How often to you weigh?



  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    Pretty much daily. It's a habit like brushing my teeth. I like to try and predict the fluctuations based on my previous day's eating. Yea, I'm weird like that. Been maintaining about 2 1/2 years.
  • JudyPov
    JudyPov Posts: 1 Member
    Weekly. Wednesday is "Weigh Day".
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Daily. Always.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    kdhamner wrote: »
    I weigh twice daily. Once in the morning and once before bed. I just like to see the fluctuations that I have throughout the day/week. I have lost nearly 100 lbs and do ok with the frequent weighing. I know some get frustrated if they weight too often, but I am ok with it. I have really gotten to know my body that way.

    Hmmm... might have to try that.
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    I don't. Messes too much with my head. I measure inches instead. :)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Daily, but I use a trending app, "True Weight" based on the book "Hacker's diet", to knock the water fluctuations out.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Daily, tracked in a spreadsheet with 7-day rolling averages. I only make calorie adjustments if the 7-day averages are going the wrong way after a few weeks.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Daily, because of fluctuations; more data points for a more reliable (though confusing) picture; and it becomes something I just do, and not fear doing once a week (or never).
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    kdhamner wrote: »
    I weigh twice daily. Once in the morning and once before bed. I just like to see the fluctuations that I have throughout the day/week. I have lost nearly 100 lbs and do ok with the frequent weighing. I know some get frustrated if they weight too often, but I am ok with it. I have really gotten to know my body that way.

    Me too. Twice daily. I've learned a lot about how food affects my daily weight.

    Also I find that by weighing frequently each measurement is less important in terms of emotional impact.

  • bkstein40
    bkstein40 Posts: 41 Member
    I weigh myself daily, I only record my progress weekly on Monday's. Some will say throw away the scale, but in reading some info on weight maintenance it recommends weighing daily. As long as I stay with in my range I don't get to upset. I also take weekly measurements, which makes me feel that much better about my progress.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I weigh every day and measure every week. If weight increases by 5 pounds for a couple weeks or measurements are increasing, I reduce calories again.
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    I'm in maintenance, weigh every morning and log the weight in a notebook I keep in the bathroom. Every few weeks I go back and log all the weights at once into MFP. WHen I was losing, I logged the weights into MFP daily.
  • TheVeganOkie
    TheVeganOkie Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh daily. The fluctuations have really helped me learn when my period is going to start. My weight ALWAYS jumps three pounds two days before I start. I also find it interesting how different foods affect my body as well. I'm learning to ❤ my body!! Who knew daily weighing would make that happen!! :)
  • ipastorsally
    ipastorsally Posts: 28 Member
    Dreysander wrote: »
    What the title says. How often to you weigh yourself? I am thinking of starting maintenance soon and I currently weigh every morning, but I'm starting to feel like maybe I need to do it less often due to daily fluctuation.

    I don't have a scale, so I use the HIGI stations at the Giant Stores. I weigh in when I go grocery shopping, every 1 to 2 weeks. I just started maintenance on 12/24/15 and haven't figured out how much to eat to stop dropping weight yet. I don't worry about daily fluctuating since I don't weigh in daily.
  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    I do it every morning BECAUSE of daily fluctuation. I know I'm going to bobble around. I stay in my range. If I weighed once a month, I'd worry about getting a particularly high or low day.

    I do the same, for the same reasons and I'm glad to finally see others do too!
  • DiIDE
    DiIDE Posts: 120 Member
    A waste of time doing it daily due to fluctuations once weekly is sufficient , same time same clothes or no clothes.