member